Ye Si Nuo patted on his arm, "you send him back, how to do that fun! He's the big brother of fun now. It's the deck. There are a lot of people who want us to fight with him, so that we can take the opportunity to sign him away! "

Lu sichen was told by her. He didn't speak any more. He looked at loze coldly and exerted pressure on him.

Loze said apologetically: "I'm here today to apologize. I'm sure it won't happen again. I'll work hard!"

Yesnow frowned slightly, "so you can tell me. Why are you fighting with Gu Ye? "

Loze's expression was very tangled, and he didn't want to speak. It was obvious that there was something difficult to say.

Lu sichen gave a sneer“ Get out of here if you don't want to

Loze sighed. "To tell you the truth, it's really about sister snow!"

Both yesno and Lu sichen widened their eyes. Obviously, I didn't expect to be guessed right by those fans.

"What's the matter with you?" Yesnow's face became serious.

Loze frowned slightly. Remember that day.

After Gu Ye spoke rudely to ye sinao, the two men scuffled together, and then were found by the staff. That's when we finally split up.

The staff were afraid that they would clash again. They were put in different lounges.

Before yesno arrived. Gu Ye goes to loze's lounge and takes the initiative to find him.

Luoze saw Gu Ye come in, frowning, excited to rush up again“ Do you owe me a beating? Do you still want to taste fists? "

Two people's faces were painted in varying degrees, looking particularly embarrassed.

"I've come to you. There's something I want to show you! "

With that, Gu Ye handed him the envelope in his hand, and loze took it suspiciously, wondering what it was.

When he saw what was inside, his pupils contracted instantly.

As soon as the strength of his hand was relaxed, the photos in loze's hand fell to the ground like snowflakes, everywhere.

And those photos are particularly explicit, in which the protagonist, without exception, are ye Sinuo.

Gu Ye laughs, "you see, this is what you call the lofty ye sinao. You don't know what he looks like behind his back!"

"No way!" Luoze rushed up and punched Gu Ye.

This time, Gu Ye didn't let him fight. He directly controlled Luoze's fist and said, "you say, if I put all these photos on the Internet, what kind of effect will it be?"

Loze's eyes were red with anger. He was young and angry. He didn't think about how Gu Ye got these photos.

"What do you want?" Loze said, gnashing his teeth.

"As long as you promise me one thing, I promise that this picture will never be made public!" Gu Ye spoke lightly.

"What's the matter?"

"We can't tell anyone the reason for the fight, including the photos, or anyone. If yesno knows, I can't guarantee that I will do anything! " Gu Ye's tone is full of threats.

Loze thought for a while with his confused brain. If he didn't tell the truth of the fight, there would be no problem. Anyway, yesnow was more important, so he agreed quickly.