But he replied.

"All along, I have a doubt in my heart whether the God of light really exists. This doubt has been growing and has gradually reached the point that it is enough to shake my belief. I must verify the evidence of the existence of the God of light, otherwise all our beliefs will be meaningless.

In order to prove the existence of the God of light, I have to do an experiment, and just at this time, an emissary of the abyss found me, so naturally, I used this person to summon evil things from the abyss. If the God of light exists, it can definitely prevent this crisis. "

After listening to the song of Chu, he was speechless, "but what if the God of light doesn't exist? Do you have to sacrifice so many people for an experiment? Those innocent villagers, those innocent guards? "

St. Angram shook his head: "the silent guards and the light knights are both committed to the church, and their sacrifice is voluntary. As for the villagers, their existence is not important. Compared with the truth of the God of light, their sacrifice is worth it. Moreover, since they came here to pray for the protection of the God of light, they should have done a good job The consciousness of sacrifice. "

After listening to the song of Chu for a while, he was speechless. For a man who grew up under the red flag and had no natural liking for ghosts, ghosts and gods, he really couldn't understand the belief. Any belief should only be believed when it's beneficial to him. If he doesn't even have his life, it's useless whether the God of light exists or not. This is to prove his belief So many people died casually. It is clear that they are just like heretics.

"Now you should have understood. I don't think we need to fight any more. The God of light has responded to me and proved its existence. Although the monastery of silent light has been destroyed, soon I will build a larger church for it. More believers will gather soon. Now bring this news back to the church, I hope I think the Pope will reward you. "

In Chu GE's heart, however, there was a burst of anger for no reason, which was his ghost logic.

"Get out of your mother's God of light, I'm here today to kill you to pieces!" Chu Ge shouts a sword and cuts it, but it is blocked by the other side again.

There was a sneer on St. Angram's face. "Ha ha, it's obvious that a mortal like you can't understand such a great idea. I'm not surprised, but it doesn't matter. I'll soon end your stupid life."

When he said this, his face suddenly changed, and he seemed to think of something. He said to himself, "why do I say this sentence? It seems familiar. I remember that I once said this sentence to someone. She is standing in your position, and I am standing here. What I want to say next is" - that Angram recites every word The lines are like, "Welcome - receive - light - light - light - God - de - judge - judge."

He was shocked, as if he had been frightened by what he said. "Wait a minute, why do I have the feeling that this is not the first time I have had this conversation?"

Another voice immediately roared, "of course, it's not the first time you've had this conversation, stupid. Otherwise, why would I exist?"

When Chu Ge saw Angram's reaction, he was shocked. It was so terrible that my brother didi seemed to find out the truth of his boss. Besides, he was not the first one to do his job.

However, this metaphysical thing will be studied later. When you are sick, you will die. Since you are gone, don't blame me for being black handed.

The song of Chu suddenly stabs out.

Dang, once again blocked down, Chu Gexin said no, the goods are clearly distracted. No, it seems that this action is not made by him, but the reaction of the bright armor and sword shield.

No matter. Cut it.

Chu Ge thought, the bright Knight Sword in his hand cut out one after another.

Angram seemed to recover from his trance, and his face became calm and stiff, fighting with the song of Chu.

The bigger the song of Chu is, the more surprised it is. How fast! What strength! Although this Saint Angram doesn't know any swordsmanship, he is extremely fast and powerful. Although his moves are simple and direct, he still has the same result as Chuge, and even once occupied the advantage. After all, the opponent's attack is all instinctive, but Chuge's Liuyun no trace body method consumes internal power.

The Liuyun sword technique of the song of Chu is fully open. You come and you go. The big sword of the bright Knight collides with each other's lightsabers, making a pleasant sound and dazzling golden sparks.

This battle is unprecedented, not only the opponent's speed and strength are very strong, but also the skill does not pose a threat to himself, so that Chuge can use all the moves of Liuyun sword once.

The more you fight, the more hi you get. Chu Gexin says that if you shoot it, you can definitely send it to the cinema as a blockbuster. However, the fight is very enjoyable, but you are still a little anxious in your heart. Damn, your internal power is going to be unbearable.

At this time -

system prompt: your Liuyun sword skill has been improved to lv10.In my mind, there was a burst of transparency. One move of Liuyun sword technique flashed like a slide in my mind, and finally condensed into a mirage.

System Tip: you have understood the ultimate meaning of Liuyun sword from your long-term use of Liuyun sword.

Chuge's eyes suddenly shine, the clouds change!

Changing clouds: enter the changing clouds state, lasting for three seconds. In this state, your movement speed increases by 100%, dodges any physical attack, and cannot be locked as the target. Use this skill to consume 90 points of internal power, and the cooling time is 60 seconds.

Suddenly, his figure suddenly drifted like a mirage. When the other side cut again, Chu Ge didn't retreat, but advanced, as if he had a hard blade.

However, the blade passes through Chuge's body, but there is no blood rushing out. It is a residual shadow left by the extremely fast movement. The next moment, Chuge appears on Angram's side.

The speed of a sword makes Angram have no chance to block. Pooh, Angram can't believe that his body is cut by the long sword, and his blood is reduced by one third instantly.

He suddenly turned back to sweep, but Chuge disappeared in his sight again, and then appeared on the other side of him, with a backhand sword stabbing into his chest.

There's less than half the blood left.

That Angram's eyes suddenly flustered, in a hurry is a sword cut out, but there is no suspense again waved a blank.

The figure of Chu Ge appears behind Angram, with a powerful blow! The sword in his hand aimed at the back of Angram's heart and stabbed him with all his strength.

With a puff, the blade pierced him from the back of his heart to the front of his chest.

The two golden lightsabers in my hand were exhausted, and after a few flashes, they disappeared.

"It's, it's impossible, Al, I failed you - ah!"

Die for me. You, Chuge, kick on Angram's back, interrupt the boss's last death line.

Whoa, it's a hell of a struggle.

Chu Ge looks at the boss corpse on the ground and says that it's good that he finally understands Liuyun Wanbian. Otherwise, once his internal power is exhausted, it's really hard to say. He feels very weak at this time. That move of Liuyun Wanbian consumes 90 points of internal power, and almost completely exhausts his remaining half of internal power, but it's really powerful.

System prompt: after successfully opening the replica [silent light monastery], you can make DKP settlement after leaving the replica.

DKP is not in a hurry to settle accounts. I'd better touch the corpse first. Chu Ge rubs his hands excitedly. The God of light is up. I'll clean up the door for you. Anyway, I'll bless you to open a big red hand.

There are a lot of skills in Angram. How can I get a skill scroll.

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