"Cough..." the handsome man named Shen Tao coughed awkwardly when he saw Mu Wanqing scolding him. He looked at Su Wen and Fang Ruixi and said, "are you Qingqing's sisters? I heard Qingqing mention you. She... "

"Don't call me Qingqing, you don't deserve it!" Mu Wanqing red eyes glared at him, and then biting the pink lips, tears came down again.

"Shen Tao, what's the matter with you? Why is she so angry? " Fang Ruixi some puzzled voice way, "she is a good girl, I have never seen her angry so much!"

"Well... Listen to me, actually..." Shen Tao just wanted to talk awkwardly. Then he turned around and found Xiao Qiang standing on one side. He couldn't help but say, "who is he?"

"He's our tenant. Don't get off the subject and say it!" Su Wen says in a hurry, "are you bullying Qingqing?"

"No, how can I bully Qingqing? It's really... Ah..." Shen Tao couldn't speak for a moment, so he had to sit on the chair beside him and didn't make any noise.

Xiao Qiang sees Shen Tao's expression and knows that he can't say it. Maybe this can only be said by Mu Wanqing himself.

"Su Wen, sister Sisi, I'm so sad, I'm so wronged..." after Mu Wanqing stabilized her mood, she said, "today, our department's plan was well done, and a meeting was held. At the meeting, all the leaders of the company participated, and my plan was also very successful and passed. But unexpectedly, Shen Tao, an asshole, took me into a no one's workshop on the ground that he wanted to talk about a job with me. But who knows that there was a representative of the cooperative enterprise of the company in the room. That person even made moves to me when I reported my work, but Shen Tao... Went to the bathroom on the pretext of discomfort. That guy wants to... Rape me... Wuwu... "When it's just us."

Mu Wanqing's words made Su Wen and Fang Ruixi blush with their eyes and glare at Shen Tao. Xiao Qiang finally understood what was going on. No wonder Mu Wanqing said that she had a big accident, and that being raped was certainly a big event for a girl.

"What did you say, Qingqing You, you were... Raped by that bastard? " Su Wen said more and more, "it's so shameless, it's such a jerk! What kind of company is this

"No, i... I didn't let him do it." Mu Wanqing's words made the two women's anger lighten a little. They all showed the color of happiness. After all, women's chastity is more important than anything. If you don't give it to your beloved man voluntarily, no one will be willing to be brutally occupied by others!

"I, I was so scared at that time... I struggled desperately and begged him for mercy, but he didn't want to let me go like a beast. I was helpless and angry, so I grabbed the ashtray next to him and hit his head hard." Mu Wanqing said, "the representative of the cooperative company was hit with blood all over his head by me, so I had a chance to escape from the room. But that bastard, he said that he didn't want to rape me at all. Instead, he slandered me and wanted to murder him. He said that he wanted to ask the police to arrest me! When the senior management of the company knew about this, they asked me to apologize to that bastard. I refused, so they threatened to fire me and let me take legal responsibility... I, my heart was cold, so wronged, so wronged... "

With that, Mu Wanqing burst into tears again. The two women finally understood why there was a quarrel in the meeting room just now. It seems that Shen Tao should have come alone to ask her to apologize!

As soon as Su Wen heard this, she became angry and yelled to Shen Tao, "Shen Tao, do you still have human nature? You pick up Qingqing every day, always buy flowers and invite her to dinner for romance. We all know that you want to pursue Qingqing. I was very happy at that time. I always thought that Qingqing had found a good man and might have a good home, but I never thought that you were such a despicable bastard! You... You didn't help Qingqing, but you fell into the well? Don't you like sunny weather? Why should other men do this to her! You, you're making excuses to create opportunities for that guy? Are you still human? "

Shen Tao was scolded by Su Wen, and lowered his head in shame. He said in a helpless voice, "I have no choice. That representative is an important person in the cooperative company. Even our president, Mr. Wang, is very kind to him, and the vice president is his brother. At that time... At that time, he focused on Qing... Mu Wanqing. Later, the vice president asked me to take her to the workshop to report her work, and asked me to leave halfway. I, I have no choice... "

"You... Are you still a man! The woman you like is taken in. All the idiots know that they can't leave. Why do you want to leave? Is it because the vice president asked you to leave that you left? " Su Wen was so angry that she pointed at Shen Tao and said angrily, "are you still a man?"

"Su Wen, don't scold this kind of person, he doesn't deserve it!" Mu Wanqing wiped her tears and said with a bitter smile, "I'm blind. I used to think he was a good man. Now I find that a man like him is a scum! You think he can't help it? Wrong, he can't help it, just because he doesn't want to lose the position of department manager, and doesn't want to bear the pressure from the company! He can even sell his soul for money and power. Is such a person worthy of being a human being? "

It can be seen that Mu Wanqing is very disappointed with Shen Tao and has no interest in scolding at all. She looked at the two girls and Xiao Qiang gratefully and said, "Su Wen, sister Sisi, and Xiao Qiang, thank you. Thank you for coming to worry about me. I'm much better. What should come is always to come, I will not give up, will not surrender, will not compromise! You want me to apologize? Dream! If you want to report to the police, let him report it. If you want to catch it, catch it. Mu Wanqing doesn't believe that there is no justice in this society! "

Shen Tao looked at her and said, "Mu Wanqing, it doesn't matter how you scold me, but you can't do this! If you don't apologize, there will be difficulties in the cooperation between the two companies. If you don't say so, the other side will exert pressure on us. General manager Wang will certainly not be able to get by. The planning department will be greatly involved because of this! You can't be so selfish... Besides, it's just an apology. As long as you apologize, you can keep such a good job, and you don't have to be accused. How nice is that? Do you know that the representative's forehead has been sewn several times by you, which has constituted a slight injury. If you are really accused, you should at least lose money. Moreover, if the other party refuses to let go, it is likely to cause criminal responsibility, and you will be in prison! "