V8 president's room is located on the top floor of Haize hotel. Guests who can walk on this floor are either rich or expensive.

And the hotel for the management here, very strict, not only will strictly protect the privacy of guests, but also ad hoc entrance guard.

Of course, all the management measures, in front of several family members, are in vain.

When the security personnel in front of the building saw Qin Baiyu and others coming out of the elevator, they immediately took out the magnetic card from their chest and brushed the door ban for them, "four little, Han little, Qiao little, please!"

In the corridor of the whole building area, it is very quiet. Tonight was originally the engagement banquet of Mohist. The hotel is closed, so the occupancy rate is very low.

Yan Shiqi took the man's hand. With the door number of the suite in front of him, Shaoqing had already stood in front of the door of the V8 president's room.

One door apart, like two worlds.

She turned her eyes and looked at the clear lines of the man beside her. She laughed lightly: "do you want to go in together? Or... "

This word is still hanging in the mouth, but the door of V8 suite slowly opened.

Everyone's eyes came to see Ling MI, who was wearing a red cheongsam in the door, and her face appeared in the field of vision.

She was dull for a long time, and her expression changed again and again. When she found the banter in Yan Shiqi's eyes, she suddenly recovered. She said to the man, "I want to talk to you alone!"

Ling Mishan turns a blind eye to others and only looks at Qin Baiyu.

Han Yunting and Qiao Mu behind him frowned almost instantly.

Yan Shiqi didn't say a word. Her eyes slowly fell on the man. She respected his decision. If she wanted to talk about it alone, she would avoid it first.

Anyway, no matter what Ling Mi wants to talk to him about, she can't make a big difference.

The man looked down at Ling Mi indifferently, his eyes slightly closed, his eyes as deep as ink, his voice was low and without temperature: "there is no need for me to talk with you alone."

At the end of his speech, he gathered a thick eyebrow, alienated and indifferent.

Ling Mi looked at him angrily. "I want to talk to you alone because I don't want to hurt innocent people. Since it's not necessary, let's come in together. "

She pushed open the door of the body side, let to one side, just slightly drooping head posture, as if showing a bit helpless.

At this time, Yan Shiqi glanced at her, amused, but did not show it.

Just now, when Ling Mi said, "I don't want to hurt innocent people," she looked at herself.

What chips does she have to win so well?

Yan Shiqi took a look at her, and when a group of four strolled into the suite, four people stood almost at the same time in the living room.

The smell of the room is different from that of ordinary perfume.

It's sweet and greasy, with an indescribable fragrance.

Before speaking, Han Yunting stepped forward. Ignoring the cold outside the window, he directly opened the glazed door between the living room and the balcony.

With the cold wind coming from the twilight, it poured into every corner of the room wantonly, gradually dispersing the fragrance, leaving only the cool.

Although Qiao Mu didn't say that, when he sat down on the single sofa, he looked at Ling Mi's gradually coming figure, and sneered and disdained in his deep cold eyes, "is that what you want to talk about with Lao Si alone?"

Ling Mi's face was blank, and she looked scornful of Qiao mu. She asked, "what are you talking about?"


With a sneer, Qiao Mu pointed his finger towards Ling MI, shook his head and sighed, "you really open my eyes, Ling Mi!"