The emperor threw the memorial in his hand and said, "will you marry a hundred thousand soldiers? What does he mean by Fanguo? "

The Secretary of the Ministry of war also guessed all the way, guessed countless possibilities, but seeing that the emperor was angry at the moment, he didn't dare to say what he had guessed. He boldly asked for instructions carefully, "how should we deal with that?"

100000 people are not a small number. If it's OK that they really come to see off their relatives, I'm afraid they have a different purpose.

"Pass on an Xiong to enter the palace!"

An Xiong came into the palace soon.

The emperor motioned to father-in-law Zhang to show him 800 Li as a matter of urgency. "You take 200000 people to the border and let me watch these 100000 people. Once you find something wrong with them, do it immediately."

The military strength of the state of fan is the same as that of the state of Daqing. If he guards their 100000 troops with 200000 troops, he will not believe it. Can he not deter them?

The Minister of the Ministry of War didn't hold back, "emperor, I don't think it's right."

"What's wrong?"

"The fight of the state of fan is the slogan of sending the princess to get married. Once we send 200000 soldiers to the border, it may cause misunderstanding and unnecessary disputes. Moreover, it's not a trivial matter for 200000 troops to go out. If they go out and do not talk about food and grass, I'm afraid it will cause panic among the people and the loss is not worth the gain. "

An Xiong also had this idea, and Wen Yan echoed, "the book of history is reasonable, and it's really no small matter to invite the emperor's 200000 troops to travel."

"Then let the 100000 soldiers of the state of fan enter our country in a big way?"

The Minister of the Ministry of war bowed himself, "of course not. I think someone can solve this problem."


"Lord Zhan."

The emperor's sharp eyes came over, cold.

The Minister of the Ministry of War didn't dare to look up, but a cold sweat came out of his temples. But he had already said what he said, so he could only go on, "as long as Lord Zhan comes forward, he can stop the 100000 troops of the state of fan."

The Emperor didn't answer. It was terrible in the imperial study.

The Minister of the Ministry of war bowed all the time. Just when he felt that he couldn't hold on, he heard the emperor's angry voice, "an Xiong, what do you think?"

"I think that the Lord Shangshu is right."

The emperor's voice is frightfully cold, "since so, you two go to the war palace, please don't move the wind Che, you go back home!"

The two of them responded in fear.

Out of the palace, the Minister of the Ministry of war shook his sweaty back and sighed. He knew it would be this situation, so he had to keep his mouth shut.

An Xiong understood why he sighed, and then sighed, "Lord Shangshu, I hope we can have good luck."

The Minister of the Ministry of war gave a wry smile. "Let's go. We'll let it go today."

They came to Prince Zhan's residence to see him.

After receiving the report, Fu Bo came out to welcome them in. "It's a coincidence that you two are in the house. Our prince and princess are in the house."

People in Beijing all know that Fengche and Xiaxi go to Zhuangzi outside the city every day. Just on the way, they said that if Fengche is not in the house, they will go to Zhuangzi directly.

"What is the Lord doing?"

An Xiong hasn't seen Feng Che for a long time. He is walking very fast.

Fubo followed with a smile, "our prince and princess have just opened a small place in the backyard and are digging the earth."

An Xiong's step pauses for a moment, can't believe, "turn over the earth?"

"Yes, the Lord has nothing to do. He wants to learn to farm from the princess."

An Xiong and the Minister of the Ministry of war took a look at each other and followed Fu Bo to the backyard.

I saw the wind shovel naked, holding my trouser legs and sweeping the floor with a spade. But I didn't see Xia Xi.

"Lord, the Secretary of the Ministry of war and general an are here!"

Fuber raised his voice to report.

The wind is clear, and the voice stops, and the movement stops. The arms are on the shovel and live off the appearance of a farm man. "How can two of you have free time to come to my house?"

The Minister of the Ministry of war, half joking and half serious, said, "of course, we have to go to the three treasures hall for everything."


Feng Che raised his eyebrows, "I'm a idle Lord now. What can you do for me?"

"It's very important."

An Xiong strode over and said, "the state of fan sent 100000 soldiers to the border to see off the princess. The emperor asked me and the minister to come and ask you to come to the palace to discuss."

The Secretary of the Ministry of war was a little late. He didn't stop an Xiong. He sighed in his heart. He thought that the people in the army were really straight hearted. How could they say it so frankly? How could they have to brew it.

