"Mr. Ye, I understand what you are doing, but the suspension of work at present has a great impact on us. Personnel costs. The cost of the venue. And the salary of these staff members, every day the money is spent like running water. We really can't stop work. "

Ye sinao also understood that, but if the problem of plagiarism is not solved, it is difficult for the trainee plan to make achievements.

"Don't stop shooting for the time being. As soon as the plagiarism problem is solved, the program will be more popular."

The director put down his heart“ Well, now that you say so, we'll go on with our work. "

Ye also went to the scene to see a circle. The mobile phones of these trainees have been put in, so they don't know the outside news at all, and they don't know that Li's group also has a similar program.

Ye sinao suddenly thought that Zhao Shiyu was also a member of Li's entertainment company. Maybe we can get some useful information from her and look for her in a hurry.

Finally, Zhao Shiyu was found in the first level practice room. See Ye Si Nuo appear, everybody says hello one after another.

Ye Si Nuo nodded faintly, "everyone worked hard. Take a break. "

I watched Zhao Shiyu sit down on the chair beside the wall. Yesinor also walked slowly in the past. He sat down directly beside her.

Ye sinao did not take the initiative to speak, so silent, waiting for Zhao Shiyu to speak to her.

"Mr. Ye, you are really dedicated. I've never seen a boss like you. I've been in our company for so many years, and I've seen our boss lose every hand. "

Yesnow chuckled“ Are you talking about lisjue? I thought he was very serious about his work. It seems that he doesn't care much about entertainment companies. "

Zhao Shiyu sighed, "after all, the scale of our company is not very large, the results are not very good, and it's normal for the boss not to care."

Ye Si Nuo said with a smile: "why did Li choose you to be an intern? You are so excellent, aren't you afraid of running away? "

Zhao Shiyu laughed and winked at ye SinoU, "Mr. Ye, to tell you the truth, I really have a plan to run away."

Ye Si Nuo slightly raised the corner of his mouth, did not speak.

Zhao Shiyu continued: "it's not me who blows. I'm really the strongest among the trainees. As for why I'm chosen, maybe I'm trying to keep up appearances. After all, I can't give the company too much shame. "

Ye Si Nuo chuckled and said tentatively, "I heard that Li Shi seems to have the intention of doing similar variety shows recently. He is more willing to let you stay in his own programs than to be more ostentatious. After all, you are a big guarantee of the audience rating."

Zhao Shiyu covered his chest with an excited look on his face. "Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to rate me so highly. But I haven't heard that Li Shi is going to do variety show recently. Maybe your message is wrong, otherwise I can't have no idea. "

Ye sinao turned his eyes, nodded faintly, and instantly understood, "that may be my mistake. You can practice well. There will be an assistant to deliver afternoon tea later. I'll go first. "

When he got the news he wanted, he got up and left.

It seems that Li sijue really prepared this program after watching the trainee plan, probably for the purpose of keeping Huanyu secret, so she didn't let Huanyu trainees participate in it at all.