Li Haolan gently touched yunmengyao's head and said, "no, this is your strength, no doubt!"

Yunmengyao blushed on her cheek, "thank you for your compliment!"

The barrage in front of the live studio stopped for a moment, because the fans in front of the live studio were stunned by Yun Mengyao's achievements and forgot to send the barrage for a moment.

It also took a minute or two before some fans gradually regained their consciousness, and then madly sent barrages to express their shock at this time.

[ah, true or false, full marks!]

[really full marks? Isn't the goddess the number one with full marks?]

[God, it's really Xueba!]

[it seems that there is no one in the entertainment circle who gets a full score?]

[Tut, my goose is so powerful that my smelly boy can't compare with me!]

[my God, are they all full marks or full marks as!]

[woo woo, after watching Yun Mengyao's results, I'm full of pressure to see my own results!]

[alas, yunmengyao is worthy of the legendary Xueba. She used to say that her grades were cheating, but now? Who dares to say she cheated?]

[this is strength. My goddess is so awesome!]

[goddess is so powerful, full score No. 1, who can surpass my goddess!]

[it's so frustrating. I've always been devoted to learning, which is not comparable to yunmengyao who was still filming in the early stage!]

[is this genius? That's great! I really want to be a genius!]

At the same time, the Li family's old house.

"Full marks, full marks, full marks! It turned out to be a full score! "

Master Li of the Li family couldn't help shouting and laughing.

He didn't expect that Chu Zhifeng would get such a good score. That's a full score!

Although master li felt that even if Li Haolan went to take the exam, he could also get the top spot with full marks, but that was also different.

In the past, Li Haolan didn't go to school and had no grades, while Jiang Chenxi's grades were careless, which can only be regarded as a normal level, and there was no capital to show off.

But now it's different. Yunmengyao is the number one in the college entrance examination, and she's still the number one with full marks!

Thinking of this, Master Li couldn't help laughing and was very proud.

"Worthy of being the future mistress of our Li family and the top student in the college entrance examination!"

There's nothing like yunmengyao getting a No. 1 in the exam to fill the aura. Even the movie queen is not as high as this aura.

"Yes, I didn't expect that Yao Yao's grades were so good that she was the top student in the college entrance examination! It's really great. It's worthy of being my daughter-in-law! " Li's mother is also very proud and proud. She feels proud to have such a daughter-in-law.

"Such good news must be announced to let everyone know!"

Mother Li showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, proudly took out her mobile phone, shook it, and said, "we don't have to do a hot search!"

This wave of operation is absolutely too fierce.

Yunmengyao's achievements were amazing. She was in the live studio again.

Before, everyone was very curious about yunmengyao's achievements, and then went on hot search.

Now yunmengyao's results have been announced. Moreover, these results are not ordinary results, but full marks. They are the real top scorers in the college entrance examination.

This is even more popular than the entertainment industry.

As long as it is the media, we can find the heat, which is absolutely the only big boom.