Before boss Huo was in a coma, you Bao threatened him to report to the fast food restaurant. Later, when Huo Hong came, he only saw Xia Xi. Both father and son took it for granted that Xia Xi saved him, but they didn't expect that it was someone else.

"Yes, sister Wei Lian saved you."

Xia Xi said with a smile, thinking that boss Huo didn't know who Wei Lian was, she explained, "it's the daughter of village head uncle, who just followed her aunt and went to the kitchen to boil water."

Boss Huo didn't expect that. He was shocked in the same place.

Huo Hong was also shocked and unconsciously sat up straight.

When the curtain was opened, the village head came in with water and used a new pottery bowl. "There was no tea at home. I was wronged that boss Huo drank white water with me."

Words fall, see Huo boss stare at stand, Leng a Leng, "Huo boss, you this is..."

"Wei, village head of Wei..."

Suddenly know that Wei Lian is to save their own people, Huo boss suddenly don't know how to speak.

The village head is a little confused and looks at Xia Xi.

Xia Xi explained, "I just told boss Huo that it was Wei Lian who saved him."

The village head suddenly realized. He put the water bowl in his hand on the table in front of boss Huo, and another bowl in front of Huo Hong. Lightly said, "it's nothing. Lian'er just happened to pass by."

It's true that Wei Lian saved boss Huo, but Zhang Gen is the informer. The village head is afraid that boss Huo will know, and he will never want any more vermicelli.

Finish saying, see Huo boss, the smile on the face is a bit empty, "Lotus son also didn't do anything, just ran back to shout a person, is your blessing big life big."

"Mr. Wei, I can't say that. If your daughter hadn't saved me, I would have been frozen to death in the ditch by the side of the road. I... "

Want to say face-to-face to Wei Lian apology, but also feel that a man to see the woman is too abrupt, step back, arched hands, bent down, made a big gift, "Huo, thank you again Wei village head."

The head of the village was so scared that he helped him with both hands. "What are you doing? Don't do that."

Boss Huo straightened up and said, "hong'er, go and bring in the present."

Huo Hong answered and went outside. After a while, he came back, followed by two servants, one with all kinds of gifts in his hand, and the other with two pieces of cloth in his arms. He followed Huo Hong into the room and put the things on the table.

"No, no, no..."

The village head quickly declined.

Boss Huo stopped him. "Village head Wei, I thought it was lady Xia who saved me. Originally, I was grateful to her. Since there was another person who saved me, I......"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the village head, "it was lady Xia who saved you. If it wasn't for her carriage, she would have sent you to the county hospital. I don't know what happened behind you."


Xia Xi persuades him, "since it's boss Huo's intention, you can do it. If you really feel sorry..."

Speaking of this, hand on the cloth, "let sister Wei Lian use this material to make clothes for me."

"That's it, that's it..."

Boss Huo agreed.

"You, this..."

The village head didn't know what to say.

Two servants put down their things, turned around and went out. After a while, they came in with a lot of things.

And then again.

All of a sudden, the table was full.

"Enough, enough..."

The head of the village cried in a panic. These things are very delicate. They are worth a lot of silver.

Outside, the village head's daughter-in-law and Wei Lian were stunned to see that two servants had moved so many things into the house.

The two servants stepped back.

The village head looked at the mountain of gifts, anxious forehead sweat down, "this, this is too much."

"Not much. There are still villagers in the village who have been rescued. Give them some."

Xia Xi said with a smile.

The village head still didn't want to accept it. "It's all a matter of lifting a finger. How can we..."

"Village head Wei, you can take it. Lady Xia is right. I won't thank those who have saved me one by one. You can help me deliver things and bring my thanks to you."

"Of course, there is no problem."

The head of the village said, "but I don't need so much."

Xia Xi dumbfounded, "uncle, since boss Huo has given it, don't worry about it. You and boss Huo sit down first. Let's talk about the future cooperation."

"Good, good, good."

The village head asked boss Huo to sit down. As soon as he got to the wooden stool, he remembered that he and Xia Xi didn't have water, so he went out to bring water in and put it in front of Xia Xi and himself.

There were too many things to talk about. The village head stood up again, called his daughter-in-law in and moved everything to the house. Then he sat down to talk.

Boss Huo is very curious about Xia Xi's purchase of wasteland and seedling raising. Now he says he wants to go and have a look.

"Uncle, you lead boss Huo over. I have something to tell my aunt. I'll wait for you at home."

"All right."

The village head led boss Huo and his son to the field in the south of the village.

Xia Xi went to the house, and Wei Lian, who had been staying in the kitchen, also came in.

The village head's daughter-in-law didn't dare to move the things on the Kang. She just looked at the two pieces of cloth. How old is she? She hasn't seen such a good cloth.

When Wei Lian entered the room, her eyes also fell on the two pieces of cloth.

"Wei Lian Jie, these are all thanks from boss Huo. Thank you for saving him."

Xia Xi said and pulled a piece of cloth from the Kang. "This cloth is good, and the color is suitable. Wei Lianjie just makes two clothes."

Wei Lian wanted to touch, listen to Xia Xi so said, scared hands back, "where do I wear such good clothes?"

The village people are all coarse cloth clothes, which are durable and don't need to spend too much money. Only the well-off in the family pull a few feet of fine cloth to make a dress on New Year's day. They don't know how many years they have worn it. This brocade, I dare not think about it.

What's more, she is still a woman who lives in her mother's home for nothing. She has been stabbed in the spine. How dare she wear such good clothes.

Xia Xi as if did not hear her words, holding cloth in her body for a moment, straight nodded, "really good-looking, very with you."

Then he asked the village head's daughter-in-law, "Auntie, what do you think?"

The village head's daughter-in-law nodded, "it's really beautiful."

"Then you can make two for sister Wei Lian."

Wei Lian is scared straight wave a hand, "need not, need not."

The village head's daughter-in-law also disagreed, "she doesn't need it. I still have some money in my hand. When it gets warm in a few days, I'll take her to the market to pull a few feet of cloth."

Wei Lian was directly away from the village. She had nothing on her clothes. She was the one she wore when she came home. When she changed her clothes, she wore the clothes of the village head's daughter-in-law first.

Knowing that their ideas are deeply rooted, Xia Xi is not persuading them. She puts the cloth back on the Kang. "Sister Wei Lian, I have a job I need your help."