Wind Che a pair of irrelevant appearance, "100000 soldiers, really enough, however, fan country there will not be any moth, what is not at ease?"

"You can't say that."

An Xiong had already walked up to him. After bowing, he continued, "who knows if these 100000 people are here to see off their relatives or make trouble."

Since ancient times, which dynasty needs 100000 people to send off their relatives? This view of Fanguo is not pure.

"General ANN is right."

The Minister of the Ministry of war also came forward. Just for a while, his official uniform was sweating. "We should take precautions and not wait for an accident to solve it."

"Nothing will happen."

Wind Che said firmly, "the princess is sincerely married to Luo Feng, Qi'er is my son, no matter from what aspect, they will not make things out."

"I don't know. How could the emperor of fan state send off his relatives with "100000 soldiers"? Besides, he also sent a letter to the emperor to allow them to enter the country. Lord Zhan, it should be done sooner rather than later. You'd better follow me and general an into the palace. "

"Yes, Lord, please follow us into the palace."

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't forget that I'm an idle Prince now. I have no power and no one. It's useless for me to go to the palace. You'd better go back. Fauber, see off

"Lord Zhan, Lord Zhan..."

The Secretary of the Ministry of war accompanied him with a smile, "the emperor originally wanted general an to lead 200000 troops to the border, but I stopped them. I think this will not only waste people's money, but also cause people's panic. It's not worth the loss. Then he said in front of the emperor that you can solve it, but you can't ignore it."

"What do I care? I can't go to the border alone and tell the soldiers of fan kingdom that I am the adoptive father of your prince. In his face, you are not allowed to enter the country. "

The Minister of war's smile froze on his face. He looked at an Xiong and motioned him to speak.

An Xiong said, "Lord..."

Just two words, the wind straightened up straightened up, and picked up the shovel to turn the floor. "You can't persuade again, go back."


An Xiong stepped into the field and grasped the shovel. "If you don't go, the emperor will send two hundred thousand troops to the border."

"Does it have anything to do with me?"

An Xiong choked.

The Ministry of war, the book of war, was sweating all over, and ignoring the soil that had been turned out, stepped in and kept supporting the shovel. It blocked the wind and worked. "If you fight, Wang Ye, if the two of us don't invite you to the palace today, the Emperor will punish us. You can do it well and come with us. What is there to say to the emperor?"

Feng Che looked at him, and then at an Xiong. He said slowly, "OK."

They were very happy, but before the joy came to their faces, they saw that Feng Che frowned slightly, "but the princess said, let me turn this piece over today, otherwise I won't be given food, you see..."

The Ministry of war, a Book of letters, thrust a shovel into Ann Chonwairi, "general general will turn over for you, and you will follow me into the palace."

An Xiong

Feng Che didn't embarrass them, "OK, I'll go to the bath and change clothes."

"OK, OK, we'll wait for you."

Wind Che back to the main hospital, first took a bath, wet hair out of the bath room, Xia Xi took a towel to wipe him.

Wipe slowly, wind Che does not urge her.

By the time Feng Che had finished packing up and ordered people to call for the Minister of the Ministry of war and an Xiong, an Xiong was about to turn over the small piece of land.

The Minister of the Ministry of war came up to the edge of the ground in a hurry and turned around. He heard someone shouting and went out of the prince of war's house in the wind.

Feng Che had been waiting in the carriage. An Xiong and his wife got on the carriage and horse and came to the palace.

In the imperial study, the emperor waited for a long time, but his face was not very good-looking. Seeing Feng Fengche, he directly said, "Feng Aiqing has such a big shelf that I have been waiting for so long."


Feng Che pretended to be a fool, looked at an Xiong, and then looked at the Minister of the Ministry of war, "the emperor wronged me. They two said that they wanted me to enter the palace, but didn't say that the emperor was waiting for me. If I knew you were waiting for me, I would come quickly."

When he said these words, the Minister of the Ministry of war was dizzy, not to mention the emperor. His face sank immediately. "I ask you, if I send you to the border, are you sure that the 100000 soldiers will not enter our country?"

Feng Che bowed slightly, "it depends on my identity. If I'm the idle Lord, I can't, but if I'm the war lord, I will deter them."

The emperor looked at him with a sneer, "Fengche, you are turning the corner. Do you want a talisman for me?"