Name:The.Mistress Author:cLasP15
Eleven weeks ago...

I logged on to my profile and excitedly checked on who'd sent me a message. I first clicked the messages with those who have high matching percentage with mine. The one with a sixty-seven percent said he's from Newcastle Upon Tyne. Oh, English!

I typed a quick reply and clicked on to another message and then another. I frowned in annoyance when all of it were just hi's and hello's. It should be normal since the greeting was always the opening for a potential conversation. But I'm a smart and a straightforward girl. I didn't like playing around the bush. I've already put into my profile all the basic information so they wouldn't be asking it from me anymore. I wanted the conversation to go directly to the proper getting to know each other.

But all the men that expressed their interests were all so boring. Even the one that matched the highest rank with mine. I minimized the window and proceeded on starting with my work. A few minutes later, I checked my dating profile again. My eyes almost popped out of my sockets when I saw a message from a person who was my hundred percent match. A hundred percent was impossible! I clicked it open with trembling sweaty hand.

BB: What are you up to in this site?

Ha! Straightforward. I liked it.

Madame: Someone who'll submit to me in bed.

BB: Is this the one I'm thinking? The one with a private and legal binding contract?

Oh, I liked how blunt this person was about his question. I typed my answer.

Madame: Yes. And a clean bill of health.

BB: I am clean. Specifications, please.

Whoa! Really, really liking him so far. My pussy suddenly tingled in excitement. My hands sped away as I typed all my specifications with my heart beating so hard against my chest and my knee jiggling in anticipation and nervousness. I fired the send button and emailed him all the things I wanted.

BB: Safe word, Madame.

This person was really in the wagon with me. I nibbled my lip and thought of something before I typed once more. When I hit sent, I'm more than nervous but remained optimistic.

Madame: You can only break out of the contract when you fall in love. Either with me or to someone else. As for me, I'll always keep my heart out of this arrangement. So just utter LOVE.

BB: Can we meet somewhere public before I agree on this?

Madame: I'm afraid not. We can only see each other once we had the contract signed in the privacy of the place I assign for you to live in. I'll involve legal people here in case of both our safety. You will be under my care.


Madame: Yes, LOVE

BB: Is there anything else I should know? I'm highly interested.

Madame: I'm kinky but I'm a virgin.

So the first time should be nice and slow. I wanted to add but decided not. After all, I'd be in control so I have nothing to worry about getting rough.

BB: I can only guess

I frowned at his reply. Couldn't really decide what emotion to put into his words. I suddenly paused and laughed to myself. I haven't even asked for his pictures. Jesus! Good thing I used a private profile here and an alias. Like me, the person at the other screen assigned a no-face, provocative profile picture. Mine was a shot of my deep cleavage and his is his bulging crotch. So I asked him to send me five of his pictures with specific poses just to know if he's really the one that I'm chatting with. A few moments later, a message dinged so I clicked it open and my heart fell out of my chest. Oh, God!

I jumped out of my chair and marched out and into the office that's just at the end of the hallway. The secretary outside looked up in curiosity but wise enough to bow his head again. I didn't even bother knocking and just barged inside, slamming the door against the wall.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I snarled at the man that's smiling like crazy as he slowly stood to his intimidating height.

"No." Bruce buttoned his coat before walking towards where I stood to close the door and secured the lock.

"What the hell!" I yelped when he suddenly squeezed my ass before I felt myself responding and my panties instantly soaked through.

"Where's the contract, Winter?" Bruce asked with hooded eyes.

"I'm not..." I licked my lips while staring bewildered into Bruce's warm hazel eyes. "I didn't bring it with me. It's in my drawer."

Shit! He never looked at me that way before! Like he was about to devour me. All throughout the years of our friendship, Bruce always regarded me like a little sister. But now...

"You've had it ready?" His brows raised in obvious surprise.

"Yes." I whispered still couldn't believe this was happening for real.

"Bring it here. I believe we're about to close a business deal together."

Shit! The reason why I remained a virgin for twenty-six long years because the only person I wanted but couldn't have was Bruce Black. The man was as cold as the next iceberg. I didn't even hear him date anyone after he returned from serving the country. It was silly to even think he had something for me with all those endless calls we have, the times we shared together hanging out. Yet, when he still didn't make a move, I decided to just move on with my life and forget my infatuation with him.

I knew I wouldn't love anyone else aside from Bruce but I didn't want to die a virgin. So I just went on to the next thing I wanted. To unleash this devil inside me. I wanted to dominate someone. Maybe because I always had this pretentious mask I wore in the public for being a meek and domesticated virgin.