"Not dead?" they were surprised.

Under the eyes of the people, those aircraft that stagnated in the air burst into dazzling brilliance, and laser beams penetrated the people's bodies at an indescribable speed.


"Foreign demons are not dead!"

Screams resounded through the void. On the spot, more than 20 Asian saints were pierced through their bodies, either dead or disabled.

The people were caught off guard and flustered.

However, the people are at least a chaotic continent. The top human coalition army calms down in a moment.

Several saints led by them shot together to blow up those aircraft, and pieces of fire rose in the universe.

The dish shaped aircraft here have no love for war, and they have become transparent one by one.

Including the mother ship of the three pyramids, it disappeared after a few breaths.

Look carefully, there is nothing left in this vast void except a group of Yasheng's bodies.

"Run away?" the Youhai dragon saint was stunned.

The whole scene was dull.

In less than a minute, 30 Asian saints were killed by the human coalition.

The mechanical spaceships of foreign demons have only destroyed less than 10%, and can continue production with little loss.

"Foreign demons are not dead?"

Ye Tian's face became gloomy.

What he cut off just now may be just a mechanical heart!

Foreign demons have scattered two mechanical hearts.

Moreover, the chopped mechanical heart was also taken away! Maybe it will be repaired in a period of time!

At that time, foreign demons will return in full bloom!


At this time, Ao Jiuyou of the dragon family also came to explore the news.

"Human coalition? Ye Tian?"

Ao Jiuyou's face was startled.

At this moment, after the human coalition found Ao Jiuyou, they did not show hostility - they had no energy to deal with monsters again!

Ye Tianping looked at him quietly and said calmly, "Ao Jiuyou, from now on, the hatred between humans and monsters will be officially lifted!"

"One day later, the chaos mainland God of war hall, I hope the monster alliance can be on time."

Ye Tian didn't explain too much.

He knew that the monster side had seen the current situation.

Ye Tian's figure slowly disappeared, and the human coalition army also left one after another.

Ao Jiuyou looked at the empty No. 1 ancient battlefield, sighed, and finally left here.

The last thing he wanted to see happened!

——Foreign demons are really coming!


What happened in the ancient battlefield No. 1 spread all over the chaotic world in just one day.

Chaotic continent, chaotic star domain, everyone is boiling.

Such a powerful news, like a wildfire, is spreading more and more widely. No matter how remote the chaotic world is, it has got this amazing news.

The news even spread beyond the chaos world.

Foreign demons reappear. Are things in ancient times going to happen again?

At this moment, the battle between monsters and humans had to end!

They finally understood Ye Tian's practice. It turned out that ye Tian had long been aware of the existence of foreign demons!

On that day, the reclusive saints went out one after another to the direction of the God of war hall.

The experts of the demon beast alliance are no exception. They all set off for the God of war hall in the chaotic continent.

This matter is related to the life and death of the whole heaven. There can be no carelessness!

At this time, Xiao Long was still closed in ZuLong star, and no one told him about it.


Ye Tian has informed the news. The next day, he gathered in the God of war hall to discuss the major event of dealing with foreign demons.

This time, no one was absent. As long as there were dignified figures in the chaotic world, they all came.

On the monster side, all ethnic groups also sent a representative.

The four demon families sent their own chiefs.

However, foreign demons have never played cards according to convention.

Just the next day, when the crowd had just gathered.

A shocking news came from the chaos world. The natural wasteland in the west of the chaos world was raided by foreign demons.

There are 70 second-line sects in the whole wilderness area. All of them have been destroyed, and none of them remain!

The second-line sects are all the second-class sects with an Yasheng in charge. Their patriarchs came to attend the meeting, but they were all destroyed when they went out!

"No, what can I do?"

"Finished, foreign demons have invaded the chaotic continent!"

"Things in ancient times are going to repeat!"

In the temple of the God of war, the people who had just assembled screamed.

Ye Tian didn't have time to argue with them. He closed his eyes, opened his mind and tracked the figure of foreign demons.

Foreign demons may hide in any aircraft. Only the heart of the plane can be judged by the subtle differences of different aircraft.

Suddenly, ye Tian opened his eyes and said, "all of you here are the elites of the chaotic world. This matter is of great concern. I'll make a long story short!"

"Foreign demons can continuously create aircraft to deal with single individuals, which will cause fatal blows! Therefore, you must form a coalition!"

"Every coalition army should be composed of at least two great saints, six saints and a hundred Asian saints!"

"Only in this way can we minimize the losses of foreign evil attacks!"

