Even if it's not the fans of the three of the cloud family, in order to retaliate against Mr. cloud, who belittles their family's love beans as a lower class actor, they also come out to hate spray.

[lying trough, it's said that our idol Aidou is a performer. Who does the old man think it is?]

[yes, what age is it? It's even divided into three, six, five and so on!]

[now the entertainment industry is also a legitimate profession! What do you mean the actors are inferior?]

[what did the old man do before? What kind of work is so noble and despises entertainers in the entertainment industry!]

[I really think how noble I am. It's the 21st century, not the ancient feudal era! Don't like this!]

[hehe, I think the old guy of the cloud family is so old that he is confused!]

[are these Royal relatives? Look down on entertainers like this?]

[why do I want to hang the old man up and fight him? It's not that I don't respect the old and love the young. Some old people are really bad!]

[no, the bad guys are getting old! Many old people act recklessly on the bus because they are old!]

[yes, I was tired of making up classes in senior three. When I went home and fell asleep by bus, the old man called me to stand and give him my seat!]

The bad guys are getting old. It's not our young people's problem!]

[goddess ye, it's bad to have such a father-in-law! Sympathy!]

Of course, it's not just old man Yun, but also other people in the cloud family.

It's a shame to envy other people's shares and threats.

[do you look down on the entertainment industry only when you have a lot of money at home? Hehe, if you really don't like it, how can you covet my goddess's family property and shares!]

Shit, it's the first time I've seen such a brazen man

Luckily I don't have such relatives! It's bad for my goddess to be such a relative!]

[I'm short-sighted. I've never seen such a person!]

[dare you say that my love bean is a dramatist? The whole family has brain problems!]

[shit, lower class, self righteous, shameless!]

[I dare say my goddess is a dramatist. I'll beat him to death!]

[my two young boys are not actors. Their family is a vampire!]

[strongly demanding human flesh, who knows them? We can't let them endanger this society any more!]

[his character is so mean that no one calls 110? Catch them, so it's easy!]

If I knew they were in the same school as me, I would definitely Neng kill them

Everyone stood up one by one and wanted to avenge yunmengyao and teach them a lesson.

The goddess who dares to bully them will pay a painful price.

Of course, some of them scolded the relatives of the cloud family, but others helped and supported them.

Even if they envy yunmengyao, they can make a lot of money with skin care products, but they can't let those people get shares as they wish.

There are also the works of Yun HongJue and Li Haolan.

Leading fans' public opinion, we can't let people take a wrong direction, at least let yunmengyao they don't give shares to Yun's relatives and won't be hacked.

[hehe, I support Er Shao. They don't give their shares to those shameless people!]

[the goddess can't let them do what they want. We don't agree to give shares to those vampires!]

[it's a shame that you hate it, but you still want other people's shares!]

[yes, we can't let them succeed. We can't give them shares! We support you!]