The strength of the strong north wind is very clear to both of them. They know that the strength of the strong north wind is not under them

the men brought by strong north wind are also the elite of the strong cavalry

when they were there, they both heard the fighting clearly. They knew that it was only a quarter of an hour from the beginning to the end of the fighting

"as you can see, the strength of those who entered the temple ahead of time is so terrible!"

before, they relied on their own strength and didn't pay much attention to Lin Xiao who entered the temple in advance

so after entering the last level of the treasure house, they immediately split up

even during the day, the tyrant and the emperor fought because of the uneven distribution of stolen goods

however, the killing of liebeifeng makes both of them wake up and realize Lin Xiao's strength, so they have to consider joining hands again

"if you want to join hands, you can, but you must return the totem pole of the alien beast first, otherwise you can't talk about it!"

the green eyes under the emperor's hood flashed a look of treachery and said to Bai Tianba

"it's time for you... To take advantage of this opportunity to coerce?"

during the day, the tyrant was very angry. Unexpectedly, at this time, the emperor was still playing tricks with himself

"hum, if you don't agree to return the totem pole to us, I'll take people out of here now, and then go back to the ground and kill all your western barbarians!"

the beast emperor said firmly: "anyway, the main purpose of our foreign beasts is to totem pole. If you don't give it back to me, we will never die with you."


hearing the determination in the tone of the emperor, though he was angry, he had no choice but to agree: "OK, I can return the totem pole to you, but after that, you must join hands with me to kill the gang who killed the strong north wind, and you can't continue to fight inside."

therefore, despite the great pain, daidaiba finally took the totem pole out of the storage bag and handed it back to the emperor


after taking the totem pole from the daytime tyrant, the emperor's eyes suddenly showed an irrepressible look of joy

the emperor of beasts didn't cheat the daytime tyrant before. The most important purpose of this time is to get back the totem pole of the alien beasts when he wants to enter the temple with the alien beasts

This totem pole is really very important to their different beasts

of course, this is only one of the purposes of the emperor

in addition, the emperor has a more important purpose. Even if the day bully does not return the totem pole to him, the emperor will never leave here easily. Of course, it is impossible for the emperor to tell the day bully about this

"let's go, let's chase these ransacked rooms. We should catch up with them soon!"

at first, all kinds of ores, pills, magic weapons and other objects found in the periphery were extremely precious, but with the deepening, they have become rags

"the people behind should be catching up soon. Don't move the things here. Let's go into the core area of the treasure house first!"

along the way, Lin Xiao didn't take two people to search the rooms where treasures were stored

naturally, Lin Xiao can see that the most precious treasure should be placed in the core area of the treasure house. He must get it before others arrive.As soon as the three speeded up, they immediately threw away the daytime bully and others.

Originally, they also wanted to track the traces left by Lin Xiao and others after they searched the room and catch up with them as soon as possible.

But now they didn't continue to search these rooms, and the daytime bully and others naturally lost their trace.

"They should be heading for the core area of the treasure house!"

At this time, the emperor shrugged his nose, his face suddenly changed, and said to Bai Tianba, "we must speed up, absolutely not let them get those things in the core area ahead of time!"


When he heard the emperor's words, he turned to the emperor and said, "it seems that there are some things you care about very much? As an ally, should you share your information with me? "

Listening to the tone of the emperor, it is obvious that there is something in the treasure house that the emperor is eager to get.

How can the daytime bully not understand this time? He must have been bluffed by the Emperor just now. He gave the totem pole back to the emperor for nothing.

During the day, BA was a little annoyed, so he directly ordered his men to stop marching, and he had to ask for some news from the emperor!

This temple was originally built by a group of different animals, and it is also the holy land of today's group of different animals. Therefore, baiba and liebeifeng knew that the emperor must know more about the temple.

But before the emperor did not say, there is no way to bully and strong north wind during the day.

Now there is a chance to force the emperor to tell more about the temple of animal yuan, and the daytime tyrant will not let it go!


The emperor's tone of anger showed a sense of anxiety. He didn't expect the retribution to come so fast. Just now, he was still forcing the day bully to hand over the totem pole. Now it's the day bully's turn to force him to tell more about the animal temple.

But the emperor also knew that it could not continue to delay here!

In the core area of the treasure house, there are things that the emperor had to get, and they must not fall into the hands of Lin Xiao and others.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for it to get back at that time!

However, during the day, the tyrant stood in the same place with calm mind, a posture that the emperor would never move forward without making it clear.

With Lin Xiao's ability to kill lie Beifeng, the tyrant doesn't worry about the emperor during the day. He dares to take people alone.

"Well, I'll tell you!"

The emperor sighed, and finally obeyed. He told Daidai Ba what he knew about the temple.

It turns out that in the core area of the animal Yuan Temple, there was a corpse of a beast God of a different animal race!

The beast God of the alien animal race was once so powerful that he was comparable to the practitioner of the Mahayana realm of human beings.

It is precisely because of the leadership of this beast God that the once alien beast race was strong for a time, and almost wanted to establish its own kingdom like human beings.

Unfortunately, later the beast God was surrounded and killed by more than a dozen top human strongmen, and finally died. The alien beast family also declined.

The most important purpose of the emperor's visit to the temple is to obtain the body of the beast God, and then resurrect it by using the secret method of a different animal race.

The emperor believed that as long as the once powerful beast God could be revived, he would surely lead the other beasts to revive.

"The body of an animal God?"

After hearing the emperor's words, daytime bully's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that there was such a treasure in the animal Yuan Temple. Yes, in daytime bully's opinion, the animal God's body was a supreme treasure.

Ordinary beasts are full of treasures. Their internal elixirs can refine pills and improve their accomplishments. Their materials can also be used to refine magic weapons or magic weapons.

Now there is a corpse of a beast God, whose value is almost incalculable.

It is estimated that the value of all the treasures in the whole animal Yuan Temple can't compare with the body of a beast God!

"What do you want to do? I warn you, don't think about the idea of the corpse of the beast emperor, otherwise I will never die with you

Noticing the look of baitianba, the emperor suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes and sternly warned baitianba.

Forced by the threat of daytime tyrant, the emperor had to tell such a secret thing to daytime tyrant.

But the emperor absolutely can't stand the idea of beating the beast God's corpse in the daytime!

"Well Of course, the beast God's body is yours

During the day, Bashan smiles, but there is a look in his eyes that is hard to understand.

Now the daytime bully still depends on fighting with the emperor, Fu Linxiao and others. Naturally, he won't turn against it at this time.

But when the biggest threat of Lin Xiao is removed, the ownership of all the treasures in the animal Yuan Temple depends on their strength.

"All the treasures here will belong to me in the end!"During the day, the bully thought to himself, but he didn't say a word.

Now that he knows what he wants to know, Daidai Ba doesn't delay any more. He immediately takes his subordinates with him to chase Lin Xiao.