Chu month Leng in situ, full brain only two words, finished!

She didn't expect that yesnow would also suffer from amnesia. I can't speak at all. I don't know how to answer her question.

At this time, Gu shaoting rushed in with a team of doctors and nurses.

The doctor examined yesnow carefully. Gu shaoting pulls the Chu month that Leng is in place, hurriedly walked out.

Looking at Chu Yue's dejected appearance, Gu shaoting raised his hand and waved in front of her, "what's the matter? How come you look so scared? Did you break the glass all over the place? "

Chu Yue held Gu shaoting's sleeve tightly and said, "Gu shaoting. Do you know what nono said to me just now? "

"Say what?"

"She asked me who I was!" Chu Yue's voice rose in an instant, and now she still can't accept it.

Gu shaoting is also a face of accident, "do you mean Noro amnesia?"

Chu Yue nodded“ I don't look like she's lying to me or pretending to be

Gu shaoting frowned“ How could that be

Two people waiting at the door of the ward, cloud Ren Han also arrived in time. Ten minutes later, the doctor finally came out.

Yun renhan rushed up, "doctor. How is my sister? "

The doctor pulled the mask off his face. He sighed“ First of all, congratulations. The patient has finally recovered and is in good condition. But there's a problem. The patient seems to have lost his memory

"How could that be?"

The doctor frowned and thought for a moment“ Maybe it was caused by the congestion in the middle of it. It was not that there were no similar patients before. The congestion may have pressed a nerve of the patient, so she lost part of her memory. "

"What should we do now?"

The doctor sighed, "as I said before, this kind of blood clot should be absorbed by itself. So the best thing to do now is to wait until the blood clot is absorbed. Maybe the memory can be restored. "

"If you take out the blood clot, can you immediately restore your memory?"

The doctor shook his head. "I'm not sure. It's our guess that the blood clot oppresses the nerve and leads to the loss of memory. And we still do not recommend surgery, or through self recovery is better

Yun Ren Han sighed and nodded, "OK, thank you, doctor."

Three people fell into silence at the same time, for a moment, they didn't know what to do.

Yun Ren Han sneered, "well, two people at the same time amnesia, each other do not have to be sad, simply live their own lives."

Chu Yue sighed helplessly, "brother Ren Han, you'd better go in and have a look at Nuo. Maybe she can still remember you. Lu sichen just forgot Nuo alone."

Yun renhan nodded and walked into the ward.

Ye Si Nuo is lying quietly on the hospital bed, closed his eyes to rest, heard the sound of opening the door, and then opened his eyes.

See three people come in, Ye Si Nuo slightly frown, because she found that she did not know a person.

Cloud Ren Han looking at Ye Si Nuo, some expectations to open a way: "Nuo Nuo, do you still remember me?"

Ye sinao frowned slightly and shook his head. There was no fluctuation in his eyes. Yun renhan soon showed a disappointed expression.