An Xuan nodded, as if with a slight sigh of relief, "that Miss ye must also know. I'm just married to lisjue. I'm actually a homosexual. "

"Yes, I know!"

An Xuan took a sip of coffee. He said bitterly, "I was very miserable when I married Li sijue. I could only live on both sides of an family and Li family. Li sijue's mother had a very bad attitude towards me. They strictly control me and don't allow me to go out to see anyone. I haven't seen her for a long time! "

He said. An Xuan's tears came down. "You know, you can't see the person you miss. What a pain in the heart

"I know how you feel, but miss Ann. It's your own business. I don't know what I can do for you? "

An Xuan wiped his tears“ I think about it. The only one who can help me is you and Lu sichen. I want you to help me find my girlfriend. I don't know what my father and lisjue did with her. I'm really worried about her safety! "

Yesno tapped the table“ You know, we are not relatives and friends. Why should I risk offending Li sijue and an Juchang to help you? "

An Xuan laughed sarcastically“ I understand. As a businessman. There must be an exchange of interests. Li sijue never defends me, because he knows that I have no interest in the company. If you need any information about Li sijue, I can find a way to solve it. I need you to help me find her, make sure she is safe, and take me to see her! "

Yesinor was silent for a moment. This matter really needs to be considered carefully before it can be decided.

"Well, you give me three days to think about it, and I'll contact you when I think about it clearly!"

An Xuan nods and adds wechat to ye sinao.

"Are these the people of Lisi Jue? They know I'll meet you. Won't it be a problem? "

An Xuan turned his head and shook his head. "They are the bodyguards of an Jia. I live in an Jia recently. As long as I don't meet her, my parents don't ask for anything else! "

Ye Si Nuo nodded and watched an Xuan leave with her bag. She didn't take back her sight until she couldn't see her back.

She suddenly felt that an Xuan was also a very poor person, unable to be with her beloved. Now she wanted to be imprisoned like a canary.

"Is it over? The children are tired and want to go back to rest! " Lu sichen came to her and called her God back.

Ye Si Nuo nodded and looked over to see that the three little ones were already lying on the table, all wilting.

In a few words, she told Lu sichen an Xuan's request, "do you think we should cooperate with her?"

Lu sichen pondered for a moment, "and you? What do you think? "

Ye Si Nuo sighed, "from the emotional point of view, I feel sorry for her, and I really want to help her. But starting from reason, we should consider this matter carefully. After all, we still have certain risks! "

Lu sichen nodded, "it takes a certain amount of skill for an Ju Chang to climb to his present position. To help an Xuan is tantamount to fighting against an Jia and Li Jia, and the risk behind it needs to be carefully assessed!"