I didn't expect that there was such a beautiful space in the secret place of Vulcan's mausoleum. I slowly got up and fell asleep. I should be very tired.

The three beauties were all sleeping so sweetly that Lin Xiao could not help feeling happy.

Looking at the beauties for three months, each of them has a beautiful body and graceful curves. In fact, the world is still very good. Slowly, Lin Xiao is also sleepy. After closing his eyes, he will fall asleep. After fighting for such a long time, it's time to have a rest. The nearby daysheng sentries sentry, and dare not fall asleep.

It's daybreak! Lin Xiao stretches and looks at the three women who are still sleeping. He smiles a little. Then he asks dayisheng to have a rest. Lin Xiao stands guard.

"Boss, three beauties! You can do it Day wins toward Lin Xiao licentious smile.

"Go to bed!" Lin Xiao pushed the day to win.

"Sleep on sleep," and then day victory came again, "boss, you are really my idol!" Then he got up and went to sleep.

Lin Xiao saw that the sun was rising and some people needed to rest, so he sat up and took advantage of the early time to practice.

The four elements in Dantian collide and repel each other.

Lin Xiao has always wanted to try to integrate the forces of several elements, but he has never succeeded. Lin Xiao tried several times, but the forces of elements repel each other.

"Maybe we'll have to wait until we get the Phoenix wings!" Lin Xiao sighed.

After all, the power of the five elements is still the same. I knew before that the general power of the five elements would be extraordinary after they were gathered together. Lin Xiao was full of expectations for the five elements stone.

The aura here is more abundant than that outside. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Lin Xiao spreads his hair and greedily absorbs the aura.

"How cool! There's plenty of aura here! " Lin Xiao sighed.

At the same time, Lin Xiaotian's martial arts skills began to work. He took the opportunity to absorb them.

After a short time, infinite energy surrounded Lin Xiao and entered his body.

"Practice so early!" Ji Baihua got up first and asked when she saw Lin Xiao practicing.

"There may be so many dangers in the future. If you don't practice and improve your accomplishments, how can you protect you?" Lin Xiao opened his eyes and looked at Ji Baihua. Ji Baihua was still so beautiful, which made people excited.

"What are you looking at?" Ji Baihua saw Lin Xiaose's squinting eyes and said.

"Look at my daughter-in-law! Won't you let me Lin Xiao's shining eyes looked over.

Ji Baihua blushed and said, "who is your daughter-in-law?"

"You After that, a pair of strong hands grasped Ji Baihua's shoulders.

A man's breath came from the air. Ji Baihua was uncomfortable with her heavy hands, and her face turned reddish.

"Go away, aren't you all taken?" Ji Baihua broke away Lin Xiao's hands, and her voice was delicate.

"It's jealous!" Lin Xiao said with a smile, "must be jealous!"

"What's the noise in the morning?" Gong Xingyun woke up at this time, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that they were flirting.

"Hum!" Ji Baihua pursed her lips and ran to Gong Xingyun.

Two women hand in hand sat together, "how, he bullied you?" Gong Xingyun said with a smile.

"No!" Ji Baihua turns her head to one side.

"Who bullied you? Bai Qi was woken up in his sleep by their noise.

"No, no one!" Ji Baihua's face is a little red.

"The apprentice bullied you, didn't he?" Bai Qi regained the momentum of a powerful woman.

Bai Qi walked between Ji Baihua and Gong Xingyun, took them by the hand and said, "if this disciple bullies our sister, we'll beat him together!"

Ji Baihua's heart warms up a little, and her estrangement from Bai Qi has been eliminated a lot.

she knows that there will be more than one woman like Lin Xiao, and she doesn't know how many.

He has been deeply introduced by Lin Xiao and can't extricate himself. He needs to recognize these facts and accept them calmly, otherwise his life will not be easy.

Palace nebula is very uncomfortable in the heart, what in the end, countless times to ask yourself.

First of all, he is Ji Baihua's aunt. Even if Lin Xiao can accept him, what can he do with his relationship.

In my heart, I'm still at sixes and sevens, and I really don't know what to do with the future. But Lin Xiao is very moved by his little things. It's too hard to get the person who can make himself trust and the other party still trust him.

"Yes, let's hit him together!" Ji Baihua said excitedly that in an instant a pink flower flew to Lin Xiaofei.

Lin Xiao saw the situation and turned away quickly. "Three women in a play, and they want to beat me together!" Lin Xiao is not angry.

"It seems that I don't want to eat breakfast!" Lin Xiao wiped his mouth and said.

"Breakfast?" Ji Baihua stood up and looked forward to it."What breakfast? Will you make it for us? "

"Ha ha, of course it's delicious. I'll make it myself!" Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Then?" Ji Baihua takes a look at Bai Qi and Gong Xingyun, trying to get their advice. Otherwise, it's like she's rebellious.

"Do it for us, and we won't beat you!" Bai Qi gives the second daughter a look.

"If you're full, what if you turn around?" Lin Xiao understood Bai Qi's eyes at once.

