"That's your business!"

Zhao Bingju laughs and raises his eyebrows at Zhao Rui.

"Master, you, you are a thief!"

Hearing these words and looking at his master's expression, Zhao Rui instantly understood what he was doing.

"Go away -"

Zhao Bingxuan glared at him again.

"Master, are you not afraid of the old button of the patriarchal clan to trouble you?"

"It's like if I don't, he won't trouble me!"

Zhao Bingju sneered, "I want a title, just want to change a way of playing, want to break the wrist with the Xufu's Sangong."

"But why now?"

"Where's all this coming from? Why?"

"Do whatever you are asked to do, and remember to make your name known to me in a big way!"

Zhao Bingju said with a smile, "the world calls me Zhao God of wealth. But don't think about it, my God of wealth will not be in charge of the world's wealth? As for why it is now, it is just because the time is just right now! "

"Ha ha..."

For his master's explanation, Zhao Rui had a feeling that he was fooling a fool.

Well, he's the one who's been fooled. He's the fool.


Zhao Rui, the manager of master Zhao er's side, suddenly disappeared from Sanhe Town. He didn't hide it from Lao Xu's family.

When Xu got the news, he went to report to his father.

"Leave them alone!"

"By the way, go to town and close our restaurant first."

"That's it? Is it too early? "

"It's late. If you wait any longer, there will be trouble."

"The price of rice in the county has gone up 30%."

"Your fourth uncle is ready to send an official document, forbidding grain cultivation."

"Restaurants like ours just close in these days."

"I see. I'm going to town."

Xu nodded, turned and set off.

Not long after Xu left, Xu came back from the river carrying a load of water to water the old turtle and giant mussel who had settled down in his home. As the weather gets hotter and hotter, in order to ensure that there is water in the small puddle, Xu Laoer now has to carry water three to four times a day.

Considering his own water consumption, Xu Laoer has to pick up water seven or eight times a day

Xu Laoer poured water on the turtle and the mussel, put the bucket in place, and found Xu Laozi directly in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

"I just went diving and found that the surface of the Taohua river had dropped a lot. It seemed that the water couldn't flow."

"I wonder if someone cut off the river upstream?"

Xu said and looked up at him.

With a bitter look on his face, Mr. Xu said, "it must be the people from Shangxi village who cut off the Taohua river. This group of shriveled calves are doing it again. They did it 20 years ago, but now they do it! "

When master Xu finished speaking, there was a cry of Guan Laoqi outside the courtyard.

"Boys and girls, copy guys, grab water!"

"It's a man's, all follow!"

"The sunken calves of Shangxi village have cut off the Taohua river again!"


With the cry of Guan Laoqi, the whole Lingshui village is boiling.

A group of people carrying a pole, sticks, a grand gathering of adults, in Guan Laoqi's lead, toward the peach river.

Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu are also in the crowd. At this time, as long as they are the people of Lingshui village, no one will hide behind.

In a year of drought, cutting off water is killing people.

However, when the people of Lingshui village came to the Taohua River, they saw a group of people on the bank shouting loudly and going upstream along the Taohua river.

This is the common people of Yinghe village under Lingshui village.

A peach blossom river flows through many villages.

Shangxi village is located in the upper reaches of the river, and their village can cut off the Taohua river because there is a narrow channel with fast flowing water in the section of Taohua river flowing through their village.

When the river is abundant, it is difficult to block the narrow road.

However, once the water level of Taohua river drops, it will not be so difficult to cut it off.

As long as a few tree trunks are tied up and run down the river, the tree trunks can be stuck in the narrow road, and the river can be cut off by one tree trunk. Only a small amount of water will flow out along the gap of the tree trunks.

Of course, if Shangxi village works harder and gets some sandbags, it can completely block the Taohua river.

Twenty years ago, Shangxi village completely blocked the Taohua River, causing a fight between Shangxi village and Lingshui village. People died in both villages.

At that time, Mr. Xu just went into the mountain to hunt and missed the fight.Guan Laoqi's father was also crippled in this fight and died in a few years.

This time, when he found that Shangxi village had cut off the Taohua river again, Guan Laoqi immediately went crazy and directly called all the villagers together to fight in Shangxi village.

But no one thought that the people in Yinghe village were ahead of them.

"Seven brothers, you are too slow!"

Jia gentian, the village leader of Yinghe village, took the young and old men of Yinghe village to walk fast, and soon went hand in hand with the villagers of Lingshui village.

"You're coming fast this year!"

Guan Laoqi doesn't like Jia gentian.

The two villages once fought for land for village boundaries, and they also had a fight.

"Seven brothers, what's the matter? Do you still have a grudge?"

Jia Gen Tian said, "I'll compensate you for that year. It's over today. I'll buy you a drink later and make amends for you! "


Guan Laoqi snorted haughtily.

But this voice can be regarded as writing off the past grievances.

People from the two villages gathered together and soon arrived at the narrow road where Shangxi village cut off the Taohua river. What is unexpected is that there are many people guarding Shangxi village. Look at this posture, it's not just the hands of Shangxi village.

Guan Laoqi's side is the meeting of the villagers of Yinghe village, the old and young men of the two villages, but there are more people on the opposite side.

"Seven brothers!"

"Don't be impulsive yet!"

As soon as Jia Gen Tian saw the posture on the opposite side, he immediately held Guan Laoqi.

Obviously, it is not only Shangxi village that has decided to cut off Taohua River, but several upper class villages have reached a consensus.

"Son of a bitch, you're playing Yin!"

Guan Laoqi also found this situation.

If there is a war now, they are obviously short of manpower.

"Brother Xu, what do you think?"

Guan Laoqi ignores Jia gentian beside him and looks at Xu Laozi instead.

He knows master Xu's ability.

If master Xu comes forward, he may be able to take the lead and fight down the momentum of the opposite side.

"Go back!"

Mr. Xu looked at the hands on the ground and gave such a direct answer.

He understood what Guan Laoqi meant.

But now the problem is, if you want to suppress the momentum of the opposite side, you can defeat the momentum of the opposite side in an instant with the ruthless hegemony of killing.

Otherwise, if you just hurt or beat someone back, it will only infuriate the other party, which is useless.