Chapter 272

Mugan's hands went deep into Olivia's sweaty hair. In the dark, there were only two people breathing in the small bedroom.

Until mugan's stomach suddenly grunted.

Touching mugan's stomach, Olivia suddenly laughed: "are you hungry? Must be hungry, right? I hear you have five meals a day now! "

After the transformation, the fact that Mugen's appetite increased dramatically was completely reported to Olivia by stone. In three months, Mugen actually grew a little higher, and Olivia had a little sense of crisis.

Mugan then pulled Olivia's hair up.

"Oh! so painful! Well, well, let you eat. I'm hungry, too As she spoke, Olivia finally let go of mugan's knee.

Sheepishly, he touched his groaning stomach. Mugan pushed Olivia and stood up. Then he rubbed his crushed knee, thinking that Ollie was really heavy.

In the dark room, Olivia opened the wardrobe without any obstacles, and then pulled out the semi old home clothes from inside. By the time they got out of the bedroom again, the table was full and all the robots were sitting at the table.

Just after Olivia sat down, almost all the robots scanned his face as unobtrusively as possible. Due to the extremely high-end scanning system in his body, almost all the robots "saw" Olivia's eyelids a little bit redder than usual.

Crying - robot beta turns around and takes a fresh walnut pancake from the basket to him.

He cried - robot ipsilon began to fill the meal.

Crying - the robot ETA silently sandwiched Olivia a large steak.

Uncle alpha seems to be the calmest robot, but soon he gets up, turns to the refrigerator and takes out a large portion of snow mountain ice cream.

"Eat, there's another one in the fridge."

Other people forget, in the face of snacks to their uncle before dinner, Olivia a face of horror!

So, with a uneasy mood, he took two portions of snow mountain ice cream bigger than his head. After eating the ice cream, he faced the cold light screen of beta, and he quickly ate the steaming walnut pancakes. Then she saw the smiling ipsilon next to her. Olivia immediately picked up the spoon and ate all the green rice in front of her. Then, ETA came to see

Olivia's folk voice finally affected the high level. For a moment, both sides of the military headquarters and the Government Council were surging secretly.

At the same time, Olivia once again signed a treaty of friendship with a seven level civilization.

As a candidate with the highest voice among the people, he has been working in foreign civilization for the sake of negotiation all this time and has never come back. He didn't return to the Empire until he got rid of this powerful new civilization.

When he stepped out of the spaceship and stepped on the harbor, he took off his hat in bewilderment in the face of the enthusiastic people cheering with big flags, and then gave a graceful smile to the crowd.

Everything is different.