Unlike when he was just released from prison, Yun Mingshan was wearing a delicate suit and his gray hair had been dyed black. The whole person looks more than ten years younger. The spirit is very good.

Seeing Yun renhan, Yun Mingshan showed a kind smile on his face“ Ren Han, it's hard for you today. But you're sure you've thought about it. If you sign this agreement, you won't be in control of Yunshi. "

Yun Ren was so cold that he was about to gnash his teeth. Lu sichen patted him on the shoulder to calm him down.

Lu sichen gave a faint smile. But he looked at Xiang Mingshan coldly, "Uncle Yun's words are too provocative. Why are we so willing to transfer the shares to you. Don't you have the clearest idea in your mind? "

Yun Mingshan laughed and said to the directors behind him with a smile: "look, now it's really the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave. In the end, Qianlang can only die on the beach. After sitting in this position for such a long time, I dare to talk to you like this. "

Lu sichen gave a faint smile“ Uncle Yun, it's getting late. We can get ready to go on stage. I think today's equity transfer ceremony will be very wonderful. Maybe you can look forward to it. "

Yunmingshan frowned slightly. After thinking about what tricks Si Chen had prepared for landing, they didn't come up with any, so they just gave a cold hum.

Soon everyone was seated and Lu sichen stood at the back door. Watching the equity transfer ceremony.

Yun Renxuan watched the live broadcast and could see that Yun renhan was cold all the way. Obviously, he was very upset. He was very happy when he looked at it.

Looking at yunmingshan, Yun Renxuan's mood is somewhat complicated.

Yun Mingshan quickly signed the name on the document, but Yun renhan held his hand there and hesitated for a long time without writing.

"Mr. Yun, is there anything else to be hesitant about? If you don't want to, it's OK not to sign this agreement. I'm not very interested in these

Listen to the shameless words of yunmingshan, if it wasn't for the live broadcast, yunrenhan would like to rush up and punch him.

He gritted his teeth and quickly signed his name on the document.

"Happy cooperation. Although you can't control Yunshi now, it doesn't matter. Yunshi still belongs to our cloud family." As he said this, Yun Mingshan reached out to Yun renhan and wanted to shake hands with him.

Cloud Ren Han lightly looked at him, directly sat down in the position, did not pay attention to him at all.

Yun Mingshan just a faint smile, but also did not care about his neglect. He calmly sat down in his own position and made a speech with great style.

Lu sichen looked down at his mobile phone from time to time, waiting for the message sent by Yun Renxuan, but he never received it.

Yun Renxuan propped his chin and looked at the computer screen. Thinking of Ye sinao, he suddenly fantasized what kind of scene it would be if he was sitting on Yunming mountain.

When he realized his idea, Yun Renxuan shivered for a while, and didn't expect his ambition.

Cloud Ren Han has been looking at the back door, Lu sichen just shook his head, indicating that cloud Ren Xuan has not sent the specific location.

He sighed and continued to sit aside, looking at Yun Mingshan's speech with a cold face.