A major director heard this sentence with a sneer and said: "even if you have ambition, will you tell us? We need an explanation now. What is the situation of Lu sichen? The loss of a company's share price. What are you going to do about it? "

Many of the directors at the bottom responded one after another and spoke discontentedly about the recent problems of the company. Ask for a statement.

Yesno just stood there, looking at them in silence and not talking.

When their voices gradually dropped and all their eyes were on her, ye sinao said faintly: "I have known all the concerns of the directors, and Ji Xiao will issue detailed documents and reports later. First of all, I would like to report to you the current situation of Lu sichen. And some plans for the future. First of all, Lu sichen did not expect that things would be exposed, which would lead to such a result. Originally, after Lu sichen's successful operation, he could come back to manage the company smoothly. But now Lu sichen is still in a coma. I'm not sure when I'll wake up. At present, all matters of the company are under the management of Ji Xiao and Qin Shaojie, and I will also assist in handling them. Please rest assured. "

I heard what yesnow said. There was a commotion among the people below, and they began to discuss Lu sichen's illness.

He stayed and participated in the entire board meeting. After that, I went directly to Lu sichen's office.

Ji Xiao looked at her anxiously, "Mr. Ye, would you like to have a rest. President Lu told me before. You can't be too tired. "

Yesnow shook his head“ I'm all right. How are you doing what I asked you to do? "

Ji Xiao nodded, "internal mail has been sent down, and director Pei has held a meeting there. Now the latest program code should have been written. "

Yesnow nodded. "I see. Let me know if you have any information

The technology department was in such a depressed atmosphere that everyone fell asleep in their respective positions.

Yesterday, I had to work one day to get the code out in time. Everyone complained when they were rushing to work in the early morning.

"Which animal in the world, what we have painstakingly written, has been leaked to others like this."

"That is, if I know who it is, he will never see the sun tomorrow."

"I have to let him know what it's like to write code at three in the morning."

"How can there be so many insiders in our company? Since we don't want to stay here, let's go now!"


Suddenly someone said, "ah, fat man, why are you so quiet today? Usually, if there is such a thing, you scold more actively than anyone else. "

Yan Hu laughed awkwardly, pretended to be frank and said: "it's not that I didn't have a good rest yesterday. Now I'm tired. I don't want to talk nonsense with you here. Write it quickly!"

"Yes, write it quickly. It's due tomorrow."

Pei Yitao stood in front of the French window of the office, looking at Yan Hu's unnatural look, sighed.

The next day, Pei Yitao patted the sleeping people and called them out one by one, "OK, OK, everyone wake up. It's time to get up and work."

Everyone wakes up drowsily and goes to the bathroom to wash.

They often work overtime, so the facilities of the technology department are so complete that they can spend the night here directly, which is also a welfare given by Lu sichen.