After filming her own play, Yun Mengyao went back to her seat, sat down, took out her mobile phone, looked at her mobile phone, and saw the message Qin Feifei sent to her.

[ah, Meng Yao, have you seen that your grades have been hot searched!]

Yun Mengyao looked at the message sent by Qin Feifei, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help rising slightly. [it must be your credit!]

[no, I put your results in the group, let everyone show off, and everyone posted them online!]

[well, I see!]

[by the way, you're filming. Everyone wants to visit the class. Can you go there? I'll drop in and give you the report card!]

Yunmengyao thought, as long as it's not a closed crew, you can visit.

Before Jiang Chenxi wanted to broadcast live, director Xu was allowed. Yunmengyao felt that it was also possible for fans to visit the class.

These fans have always supported her and helped her earn points. She doesn't know how to thank them. She can only meet them through visiting.

[yes! Let me ask!]

[yeah, great, I'll tell you about it right away!]

[no, wait until I discuss with director Xu!]

[it's all right. Director Xu doesn't agree. We can also agree. Don't worry!]

Yun Mengyao was speechless about Qin Feifei's confidence. [OK, whatever you want!]

Arrange things for his fans. When he is free, yunmengyao plans to ask director Xu.

And also see the hot search on the Internet, there is also Li's mother at home.

[top scorer, count the entertainment circle. Who can compare with my goddess!]

[yes, those Xueba in the entertainment industry in the past, ha ha, can't compare with our full score Xueba goddess!]

[Er Shao was originally set up by Xueba people, and his achievements were rare in the entertainment circle! Now yunmengyao is beyond the record!]

[sure enough, the dragon begets the dragon and the Phoenix begets the Phoenix! Er Shao's sister is also so powerful!]

[both brothers and sisters are Xueba. They are really brothers and sisters!]

[other people's brother and sister series!]

Seeing the hot search on the Internet and seeing yunmengyao's report card, Li's mother immediately ran to find Master Li.

"Dad, Dad, look at our girl's report card, look!" Li's mother showed the report card to old man Li, with a proud face.

People who don't know think yunmengyao is the daughter of Li's mother!

Seeing the results on the report card, Master Li asked in surprise, "this is almost full mark?"

Said that Mr. Li didn't know how many scores he had now, which was a full score, and there were some surprises in various provinces, so he was a little uncertain.

Mother Li nodded, "yes, yes, only one point has been deducted for Chinese composition, and the others are full marks!"

"Hahaha, good, good grades!" Master Li immediately laughed happily.

Mr. Li said that he also knew that one point was deducted for any Chinese composition, that is, the teacher had to deduct one point for picking bones in his eggs.

Li Haolan didn't go to school before, so old man Li couldn't show off his achievements.

Even Jiang Chenxi can't let Master Li show off. It's really that the boy's achievements are not suitable to show off.

It's not that I despise you, but that the result is not good, but it's not bad. At last, it's passable, and master Li is not in the mood to show off.

Now seeing yunmengyao's full score, Master Li's fingers twitch. What if he wants to show off and send a circle of friends?