Xiaomei lies down in Xiaolong's arms and sobs. My grandfather is gone. Now only Xiaolong is left in his family.

"Well, Xiaomei won't cry." Xiao Long patted fox Xiaomei on the back and whispered, "I'll protect you later."

"Hmm!" Fox Xiaomei wiped away her tears, held Xiao Long's arm and whispered. "Brother Xiao is the best!"

Xiao Long also smiled a rare smile. Looking around, Huang Mao was grinning at Xiao Long. Mo Ying stood quietly around him, as if he had completely integrated into the shadow and could not feel a breath.

"It seems that everyone has made great progress."

"Ha ha, boss! I won't hold you back at last. Now I think that shit Iraq can be killed with a stick!" Huang Mao's face was eager to try. He waved the stick back and forth to hunt the wind.

"There are three moves to kill Iraq." Mo Ying's voice seemed to come from all directions of the cave. He couldn't find a specific direction. His voice was still indifferent, but there was a trace of killing intention.

"Brother Xiao... Xiaomei, Xiaomei can beat Iraq now and avenge her brother!" Fox Xiaomei shook her white and delicate fist, her nose frowned, and fairy fox's ears shook gently, which was very cute.

Xiao Long looked at his companions one by one, and they all took Yi's wasteland as an example. He was really sad and laughing.

As a team, everyone kills Iraq's Wasteland like a dog. I don't know what the scene will be when I see Iraq's wasteland after I go out.

Two months have passed, and the ranking war of the heavenly kings list must be coming to an end. It is said that there will be a challenge arena showdown. They won the opportunity in the fairy tomb, improved their strength, and finally fought to the death to determine the final ranking. This is the ranking war of the heavenly kings list.

I just don't know if the challenge arena showdown is over, but Xiao Long and others don't care about the challenge arena showdown. As long as their strength is strong enough, what's the significance of being on the list of heavenly kings.

"Let's go and have a look at the challenge arena final and solve the personal grievances by the way." Xiao Long smiled and took the transport array when the people came up. The principle of this transport array has been completely understood by Xiao Long. It's just a simple ten thousand mile transport array, which Xiao long can arrange himself.

"Let's go!"

With Xiao Long's order, the light of the transmission array under his feet was bright. In the blink of an eye, the people disappeared in place. When they appeared again, they had returned to the giant palace.

But now the palace is also a little different. Stone tables, futons and broken books are all there, but Xiao long can't tell where it has become different.

When I was about to leave, suddenly a transparent figure close to nothingness appeared in front of everyone, but my eyes were a little dull, but the smell around me was very terrible. As soon as this figure appeared, the space in the hall was still for a moment.

"Welcome to the fairy tomb exchange paradise. There are heaven level magic tools, magic pills, invincible arrays, everything you can find in the lower heaven, and treasures that the lower heaven does not have. Everything can be exchanged with spirit stones. I don't know what you need?"

Xiao Long and others looked at each other and immediately realized that this should be the Tianji peak puppet mentioned by the ancestor of ghost fox. It's really a big deal.

"What do you have?" Xiao Long asked tentatively. He still had a giant bear spirit stone in his hand. He didn't know what to change.

"Treasures are divided into heaven, earth and man. There is no limit to human treasures. Earth treasures need to have more than one million spirit stones, and heaven treasures need to have more than 100 million spirit stones."

The puppet responded without any emotion.

But this made Xiao Long tremble in his heart. He didn't know how many spirit stones the half step immortal spirit stone in his hand was. Could it be worth 1.8 million?

Thinking like this, he took out the giant bear spirit stone and asked, "how much can this spirit stone count?"

The puppet glanced casually and shook his head slightly.

"Half step earth immortal earth spiritual stone, worth 100 ordinary spiritual stones."

"What?" Xiao Longqiang resisted the urge to scold his mother, and the spirit stone in the fairyland was only worth 100 yuan? Isn't it necessary to kill at least 10000 spirits in half-way fairyland?

When do you have to kill? Even if you consume it, you will consume yourself!

Not to mention the highest heaven, the admission fee needs 100 million spirit stones

No wonder the ancestor of ghost fox said that treasures are rare. Maybe he didn't want people to exchange them successfully!

"Can you show me your third-class treasure first, and then decide whether to change it." Xiao Long's words are pure nonsense. How can he get a million spirit stones.

"Since you are the first guest to come here, meet your wishes." the puppet said mechanically, then waved his hand, and a huge light curtain appeared out of thin air.

A wide range of names appeared on the light curtain, all of which are exchangeable treasures.

Xiao Long just glanced at it at random and clicked in his heart. How he thought he had a thousand trillion spirit stone and exchanged all the things on it!

Exchange list of Heavenly Treasures

Dragon blood: ten billion spirit stone (self exploration)

Golden Phoenix red blood: ten billion spirit stone (self exploration)

Nine tail real blood: ten billion spirit stone (self exploration)

Jiuli incinerator: 5 billion spirit stones (heaven level magic tools, which can swallow heaven and earth, and celestial immortals can also be refined)

Sky extinction immortal array disk: billion spirit stones

Immortal body: billion spirit stones

A fragment of law: 800 million spirit stone (necessary for promotion to heaven)


Exchange list of local treasures

Immortal spirit puppet: ranging from 5 million to 10 million spirit stones

Prefecture Level magic weapon: 3 million spirit stones


This is just a casual glimpse of Xiao Long. Unfortunately, I can only see it. There are too many spirit stones.

Suddenly, Xiao long thought of the five elements turning spirit array given to him by the ancestor of ghost fox... His face was ecstatic!

The function of the five element soul turning array of the external fairy tomb is to continuously produce the spirit body, and then let the friars kill the spirit body, obtain the spirit stone and exchange the treasure, so as to cycle.

And the small five element turning spirit array disk in your hand is not also used to produce spirit bodies? As far as I know, as long as the energy is the most sufficient, spiritual bodies can be born continuously.

In heaven, the most efficient energy is immortal spar!

That means that as long as Xiao Long has enough immortal crystal stones, he can have a steady stream of spirit bodies. As long as he has a spirit body, he is afraid that there is no spirit stone?

You know, Xiao Long is a pervert with the inner world. In the inner world, he is God! If you put the five elements turn spirit array disk into the inner world and nourish it with fairy crystal stone, countless spirit bodies will be born. It's not like a fairy tomb in the outside world, which is very broad and hard to find. Moreover, the powerful spirit strength can even reach the peak of the earth fairy. At that time, I don't know who the hunter is.