Chapter 35

Olivia landed lightly in front of mugan, palming his left hand. He wanted to wave the mechanical head away, but at this moment, the light in the room suddenly came on.

Being shaken by the sudden strong light, Olivia had to take back his left hand and cover his eyes for several seconds. Then he adapted to the bright environment again.

One after another, he heard someone talking outside the door.

"Duoduo, I changed your clothes today!"

It was the voice of a woman, young and energetic.

Then there was the sound of pedaling feet. Someone was running busily in the corridor outside.

"Ollie..." The noise was so loud that mugan heard it. He hugged Alfa tightly and pointed in the direction of the door.

"Well, let's open the door and have a look." Olivia whispered back.

The two teenagers then gently pushed open the door.

The room they are in now is the one in the beginning. Except that the light of the room that was not on suddenly turned on, the room doesn't look different from before. Even when they pushed the door, Olivia looked at the door lock - as before, the door lock was still broken.

However, it was this room. When they opened the door this time, they saw a completely different scene!

"Wow..." Mugan was stunned. Olivia's expression was not obvious, but she was obviously shocked.

They see a brand new ship!

Instead of the decadent railings that had been knocked down before, the wooden fence in front of them was brand-new, with the fragrance of wood and the pungent smell of anticorrosive paint. The metal floor was just welded, and there was no scratch on it. In order to protect such a beautiful floor, a woman was running back and forth on the deck, and she tried to push it Roll up the red carpet and try to cover every corner of the ship.

"Duoduo, do you like red?"

They heard the woman's voice again. The woman was squatting on a splint not far from them, where the carpet seemed a little disobedient, and she was trying to flatten it.

Olivia's eyesight was so good that he could see the woman's sweat dripping on the floor, and the new red carpet sucked in her sweat, a little crimson.

He saw her clearly, but she turned a blind eye to him.

Like a gust of wind, she passed Olivia and mugan, still blind.

Under the gaze of Olivia and mugan, she worked hard like a worker ant, filling the empty spaceship a little bit by herself.

She painted all the wooden fences three times. She carpeted all the metal floors on the boat. She set the purpose of every room. A person made all the furniture in it. When she couldn't run, she would take out her sewing machine and bang on the pedals. She made beautiful curtains for every room.

Time passed by as the woman improved the spaceship day after day. The green silk turned into white hair and the wrinkles climbed up the forehead between her eyebrows.

She is old.

But the ship was finally born under her hands!

Olivia and mugan witnessed the miracle created by this woman: alone, from scratch, she built a very handsome Spaceship!

This is not an ordinary spaceship, but a medium-sized spaceship that can hold at least 5000 people!

"When you sail between the stars and the sea, it's like white clouds blooming in the starry sky. Your name is" white clouds blossoming! "

"You must be the most beautiful ship!"

The day the spaceship was completed, the woman waved her crutch bravely.

But she couldn't fly the ship she built herself.

"Ships are all going to the sea; spaceships are born to walk in the universe." She couldn't go to sea, but she didn't object to her ship leaving.

"So say what you want!" Even if she became an old lady, even if she had to walk on crutches, she was still the heroine at the beginning.

Then, for the first time, Olivia and mugan heard the second voice here:

"I I want to be a pirate ship. "

It's obviously a mechanical sound of the tablet, but somehow there is a kind of coquetry in it.

With these words, Olivia and mugan instantly share the same expression with the lady: embarrassed!!!

I remember when I was a child, I wanted to say that I wanted to be a pirate. Mengmeng burned all the books about pirates in her family - Olivia thought silently;

If sigma wanted to be a pirate Uncle alpha will spank him - mugan thought with great certainty, and he was sure that he didn't want to be a pirate at all.

after thinking about their situation, they held their breath and waited for the lady's decision.

The old lady, who was full of such adjectives as perseverance, vigor and heroism, raised her eyebrows from the moment she heard that sentence.Her angry look was particularly terrible - mugan, who had never seen a human angry expression, thought secretly.

