Lu sichen was a little angry, but he looked very sad when he thought that ye sinao vomited like that today. I can't bear to be angry with her.

He sighed. He reached out to take elsinor's hand and said very seriously, "nono. I'm telling the truth. It's a real surprise. It may be a shock to you, but it's a surprise to me. "

Yesno lowered his head and did not speak. In fact, she also realized that she had gone too far, as if she was really trying to get to the top.

Lu sichen continued: "it doesn't matter. After all, it's you who have to suffer. I can't be so selfish and force you to make a decision. If you are willing to stay, I will take good care of you. If you don't want to. I'll respect your decision, too, OK? "

Yesnow nodded and whispered, "I'm a little confused. Let me think it over again

Lu sichen did not force her to have a rest in her room. I went downstairs to cook her porridge.

I've been vomiting today. I'm sure I didn't eat much. I'll feel better if I drink some porridge.

Yesnow took a bath. Standing in front of the mirror. Can't help but slightly side looking at his belly.

Clearly know that at this time the stomach is just a germ. But I can't help looking at it carefully.

Yesinor remembered that she was pregnant with three children at that time, and her stomach was frightening, especially after five months, her stomach was like a balloon. It's expanding.

At that time, she needed a person to go out to work and buy things. Fortunately, everyone took good care of her. It helped her a lot.

Thinking of the happiness of looking at her stomach growing by herself at that time, Ye Si Nuo couldn't help bending his mouth.

When Lu sichen brought up the porridge, ye sinao was leaning on the bed, looking through the photos in his mobile phone, all of which were taken when he was a child.

"What are you looking at?" Lu sichen handed her the porridge and asked curiously.

Ye shinuo gave Lu sichen his mobile phone. "It's a picture of the children when they were young, or it's saved from my old mobile phone. You probably haven't seen many of them."

Lu sichen took it over and looked at it curiously. It was true that he had never seen it before.

When they were young, they looked very similar, and they could not even tell which was which. There was a picture of three children fighting and pulling each other's clothes.

Lu sichen couldn't help laughing and said, "it's so cute. They look like me when I was a child."

Ye Si Nuo took a sip of porridge and took a look at it. "This is when they were young. The discrimination of the three children is not very big. And the back one. When it's a little bigger, you can see that little Joe looks like me, and those two look like you. "

Lu sichen sat by the bed and looked through these photos, as if he had participated in their lives.

Ye Si Nuo sighed, "although it was really hard at that time, when the child was young, it was really one day at a time. Observing the changes every day seemed like a gift given to you by God every day. It was a very novel feeling, and my heart was still very happy."

Lu sichen held ye sinao's hand and didn't know what to say.

In fact, after looking at these photos, he even wanted to keep the child, because he wanted to witness his child's first teeth, the first walk, and the first call to Dad.