Ye Tian said seriously.

This is also the experience summed up in ancient times.

Different from the war in those years, this time, they are no longer headless flies like before. They don't know what to do when they encounter foreign demons.

They already have experience in dealing with foreign demons!

Moreover, this time there was only one foreign evil, but there were five in those years!

The only weakness is that the number of saints today is far less than that in those years!

For example, there were two supreme saints in those years! Now, ye Tian is the only one!

There were also five saints who owned heaven and earth gods, all of whom were the main force against foreign demons.

Now, except ye Tian, only the reclusive Xiao Long has the gods of heaven and earth!

Heaven and earth gods are the most destructive to foreign demons. If it weren't for the plane heart, ye Tian couldn't find the essence of the demons, and the other party would have been invincible long ago.

"I agree!"

Dragon clan leader long Tianding road.

"I agree!"

"Form a legion of saints now! Just like in ancient times!"


"Distribute the subpoena and notify in time!"

When they formed the army, ye Tian's shadow had disappeared.

Needless to say, he has set out to deal with foreign demons.

Now, the aircraft of foreign demons have invaded on a large scale and wreaked havoc in the chaotic mainland. Only Ye Tian can stop foreign demons.

Others can only protect themselves!

I'm afraid no one thought that one day ago, humans and monsters were still fighting and killing. After you and me died, an unprecedented unity was established one day later!

However, Xiao Long, who is in a closed state, can't know.

At the moment, Xiao Long is sprinting towards the realm of saints.


Time flies.

A year passed after the invasion of foreign demons.

In the chaotic continent, about 50% of the areas have been destroyed.

Now, the chaotic continent began to move its families. The weak fled directly to other places, or scattered like the monsters in those years, broke up into parts, fled to other secret places and hid.

Ye Tian never stopped chasing.

The two Saint legions also launched two large-scale conflicts with foreign demons, which hurt each other.

Three years have passed.

The chaotic continent, 80% of its territory fell, was completely broken by foreign demons and became a no man's land.

The territory occupied by only a few super sects has not been swept up by foreign demons.

Like in ancient times, foreign demons always pick soft persimmons first and consume them step by step. When the creatures in the chaotic world are almost dead, they will take full action and start the final war.

When five years have passed.

Less than 10% of the territory is left in the chaotic continent.

Most of them have been cleaned up by foreign demons!

Humans have long abandoned their homeland and went to chaotic star regions or other places to avoid disasters.

The place where the aircraft passes is like a locust. There is no grass where it passes.

Even the super forces such as the killing temple, Youhai Dragon Palace and ye family moved together and gathered in the center of the chaos world.

This is the site of the temple of the God of war. All the eight patriarchal gates of the chaotic continent have been moved to this neighborhood as the final defense stronghold.

They have no energy to guard those small sites.

However, there is one place in the chaotic continent that is absolutely safe.

That's Wanjie island!

Wanjie island has always been a neutral place. Even foreign demons have no intention of attacking, which is very surprising.

Even many assassins who were hunted down hid on Wanjie island and always escaped.

The only pity is that the area of Wanjie island is limited. Once it stays too long, it will be removed and can not be used as a long-term shelter.


Chaotic continent, outside the temple of the God of war.

It has been ten years since the invasion of foreign demons.

Compared with ten years ago, the chaotic continent is not what it used to be.

At that time, the chaotic continent was the territory of mankind. There were tens of millions of cities, sects and families, countless populations, hundreds of sub saints, and countless immortal emperors.

Today, more than 90% of the territory of the chaotic continent has become a no man's land.

Human strongholds have been uprooted, patriarchal gates, families and cities have been destroyed, and even ruins have not been left.

A foreign evil is a scavenger who eradicates human activity areas one by one, leaving only a wilderness forest.

At this moment, ye Tian and the two sage legions gather together again.

This is also their agreement. At the end of each year, they should gather once to make plans for the next year.

However, compared with the first few years, this year's people seem dead.

After ten years of failure, their fighting spirit is almost worn away.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first decade is over. The chaotic world has no place for human beings except the territory of our coalition army! We need a solution to the fundamental problem!" the Youhai dragon Saint said calmly.

"Ye Tian, you have chased and killed foreign demons for ten years, and you haven't gained anything?" said long Tianding.

At this point, everyone's eyes looked over.

Ye Tian is the only one who can solve the fundamental problem.

But in the past ten years, he has chased and killed foreign demons for ten years. Relying on the heart of position, the two sides have met thousands of times, and it seems that they have failed!