
Nie Xiaojiu tilted his mouth and sat back in a proper manner. His ears turned on the shielding mode

"It's OK to fool around at ordinary times. You actually handed me a blank paper for the monthly exam. Do you want to piss me off?"

Liang Kuan kept slapping the podium angrily. He was good at class C. The monthly exam actually appeared. Both of them handed in blank papers. Even the teachers of class F began to laugh at him.

Nie Xiaojiu turned a white eye in his heart and cut! I wish I could really piss you off

"And you, yexuan morning!! It's also a blank test paper, and you skip class for a week. Don't you want to read it? "

With Nie Xiaojiu finished, Liang Kuan's cannibal eyes fell on yexuanchen who didn't speak.

In fact, he was a little confused. If he had said Nie Xiaojiu before, yexuanchen would immediately stand up and talk back to him. Why is it so quiet today?

"Sorry, I'm hospitalized with a cold and fever. It's too late to ask for leave!" Night Xuan morning leisurely repeated what the housekeeper taught him in the morning.

"Er......" Liang Kuan didn't respond to yexuanchen's "sincere" apology for a moment. Is the boy sexual?

The students around also looked at aliens and looked at night xuanchen, but most of them looked secretly and didn't dare to be blatant.

Uncomfortable pushed his glasses. Liang Kuan said in a deep voice: "pay attention in the future. You can ask for leave and make a phone call..."

After all, yexuanchen's identity is there, and his attitude of admitting his mistake is rare in a hundred years. Liang Kuan is not good to say anything more.

"Yes!" Yexuan nodded in the morning.

Liang Kuan felt more uncomfortable. He always felt something wrong?

But now it's class time. Liang Kuan doesn't think much anymore and begins to distribute the test papers of the last monthly exam

Nie Xiaojiu thumbed up at the table, took Liang Kuan's attention and said with a smile, "it's terrible. I learned to admit my mistake."

Night xuanchen ignored him and opened the textbook on the table very curiously

But after turning a few pages, yexuanchen closed the book because he didn't know a word.

Liang Kuan spits on the podium, explaining the difficult questions in the monthly exam, and his eyes sweep to the "key attention" night xuanchen and Nie Xiaojiu from time to time.

After seeing yexuanchen turn the book for a while, he directly initiated to stay. Nie Xiaojiu buried his head, took his mobile phone in both hands and put it under the table. He didn't know what he was doing.

Liang Kuan sighed a long sigh in his heart. He thought he had changed his sex, but he didn't expect to install it for three seconds

That's all. At least you don't bother others. Just stay in a daze.

After nine classes, Nie almost broke his neck... "After the long class, I almost fell asleep..."

Night xuanchen gave him a faint look. This guy looks at his mobile phone in three classes and sleeps in one class. Is he really here to study?

"Walk, eat." Nie Xiaojiu took yexuanchen and walked outside.

Yun Muhan had already been waiting for them under the teaching building, and there was a beautiful girl standing next to him. They seemed to be saying something. The girl looked a little angry.

"Oh! Why is Su Han here? " Nie Xiaojiu, with a lollipop in his mouth, went to the girl and pulled her hair.

"Nie, Xiao and Jiu, go away. I don't want to talk to you two now!" Yun Suhan clapped Nie Xiaojiu's claws open, his eyebrows turned upside down, and stared at Nie Xiaojiu like a flame.