All commodity prices are discussed by yesno with his team, including the selection and quality control of commodities.

During the whole period of the live broadcast, yesnow was standing in a corner of the studio.

The anchor was dug up by Yun. It is also an anchor that is ready to be launched and built.

The live broadcast is very fast. Plus the first time, so it is inevitable that there will be confusion. And live link problems.

Ye sinao went up to help deal with it for the first time. After a live broadcast, she felt that she was too tired to move.

However, the situation on the first day was much better than yesno expected. Most of the linked products were sold more than half, and the number of viewers exceeded expectations.

It's more than ten o'clock in the evening after the conference, and yesno just walked into the office. I was hugged from behind.

The smell that men are familiar with comes, which makes her relax.

"You scared the hell out of me!"

Lu sichen gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Yun renhan and I were staring at her all the time. I got all the data, and I did a good job! "

Ye Si Nuo turns to embrace his strength waist, "very tired! But I feel we still have a lot of problems! "

Lu sichen bent straight through her leg. Hold him up. "It's OK. There will be a lot of problems in the first attempt. As the first people to eat crabs, it will be a little more difficult! "

Yesnow nodded. A good start made her more motivated.

weekend. It's the day to go to Yun's house.

Three small only know to see Yun Mingyuan and Yun yuan are particularly happy. We had a great time last time.

Lu sichen has already prepared gifts for Yun Mingyuan's recovery.

When he comes to the cloud home again, ye sinao feels that his state of mind seems to be different.

When entering the door, yesnow suddenly didn't know how to call them. He stood awkwardly in the same place.

Yun yuan ignored the past and took the initiative to hold her hand“ If it's OK, we'll take it as if nothing happened. You can call us whatever you want! "

"Thank you, Auntie!"

It's also a very important thing to call yesno to come this time.

Yun Mingyuan sighed and took out a thick and simple book, which is the genealogy of the Yun family.

"Nuo Nuo, I've thought about it. Although Mingxin and Jingyi are not married, you are a child of the cloud family. I still want to put you in the genealogy. If you like, you can also take over my name and be my daughter

Ye Si Nuo subconsciously looked at Yun yuan, Yun yuan chuckled, "the child is OK, we have discussed, I have no opinion on this matter!"

Yesnow thought for a moment, and finally shook his head to say no.

"No, in my heart, I'm still mom and dad's child! You'll have one more family member, and you'll forget about joining the genealogy! "

Ye sinao knew that she was not qualified to enter the genealogy. After all, her mother and Yun Mingxin were not married.

Yun Mingyuan didn't ask, "since you don't agree now, forget it! But if you agree, you will be given a place in the family tree of the cloud family! "

"Thank you, uncle Yun!"

"Silly child, we are the real relatives. We are related by blood! So don't be so polite in the future, you are our daughter!