Night xuanchen looked at the mutant wolf from beginning to end, and then his eyes showed a satisfied color. The wolf is not bad!

But why does this guy keep locking himself?

Night xuanchen was puzzled. He stood here and didn't deliberately provoke him. Why did he only lock himself?

At this time, the python on yexuan's index finger squirmed, and a provocative "hissing" sound came out of its mouth.

The voice was not loud, but everyone heard it, but they didn't know where it came from. After all, their attention was on the mutant wolf opposite at this time.

But the eyes of the coal ball were instantly locked on the index finger of yexuanchen. Although it was very small, it clearly saw that the python was spitting out snake letters and provoking itself.


The coal ball was so angry that it was provoked by a small insect. After roaring, it rushed directly to yexuanchen.

The sound it makes is not like the sound of an ordinary wolf. It is very much like a large monster in the fairy world.

But at this time, yexuanchen was not in the mood to pay attention to this. He blacked his face, resisted the impulse to crush a snake on his index finger, and then ran away.


The coal ball was like a flash of lightning. It came near in an instant. The surrounding fog was knocked open by it, and a channel with clear vision came out.

And Ren Xiong, a few people on one side, only felt that a gust of vigorous wind had passed, and yexuan morning and the mutant giant wolf had no shadow.

But the sounds of the trampling of bushes, the shaking of trees and the breaking of dead branches were constantly transmitted to their ears.

Relying on his small size, yexuanchen ran around the big tree, while the fog blocking his sight was not affected at all.

The coal ball pounced several times and didn't catch yexuanchen. It immediately became angry and roared up to the sky. It gave up the pursuit directly, but turned around and went with Ren Xiong over there.

Seeing this scene, yexuanchen was slightly surprised. He immediately reminded: "big bear, run, the little black wolf is coming to you!"

With that, yexuanchen immediately turned to Ren Xiong's direction.

Hearing the name of the little black wolf, a cold color flashed in the eyes of the coal ball again, so it ran to Ren Xiong, and their speed was faster.

Ren Xiong and others had just heard the reminder of yexuanchen and were going to run. The ground was shocked and the huge body of the coal ball stood in front of several people.

It directly raised its claws and photographed the nearest fire cloud.

Because it appeared too suddenly, and the speed was too fast, the fire cloud couldn't react at all. Seeing that the claws of the coal ball would fall on her head.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and a small stone flew from the rear and shot directly at the claw center of the coal ball.

"Dang!" The sound was as unaffected as the sound of hitting an iron ball on a stone.

Yexuan was surprised in the morning. What a hard claw.

But just then, a trace of cunning flashed in the eyes of the coal ball. Its hind legs suddenly kicked, and its whole body suddenly jumped into the air. The claws that were supposed to shoot at the head of huoyun suddenly changed the track and went directly in the dark morning.

The speed was still scary. Yexuanchen didn't respond.

When the claw quickly patted on his shoulder, night xuanchen used his spiritual power in a hurry. Almost in the blink of an eye, he disappeared in situ and fell in the nearby grass.

Good guy, I actually brought him back on purpose!