As the night wind comes slowly, the figure of the man's negative hand is slender and straight, dressed in a dark shirt and trousers, and the three buttons on the chest of the shirt are relaxed, and the skirt is gently stirred by the wind, which also makes her heart a mess.

Behind the car, starting the engine left Linhu Bay, in this side of the world, leaving a quiet and beautiful undisturbed.

Step into, inkstone when seven suppress heart beat, step on two steps, and man four eyes relative.

She heard him say, "tired or not?"

Slightly shaking his head, inkstone when seven sigh close to him, "OK..."

Tired, indeed.

But to see him, just like the spring rain has revived the earth, my heart is filled with feelings for him.

The man silently smile, hand her into his arms, "come in."

"How can I be sent here tonight?"

Yan Shiqi was led into the gate by a man. She thought Mu Yi would send her back to yueceng building.

At the entrance, the man said in a mellow voice: "don't you want to move out? See if you like it or not. "

Inkstone when seven stunned looking at the man's line of sight, suddenly blurted out, "you prepared?"

Linhuwan! It's not an ordinary villa!

At the beginning, the news that sold out overnight almost killed all the major real estate pages. Because she said she wanted to move out, the man bought the villa in linhuwan?

Is it possible?

Qin Baiyu saw Yan Shiqi's astonishment, thin lips pursed a smile, took her into the living room, voice clear, "not completely, this is one of the betrothal gifts."

Yan Shiqi

To be honest, she didn't read the list carefully from beginning to end.

After the list was taken away by even the lady, she had no chance to see her.

Now, suddenly hear the man's words, let inkstone seven heart plain white gave birth to a complex and strange idea.

Is Qin Baiyu really so partial to her only because of her marriage?

Yan Shiqi is still immersed in the man's words and can't extricate himself. When he walks into the living room carelessly, under the bright light, the layout of each place is ingenious and exquisite, and the modern style is integrated with the warmth of home.

It can be seen that it was carefully arranged.

After she looked, she turned her eyes and ran into the man's soft pupil.

Speechless, as he brought her, that long unspeakable feelings.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, especially!"

Yan Shiqi was deeply moved.


"Oh, happy wedding... Bang!"

A sudden exclamation accompanied by the explosion of open champagne, instantly contained inkstone when seven kiss action.

So it's not just the two of them tonight?

Mo Liangyu rushed out of the stairs beside the living room with champagne in his mouth. He was still standing at the entrance of the living room and his heart was broken when he ran into Qin Baiyu's cold eyes!

He is still a playboy, dressed in a flashy shirt, with closed dark pants, wearing limited edition AJ, and his expression is indescribable.

He slowly stopped shaking the champagne, and saw the two people in the living room embracing each other slowly. He wanted to die.

It was Qiao er who pushed him and told him to open the champagne to celebrate. Why did Mao become like this again?

When Mo Liangyu was still afraid to move, several overlapping steps came from behind. Qiao Mu and Han Yunting stepped into the living room, followed by Ying Feifei, Yin ansa and Ling MI.