"How can it be, who is so shameless as you!" Ji Baihua sneered.

Bai Qi sees Ji Baihua say so, also agree: "yes, who is as shameless as you, we are women!"

"Ha ha! Only villains and women are hard to support! " Lin Xiao joked, "I'm not going to tell you the same thing. I'm going to prepare some delicious food!"

After that, Lin Xiao took out five large pieces of white Python's flesh and blood in the storage space.

"Where did it come from? This meat feels unusual! " Baiqi felt the difference of flesh and blood.

"Yes, the meat seems to contain a lot of energy, and it feels like a tonic," Gong Xingyun also felt the energy of the flesh.

"I've wasted a lot of time to get this thing. You've taken it orally!"

Lin Xiao left a lot of the flesh and blood of the white python, just to share with everyone, he could not digest so much.

"What kind of meat is this?" Ji Baihua quickly walked forward and asked.

"A white python with a length of seven or eight meters!"

"Where did you get it?" Ji Baihua wants to break the casserole.

"Ha ha, it's a good place. Anyway, you don't know!" Lin Xiao answered while cutting meat with seven foot sword.

"However, after eating, you will have a good look, ha ha!" Lin Xiao began to laugh.

Before I finished eating the flesh and blood of the white python, I felt disgusted when I thought about it, and the black oil, layer by layer, so disgusting!

"What's good to see? I'll wait for the three of us to deal with you after eating!" Ji hundred flowers two hands pinch waist of say.

Lin Xiao turned his head and laughed, "come and wash the meat first!"

"You can't wash yourself!" Ji Bai said while taking the meat,

seeing this, Gong Xingyun and Bai Qi also took the meat to the nearby river to wash it.

"Oh! Woman Lin Xiao found some branches, and then came to some strong wooden sticks. First, he lit the branches with fire elements.

After the three women came back, they put the flesh and blood on the wood and put it on the campfire to start the barbecue journey.

"What's the taste? It smells good?" I saw that dayisheng also got up and was attracted by the aroma of white Python meat.

Bai Risheng opens his eyes and looks at the campfire. There are pieces of meat on the fire. The meat is oily and his mouth water comes out.

"Boss, what kind of meat is it? It's delicious!"

"The flesh of a white python. This Python is a spirit beast that transforms the spirit into spirit." Lin Xiao explained.

"Wow, no wonder it's so fragrant. It's estimated that the meat contains a lot of energy."

Lin Xiao nodded and went on with the barbecue work. The delicious smell made people intoxicated.

Bai Qi and Ji Baihua are looking at Lin Xiao's barbecue, hoping to grab the meat right away.

"All right!" Lin Xiao said, "but you can't eat too much. If you eat too much, you will be burst by the energy inside!"

"Especially you, daywin, your accomplishments are too low!" Lin Xiao looks at Bai Risheng and says, "here's a small one."

Bai Risheng knows that if he has too much energy and can't digest it, he is likely to die.

The five people soon finished the distribution of the flesh and blood of the python. Lin Xiao only took a small piece. Now that he ate too much, it didn't help him much. He didn't have to eat too much. If he gave Ji Baihua more food, it would help him a lot.

"It smells good!" As soon as they took a bite, the four began to cry.

After a few more bites, they stopped talking.

Ji Baihua's face is red, and her body is full of energy.

"You can attract the flesh and blood energy of the python. It's a treasure. After absorbing it, the flesh can be improved a lot!" Lin Xiao reminds a way.

After that, Lin Xiao went to the river.

"Stay away from them, you'll stink later!" Lin Xiao said to himself while biting the python.

"It hurts!"


Listening to the groans over there, Lin Xiao shook his head with a smile. When he ate, he was in the same pain, so he didn't laugh at people.

Looking at the blue sky, accompanied by several women's painful groans, Lin Xiao was very happy for some reason, but the voice of daywin had some influence on the scenery.

After a long time, all four were over.

"What's the taste? It stinks Ji Baihua looked around and said, "you three stink! It's still so dark! ""No, it's the three of you who stink, so black!" Bai Qi also looked around.

Gong Xingyun and Bai Risheng thought the same, and then they all looked at themselves.

"It's so dark!"

Then the four ran to the river, but as soon as dayisheng ran to the river, he was absorbed by a stream of energy.

"You can go later!" Lin Xiao uses Zhenwu's cold ice formula, and the ice water comes down from the sky to clean daysheng.

"I want to take a bath, too!" Day wins wronged way.

"Do you want to take a bath with my woman?" Lin Xiao smiles.

"No, no, I dare not!" Daysheng realized what was going on. Anyway, it didn't matter if he washed it clean. Then he went back to the campfire and hydrated himself.

"The body has really improved a lot, so comfortable!" After experiencing the pain of body regeneration, the three women are playing in the water now, and they are very happy!

Lin Xiao also wants to join them, but it's not a good time to think about it.

After the three girls finished washing, Lin Xiao took the three girls and Bai RI Sheng to go on their way.