She leaned so hard on her crutches that the tendons on the back of her hands were so violent that her face was so blue. Mugan thought that she would say no.

Mugen had a vague idea in his heart. He thought that this mother-in-law must love this spaceship named Duoduo as her own child.

Since he was not born, he made a perfect plan for him, gave him the most beautiful name, and gave him every detail. Everything shows that she loves him very much.

The shoulder that has been standing suddenly collapsed, and this always strong woman finally revealed her weakness.

"Well, you go."

Completely beyond Olivia and mugan's imagination, the lady actually agreed to the ideal of the ship.

He often makes unreasonable requests. For example, he thinks that a ship wants to be a pirate ship It's silly, Olivia thought.

"If you want to be a pirate ship, be the best one! Next time, I will brush a layer of outer membrane for you. After brushing it, others will not be able to see you easily. "

The old lady indulged in the smile, carefully into the Mugen, but noticed that the old man's eyes a little lost.

Yes, if the paint can be applied stealth, then such a beautiful "white clouds" can not be noticed, right? Is such a beautiful name meaningless?

Between "want to show off their children" and "children's safety", women do not hesitate to choose the latter.

Then, in the days to come, women will really bend their back, which is no longer young, and brush precious paint onto the spaceship named "Duoduo" little by little. After this period of time, her back, which was no longer straight, was a little hunched.

However, when Duoduo chose her future partner to set sail, she still carried him out with her chest and a proud face.

At this moment, mugan suddenly seemed to understand a kind of emotion.

Since he was not born, he made a perfect plan for him, gave him the most beautiful name, and gave him every detail. All these show love. However, for his ideal, he can overthrow all his previous efforts. What does that mean?

Mugan thought that his mother must love him very much.

And then, in the next picture, there's no more woman.

With ribbons flying and pirate flag flying, Baiyun Duoduo has become a pirate ship worthy of the name. She wanders among the stars with her selected companions. Baiyun Duoduo is always the safest ship. There are many ships in the fleet, only Baiyun Duoduo is a member of the team.

Baiyun Duoduo is very happy to realize her dream. Every room of her body is full of her own companions. Every day, she takes everyone to adventure and travel together. He is very satisfied.

There is only one dissatisfaction: the sea made up of stars is too big. After going to sea, blossoms have never returned home.

Although I have applied for returning home five times, I have been rejected every time for various reasons.

He became a homesick ship.

And then -

and then it comes to the end of the long journey.

The two galaxies collided, and the passing pirate fleet became one of the victims.

Baiyun Duoduo looks very big on the land, but it is so small among the stars. Its incomparable stealth ability can't escape in the impact of the stars. Baiyun Duoduo was finally hit.

The power module is broken, but the stealth capability is still the same. For the first time, Baiyun Duoduo, which used to be known as the last position, has been abandoned due to its stealth capability.

Unable to navigate, unable to send distress signals, unable to be detected.

To stay on this ship is to wait to die - this sentence has become the recognition of all the people on the ship.

Everyone finally left.

All the valuable things were taken away, all the food was taken away, and they packed everything, but no one thought of Baiyun Duoduo as the spaceship itself.

Lonely floating in the dust, white clouds blossoming into a legendary ghost ship.

In a hundred years, before Olivia and mugan, several people discovered this mysterious spaceship. They got on board curiously, found that it was not as valuable as they thought, and then left without interest.

Some people tried to take the whole ship, but it was over.

Baiyun Duoduo's body floats in the universe as a spaceship, while its head rolls to a more difficult place to be found in turbulence.

Every time someone mistakenly enters the spaceship, it is an opportunity for him. Countless times he uses the phantom to attract people, but no one pays attention to him.

Little by little, rust creeps onto his brain, leaving less and less energy and less time for him.

Sooner or later, the ship will be brought to an unknown place by the torrent of the universe. It has lost its navigation system, and Baiyun Duoduo has already lost its positioning ability. However, he knows that he is farther and farther away from home now.