Today, although the Yuzhou army has been under the command of Huangfu Chaobo, it is unknown to all the people in the world except for the ten high-level historical generals under Huangfu Chaobo, let alone the more hidden planned war against Cao.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "leave this matter to me. I'll go and talk to some of them. After all, even if they fail, they will quit Bingzhou, but you can't make any mistakes."

Huangfu Chaobo nodded and said, "except for the lack of support in terms of troops, other problems are not a problem. I will try my best to support them in terms of weapons, equipment, food and horses."

After a little pause, he said, "Lao Zhao, they are all good, mainly the Xiake. All his wealth is in Shuofang. Alas..."

Even though the world knows that this is a tangled problem, after thinking about it, he asked, "how about your loss this time?"

"Kong and I have sent out 100000 troops, and now we are only over 40000, that is to say, the loss has reached nearly 60%. Besides, you have to know that there are ten thousand soldiers in Yuzhou army barracks. So

"Hiss, nearly 60000 casualties..." Kill the wrong wolf scared straight tooth flower son. "Sure enough, it's a game that the earthen moats can play. Alas, these poor children can only stand by and watch

Heavy casualties in the army, the players all see, but the specific casualties we do not know, so Huangfu Chaobo's words, two people are scared.

Huangfu Chaobo shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "the following 100000 troops are on their way, so you know that..."

They had already understood what Huangfu Chaobo meant and said: "leave this matter to me. I'll get off the line later and discuss with them in the league. I'll tell you their decision at that time."

Huangfu Chaobo nodded and said, "well, let's see how they arrange it."

Zonghengtianxia and shacuo wolf look at each other, and then both of them leave the county government. Zonghengtianxia can't get off the line until Chen arrives.

After the two of them left, Huangfu Chaobo left the County Yamen and went to the west of the city wall. He had just heard the warning horn in the county yamen. It seems that Ji Ling's army is ready to attack the city. Anyway, he must go to the city wall to inspect.

When Huangfu Chaobo arrived at the bottom of the city wall, he found that the war at the head of the city was not fierce. It turned out that Ji Lingjun was still filling the river. As he was about to climb the city, Zhang Ying had already led several generals down the city wall. The generals did not agree that Huangfu Chaobo wanted to go to the city at this time, for fear that he would be hit by arrows or stones. In desperation, Huangfu Chaobo had to return to the county government and wait for Ji Lingjun to stop attacking before going to the city.

In the evening of that day, the Jiling army finally stopped attacking. To everyone's surprise, the news came back that there were another 20000 reinforcements arriving at the Jiling army camp in Anfeng city. After that, the Jiling army reached nearly 100000 again.

Ji Lingjun's half day attack has filled dozens of siege channels in the moat to the West and north of Yulou city. Now we have to wait until tomorrow to officially attack the city.

That night, Huangfu Chaobo recruited Zhang Ying again and asked him about the defense of the city, the arrangement of the troops and the cooperation of the generals. After some inquiry, Huangfu Chaobo was relieved, and even Pang Tong nodded.

The next morning, Ji Ling's army camp outside the city began to attack. Ji Ling began to command the army to attack Yulou county.

When Ji Ling attacked Yu Lou, Huang Zhong had already arrived at geyang, 200 miles away. Originally, Huang Zhong was going to gather the left behind generals to discuss business after he arrived in geyang. Who knows, before he entered the city, he saw all the left behind people coming to meet him at the gate of the city. The leader was Zuo Chengzu, the governor of Lujiang River. After him, Han Siam, Wang Ran, Kong Xin and Zhou Tai were all present.

"I've seen the general begging for thieves!"

"I'm not going to see the general who asked for the thief!"

Seeing a thousand cavalry escorting Huang Zhong's arrival, several people came to see him.

Seeing this, Huang Zhong quickly stretched out his hand and ordered the cavalry to stop. He quickly turned over and dismounted. He quickly stepped forward and helped several people up one by one, saying, "Marshal Liu, please get up!"

Huang Zhong had a superior position in Anton's army. On the one hand, he was a veteran of Huangfu Chaobo. On the other hand, he was also a loyal brother of Huangfu Chaobo. Moreover, he was loyal to Huangfu Chaobo, and his official position was second only to Huangfu Chaobo. So when they got that Huangfu Chaobo would return to geyang to preside over military affairs, they all rushed to geyang to meet and listen to his arrangement.

After everyone got up, Huang Zhong said with a smile: "I was thinking of sending someone to invite you all to discuss the matter of reinforcements after I arrived at geyang. I didn't expect that everyone was here, so I didn't have to send someone to invite you. Please follow me to the city for discussion."

"General, please!" They all responded together;

Huang Zhong didn't say much. Under the guidance of Wang Ran, he entered the city and headed for the county government.After everyone had settled down, Huang Zhongxian asked, "General Wang, how are the reinforcements going? How many troops have arrived in geyang?"

Hearing Huang Zhong's inquiry, Wang ran quickly got up and replied, "report back to the general. At present, the reinforcements that have arrived in geyang are only 20000 garrison soldiers in Runan County, and it will take a few days for the soldiers and horses in the other two counties."

Huang Zhong nodded, which was basically consistent with his inference. However, Huang Zhong was thinking about the issue of reinforcements all the way. After careful consideration, he had made a decision, but he was not ready to announce it immediately. Instead, he told everyone in detail about the war, so that everyone could have a clear idea.

It took about half an hour for Huang Zhong to tell everyone about the course of the war and the current situation of the army. After that, Xiangzhong said: "considering that it will take a few days for all the reinforcements to arrive, Ben will decide not to wait for the reinforcements to arrive in geyang, but to lead some soldiers and horses to set out first. The first purpose is that the irrigation bridges have been basically damaged, so Ben will lead tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to the West Bank of irrigation first, and set up the floating bridges to cross the river, waiting for the follow-up soldiers and horses to arrive After that, you can cross the river without waiting for the bridge to be built. "

Huang Zhong's words brightened everyone's eyes. That's right. In this way, we can really save a lot of time.