One is that Chu Junyu is not such a person. The other is that the scene at this time is really not a place to joke, so they know that Chu Junyu must have something to say.

Sure enough, after the people looked at him, Chu Junyu tapped twice on the computer screen, and then motioned them to look at the big screen.

Arthur's photos appeared on the big screen. Chu Junyan put several photos one after another, and then said, "this is the photo taken 60 years ago, and it is also the last time Arthur appeared in the sight of the outside world."

As soon as these words came out, someone opened his eyes in shock.

"How is this possible? According to the data, this guy was over 80 years old 60 years ago. How can he still be alive now!!" Someone was very surprised.

But from the previous video, Arthur is not only alive, but also well

If it's the same person, isn't it that this person has to be about 140 years old?

How is this possible!!!?

At this age, it must be a monster?

"Can't it be two people?" Someone questioned.

"Yes, how can normal people live so long?" Someone nodded in agreement.

It's hard to believe that this is the same person.

"Who knows! But my intuition tells me that this is the same person. " Chu Jun spread his hand. Although he couldn't see anything on his face, his eyes were as surprised as others.

After collecting intelligence for so many years, he suspected for the first time that what he found might be false information.

After the short dispute, people still hold a skeptical attitude, and they don't know whether to believe that this is the same person or to doubt the intelligence error of Chu Junyu.

So everyone looked at Ling Tian who had not yet expressed his opinion.

Ling Tian took back his sight from the big screen, and the look on his face made people can't guess what he thought.

"I once felt that there could be no supernatural force in this world."

Ling Tian looked around the conference table with a cold voice: "but many things have happened recently. I believe you can see it. Whether it's the disappearance of officials, the video of the helicopter just now, and this Arthur, we can't judge it with common sense."

"Everything has gone beyond our previous understanding. If we continue to insist on these things, it is just a coincidence, then country h and country R will be our end."

When Ling Tian said this, many people lowered their heads. Indeed, they saw what had happened these days. Everything was so strange and unreasonable.

The atmosphere in the conference hall became extremely 9 depressed again. Everyone wanted to take action, but there was no breakthrough at all.

Bai Guanqing pursed her lips, then looked up at Ling Tian and asked, "so, Young Marshal, do you mean to believe that Arthur is an old monster who has lived for 140 years?"

Ling Tian nodded.

He has completely believed it.

For Ling Tian's answer, everyone looked different, but most of them showed approval, and only a small part hesitated.

After all, some thoughts are deeply rooted in their minds at birth, and it is difficult to accept this statement for a time

Glancing faintly at those people, Ling Tianshen said in a voice: "this thing is not based on these data, but I have seen it with my own eyes."