"Mr. Xi Wei, I'm sorry. My two guards are also for my safety. They don't sincerely want to kill your son." Wu daotuo patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "don't worry, I will remember the kindness of the Hisai family, and I will repay it well in the future."

"Don't say that to Mr. Wu daotuo. My son, who is not proud of himself, has fooled the assassin into the manor. You are in danger and deserve to die. My Lord, I don't know if these assassins have any accomplices in the manor, and there are enemies besieging outside. For the sake of safety, you'd better leave the scene of the reception first. " Although Xiwei is distressed, he can't show it now. Since he decided to take the boat of Wu daotuo, he had to support unconditionally and could not have any ambivalence. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's not just this son who died, but the whole family of the Hessian family will be buried with him!

Wu daotuo is very satisfied with Xi Wei's words. He nods and agrees to his suggestion. He plans to leave the chaotic scene with two guards under the protection of the crowd. The incessant gunfire from the outside made the scene completely out of control. Each of these noble figures looked like a dog, but once the danger came, they were all like rats in the street. They were in a mess. They were greedy for life and afraid of death. They were speechless.

However, it was precisely because of the embarrassment of these noble guests that Xiao Qiang had a headache. There are many guests scurrying around. If he comes close to Wu daotuo in a leisurely way, he will become the focus of attention almost immediately. Before he gets close, he will be found to be shot. How can he be caught by surprise? However, if he really moves forward slowly with his head down and his waist bent like these guests, he can't catch the Wu daotuo who is getting farther and farther away, not to mention the chaos at the scene. It's just a luxury for him to get close to them smoothly.

In desperation, Xiao Qiang tried his best to be less than 100 meters away from the group of Wu daotuo. However, under the protection of two guards, the others had escaped from the chaotic crowd at the reception and were picked up by other guards to leave here.

"Damn it Xiao Qiang said that the plan could not keep up with the changes. At this moment, he finally realized that there would always be a gap between ideal and reality. Mingming has arranged such a perfect plan. Two assassins pay their lives to create chaos and hold Wu daotuo and others back. However, these noble guests are greedy for life and fear of death and delay his best shot. They can only watch Wu daotuo leave with more than a dozen guards. Do you think it's irritating or not?

"No, no, I can't just give up!" Xiao Qiang's eyes turned, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "In any case, even if I'm in danger alone, I have to catch Wu daotuo! No matter how bad it is, we should personally kill this disaster, and do not let it harm India and Burma, and endanger menggan area! "

After making such a decision, Xiao Qiang quickly started, bypassed the crowd running around, and began to move quietly towards the direction of Wu daotuo's evacuation. The gunfire outside is still very dense, and the noisy gunfire is getting closer and closer to the party. It can be seen that Qiu Xing and his guards are fighting hard. Such a big movement will surely attract the guards and soldiers of the whole manor to come close to this side and fight to death. Whether they can rush into the manor or not is really a question. For today's sake, it's up to him to fight hard alone!

After bypassing the crowd, Xiao Qiang started to take a strong wind step. His speed soared and he shot away quickly in the direction of Wu daotuo's evacuation. Without the obstruction of other escaping crowd, his speed was extremely fast. Not long after he passed through a small garden in the manor, Xiao Qiang caught up with several guards at the back of the hall. Before he found Wu daotuo, Xiao Qiang naturally didn't want to let the guards find his trace, so he had to sneak through the guards and move on.

During the period of Qiu Xing's siege of the manor, Wu daotuo would not rashly leave the heather manor without knowing what the situation was outside. He would certainly hide in a relatively secret place and stick to it. He would see the change of the situation and decide his next action. This gives Xiao Qiang enough time to catch up, and no matter how well Wu daotuo hides, maybe others can't find him, but Xiao Qiang has the eye of perspective, so it won't be very hard to find him.

Sure enough, after avoiding the first group of guards, Xiao Qiang went through the garden and came to a residential area. He looked into the courtyard through the wall beside him and found many hidden and open sentries in the courtyard. There are so many guards, and the Wu daotuo must be hiding in them. However, what made him wonder was that he didn't seem to be seen in the room in the yard?

"Is this guy trying to make a fuss? Put the guard here to guard, but actually people run to other places to hide? " As soon as Xiao Qiang's conjecture came out, he immediately denied it by himself. Shaking his head, he thought, "it's impossible. The more treacherous and cunning people are, the more they cherish their lives. He dare not gamble like this. Moreover, he doesn't know the strength of his opponent. He can't really dare to risk his own life like this! This guy must be hiding in this yard! "

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang plans to deal with the guards in the yard first! He slowly took out his pistol, carefully observed the location of the guards in the yard, looking for the most suitable attack route.

The gunfire coming from the outside is getting closer and closer. Qiu Xing should have broken through the defense line outside the manor and come in. Xiao Qiang doesn't intend to order Qiu Xing to bring people here. After all, as long as they exert pressure near the reception, they can attract most of the guards of the Manor. Once they start here, they can't support them. Xiao Qiang is not in a hurry to start. He is still waiting for the moment when Qiu Xing really breaks through the manor.

Not long after, Qiu Xing's voice came from the earphone connected to the walkie talkie, "boss, we have broken through the No. 3 site and rushed into the reception site. I repeat, we have arrived at the reception successfully! "

After thinking about it, Xiao Qiang said in a low voice, "Qiu Xing, take your men to resist as much as possible based on the buildings near the reception. The more guards you attract, the better. I'll be near your back yard. Remember to help me get more time, the better."

"Yes, boss, promise to finish the task!" Qiu Xing soon understood and turned off the walkie talkie.

At this time, Xiao Qiang looked at the courtyard inside the wall. After a deep breath, he kicked the wall with a brisk step, leaped to the top of the wall, turned over and flew to the right side of a secret whistle!

The secret whistle was sitting on the top of the eaves. If Xiao Qiang hadn't had a perspective eye, he couldn't have found it so soon. It's a pity that his opponent is Xiao Qiang. Before he can react, Xiao Qiang silently uses his overlord fist. With the power of thunder, the dagger is thrown out like a meteor, and instantly falls into the neck of the guard at the secret post!

The guard opened his eyes and covered his bleeding neck, then he fell down and fell from the eaves to the ground of the courtyard! The sound also made the two guards on guard in the yard immediately aim their guns at the top. But it's obvious that their action is always slow, because Xiao Qiang has already raised his pistol, instead of taking the lead in aiming at them!