A good batch of medicine can wash the dirt of the body, which is a very important step in forging. The door is tightly closed, and the young man guards the door, but Lin Xiao is not seen.

He was a little strange, looking around, and finally saw the wretched man squatting on the corner floor, so he kicked down mercilessly: "hooligan!"

"Little boy, I'll fight with you!" I thought I could see the beautiful figure again, but this elegance was suddenly destroyed, and Lin Xiao's anger immediately rose.

Stimulated by the genuine Qi all over his body, his body, nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, was shining. On his right fist, a dragon like breath suddenly appeared.

Zhenwu dragon boxing!

The boy snorted softly, but he didn't use much strength.


Lin Xiao suddenly fell to the ground, suddenly counseled. He patted his ass, got up, and ran into the hall: "son of a bitch, look at your young age. How about being a brother? I'll let you order it!"

"Only in one afternoon, he has reached this level..."

The boy looked at the back of his hand. There was a slight white scratch on it. His eyes were shocked.

His strength is perfect in the foundation period. Only those talented people can leave him a decent injury. As for those below this level, I'm afraid it's impossible for his body to be damaged at all.

This kind of unimaginable thing actually happened!


After a short time, a bright light suddenly came out of the guest room. Lin Xiao, who noticed the movement, came again. He stood in front of the door side by side with the young man and was very surprised: "I can't imagine that she broke through, but she didn't take the road of physical training. Why on earth?"

"It's no wonder that, along the way, she thinks that the elixir field can be exercised and developed just like other organs, and this furnace of medicine just nourishes her elixir field."

The astonishment in the young man's heart was even worse, and he continued to explain: "it is because of this that the true Qi originally hidden in her body can be mobilized, and it will naturally break through."

In just one afternoon, I have broken four small levels, even more.

Another has a huge amount of Qi in his body, which may break through to a higher level at any time.

Who the hell are they?!

The precious light of the sky shines on the night. Among the mountains that stretch for many miles, the brilliance here is particularly conspicuous. After a short time, many talented people gather nearby, either in the open or in the dark, and each of them is very careful.

One more master means one more enemy. There are limited treasures and secrets in the secret world. No one is willing to fight for them.

Strangely enough, no one bothered them. They were all watching quietly. Even if they were so angry that they clenched their fists and itched their teeth, they could not help it.

After a period of time, Baoguang finally completely converged. When Ji Baihua came out again, his temperament was a little different.

Her skin can be broken, more white, as if against the growth of the general, Lin Xiao harazi are about to flow out: "sister Baihua, I didn't expect that your Baihua palace skills are so magical, you are beautiful again, hehe."


Ji Baihua slapped his paw open and glared at him. Then he hugged the boy: "this furnace of medicine is really wonderful. Thank you very much."

"What kind of thing goes with what kind of person, you have the best bone, which is worthy of my prescription handed down from generation to generation," the young man was elated, glancing at Lin Xiao from time to time, "but some people are different, such a big medicine, you can't enjoy it all your life!"

Lin Xiao was so angry that he stamped his feet. He had no choice but to take both of them Wait, don't fight! "

Although it's feasible to nourish the body with aura, if you don't really exercise thoroughly, your control of your own strength will become weaker with the improvement of your realm.

In this way, chopping wood and carrying water became an excellent way of cultivation. The next morning, Lin Xiao immediately found out the bucket and the burden to work.

Once these were regarded as cultivation, everything would come naturally. When Lin Xiao used all his strength to reach the forest fifty miles away, it took only one hour, and he was not as breathless as he was yesterday.

"The state of mind has really been improved in vain. Generally speaking, my body is stronger than several times!" Lin Xiao was very surprised. It was unexpected that the four lowest realms could be greatly improved.

In the afternoon, he went back to his study and bought a few hundred kilograms of aura in the mall. Then he began to nourish his body.

It's different from before. At this stage, it's not as simple as before. He needs to open the valve of his body with genuine Qi, so as to let the aura come in and out of the body without blocking. Only in this way can he really let the aura stay in the most remote corner.

However, as soon as it was carried out, he frowned and stopped: "it's strange why Sancai Daojing can't guide Zhenqi to go on. It seems that it conflicts with Xianwu Tiangong..."

After inquiring about the system, Lin Xiao was furious!

If you dare to forge your body, you can't use the method of refining Qi to interfere with it, otherwise you will have endless troubles: "silly money immortal martial arts, you have to give me such a set of skills, and you want to kill me!"If it wasn't for Sancai Daojing, maybe he didn't know it at all

"the understanding of the host is wrong. According to Xianwu Tiangong, it is to open the valve of the physical body in other ways, but other ways are not true Qi."

Lin Xiao was puzzled by the system's reminders. What other way, if not to stimulate Zhenqi, is there any other way

just thinking of this, the voice of the young man came in from outside the hall: "little prisoner, come out quickly!"

"I won't kill you for fear."

"don't listen, little brother, I know it's wrong!" Lin Xiao grinned and soon rolled on the ground

"thank you very much." Ji Baihua smiles at Lin Xiao and goes to the back kitchen

the purpose of this beating is to find out the flaws in Lin Xiao's body, nourish and make up for them with big medicine, and then use some ancient methods to remove the impurities that hinder the further strengthening of his body, so as to achieve the ten fold forging

"you can't sell anything, I want you to have what use!" Lin Xiao was about to die of anger

the system also replied: "the host can choose the special quenched body pill for forging environment, which can eliminate impurities in the body and perfect defects, with a vengeance value of 1 point per pill."


in the blink of an eye, three quenched pills came out of the air and fell in his heart

the color of the quenched body is dark yellow, simple and introverted. Lin Xiao swallowed it in one gulp, with a burning breath. In an instant, he rose from his belly and soon burned to the Dantian: "ah!"

he ran the skill in a hurry, and the fire was pulled. After staying in Dantian for a while, he went to other places. When he collided with the real Qi, he really ignited the fire, but it didn't cause any damage to his body. On the contrary, it made him much stronger

half an hour later, Lin Xiao's whole body was affected by the fire, and the burning sensation gradually faded. He took off his clothes soaked with sweat and gray brown liquid like mud, and finally breathed out a breath

in the internal vision examination, it seems that my body has been tempered by a gentle flame. Some of the original positions are slightly inadequate, but now they have been made up and become a complete whole

in the next few days, he splits firewood and carries water every day to nourish his body with aura. In combination with Sancai Daojing and Xianwu Tiangong, he understands the inscriptions and uses the body quenching pill to eliminate impurities in his body. In this process, his body is constantly tempered and beaten, as if to produce qualitative changes

on this day, the young man went out early to let Lin Xiao guard the palace. He could only sit on the stone at the door to practice<

towards noon, an old man with a bent back, leaning on a stick, came trembling up the mountain. When he came near, he asked, "this is Qianyang palace, isn't it? I don't know if Yuan Chang is here?"