"Sure enough, my relics have been transformed." looking at the basin in front of him, Xiao Long shook his head silently.

He jumped into the basin.

According to his previous setting, the law of fire must reach perfection, and his remains can be opened by pouring the power of the law of perfection into the earth.

Now I don't know what it has been changed.

With a try mentality, Xiao Long pressed his hands on the ground, and the boundless power of the law of fire rushed out of his palm and into the ground.

With the spread of the law of fire, the whole land turns red, and the soil seems to burn.

Then, something startled Xiao Long happened.

I saw the whole heaven and earth, suddenly began to shake, and the void in front of me kept shaking, like a magnitude 1000 earthquake, the earth would be lifted up, and the heaven and earth would hang upside down.

Xiao Long quickly retreated outside the basin.

"This is..." Xiao Long was stunned.

In his shocked eyes, a huge and magnificent relic rose from the ground in the basin, climbed gradually, and rose to the surface in an instant.

The length and width of this relic is 100000 Li. The shape and structure are no different from those arranged by Xiao Long in those years. The only difference is that the logo of the burning Dragon Emperor at the entrance of the relic has been excavated and transformed into a Bagua pattern.

The relics are filled with Fairy Spirit and clouds, like a fairyland on earth. Even the surrounding space has become bright. It is no longer a lifeless Valley for burying immortals, as if it turned into a sea of mountains and clouds in an instant.

"It's really taken over." Xiao Long was surprised.

The immortal is interesting enough and retains his original structure, which shows that he may be able to explore this relic through his own advantages.

"Go and have a look first."

Xiao Long rushed towards the gate of the ruins.

"Bang!" he was knocked back by an invisible wall before he approached.

"What! I've arranged my own ruins and won't let me in!" Xiao Long shouted.

Xiao Long tried to get close and put his hands on it. There was an invisible wall in front of him, which blocked him. No matter how he pushed it, he couldn't move.


At this time, the change is steep! A bright column of light suddenly broke out in the ruins, rising from the ruins to the sky.

Xiao Long looked up. The light column rushed to the top of the sky and broke through the valley of buried immortals. It was still rising and came to the nine clouds.

Then, the light column quickly became thicker and wider, from ten feet to hundreds, thousands, thousands and hundreds of feet. Xiao Long was soon submerged by the light column.

"What's the situation!" Xiao Long shouted in the vast white light column.

The light column became larger and larger, and gradually spread to the whole buried immortal valley. No matter where it was, it showed a vast white light.

At the same time, the outside world.

The eight forces at the gate noticed the abnormal situation in the buried immortal Valley at the first time. They were all shocked and confused.

"A strange treasure was born?"

"Very likely! Go quickly!"

Immediately, everyone rushed in the direction of the light column.

This indescribable huge pillar of light rushed to the top of the mainland of China and the barrier of the sky. It was more dazzling than the sun. It could be seen clearly even thousands of miles and billions of miles away.

All the people in the middle earth God domain raised their heads and looked at the huge light column in the south of the middle earth God domain. It was like a giant pillar standing in the sky and piercing the sky. It was very spectacular and frightening.

The originally dark sky, illuminated by the light column, brightened in an instant.

People in the fight stop fighting, the auction in the auction house is suspended, passers-by in the quarrel, monsters in hunting, officers and soldiers chasing fugitives, martial arts competitors in the challenge arena, and strong people preparing to break through in cultivation

Everything, everyone, all stopped their actions and looked south.

The pillar of light, hundreds of millions of miles apart, can still be seen and seen clearly.

The crowd was stunned and appalled at the scene.

After an hour, the light column dissipated and condensed into a gossip pattern on the horizon. In the pattern, a word "immortal" was vaguely formed, and finally slowly dissipated on the horizon.

Now, the whole Middle Earth God domain is boiling!


"Fairy? Is there a fairy fate?"

"It's very possible that such a pillar of light can be seen in the whole Middle Earth God domain. Even the title of Emperor Wu doesn't have the ability. It is very likely that it is the fairy fate left by the immortal!"

"The direction seems to be the south of the middle earth God domain?"

"That's the direction of burial fairy Valley!"

"My God! I heard about the fall of immortals in the valley of buried immortals a thousand years ago. Today, such visions happen again. There must be a situation!"

"Go and have a look!"

Immediately, the people of the middle earth God domain, wherever they are, whatever they are doing, whatever their identity, all rushed to a place... Buried in the immortal Valley!

The people in Honglian palace who were on the way to the demon alliance also saw the vision of burying immortal Valley and were stunned and motionless on the way.

"Immortal?" grandma Hong looked surprised.

Gu Feng looked startled. He knew what was in the buried immortal valley. It was likely that the secret collection of the immortal gate was triggered!

When grandma Hong hesitated whether to bury immortal valley or catch Xiao Long first, she seemed to feel something and took out a token.

Two bright red words appeared on the token: "return quickly!"

"The palace master is summoning me!"

Grandma Hong was shocked and quickly ordered: "go back to the palace!"

Three people, storm and thunder, returned together with grandma Hong and flew towards the direction of Honglian palace.

Gu Feng's eyes twinkled and there was an accident in the buried immortal Valley, which showed that almost everyone in the middle earth God domain had to rush there, and the secret would no longer be a secret! This is not a good thing for him!

The only thing to be thankful for is that the eight forces are closest to the burial valley. His people should go in at this time and may find something in advance.

Gu Feng shook his head. Now is not the time to be stunned. He should rush to the burial Valley in time!


In the immortal Valley, Xiao Long stared at the vision in front of him and calmed down after a long time.

"What's the situation that attracts everyone to grab?" Xiao Long frowned.

The immortal's intention of setting up such a situation could not be more obvious. It was to attract all people in the middle earth God domain to rob and cause a bloody storm.

Usually those who do this are not good goods. Xiao Long is deeply aware of the stakes. It is possible that the immortal left nothing, just for the sake of the whole person.


Xiao Long tried to smash the front hood and tried all the methods. The hood didn't mean to break at all.

However, with the passage of time, the energy seems to be weakening. At this rate, it is estimated that it will be completely broken in a year.