Because there is a distance between them, Li Nanyan vaguely heard the words about antibody and Tang Mu orange from his mouth.

Damn it!

Li Nan Yan's eyes flashed a shade.

The leader did not dare to disturb their conversation, until they had almost said it, then he said in a voice: "report to the alliance leader, these infected people have been brought."

"Bring it up." A thick and deep voice came from the front. It was very wonderful, as if it could spread to the whole hall.

Seeing that a person in front of him had gone with the infected body in his arms, Li Nanyan also quickly kept up with the pace.

Of course, in order not to let ink rose they recognize themselves, he specially took the infected body to cover his face tightly.

They stood in a word formation, holding the infected body in the front, accepting everyone's examination.

After a look, the deep voice just started to ring again.

"This is the drug developed by cruise a while ago. I asked people to inject the drug into these people. Just a moment, I'll show you the difference between this batch of infected bodies and the last batch of infected bodies."

I don't know why, there is always a tingling feeling in this person's voice.

In the field, I don't know who made a loud finger. Suddenly, someone pushed several glass covers.

These glass covers are as like as two peas in the room where they placed the infection.

The person in charge of the team said to them, "after you put all these infectious agents in, just stay outside for me and come in after it's over. Do you understand?"

"I understand." The crowd murmured in response.

After they had placed the infected body, they went out. Just as they were waiting, Li Nan Yan walked quickly to the other end.

He didn't stop until he reached a corner.

At this time, Cruz side head, some doubt to the ink rose said: "I just saw a figure above, how so familiar?"

Mo rose frowned and looked at him: "you haven't been here much before. Why are you familiar with them? It's not so unusual. "

"It's not that kind of familiar," cruise said, taking a breath of air-conditioning and thinking about it carefully. "I feel like I saw Li Nanyan among those people."

"Don't talk nonsense." Mo Meigui immediately scolded him: "Li Nanyan is waiting for us outside now. How can he mix with these people?"

"I mean it." Cruise had some anxious explanations.

"Maybe someone looks like him, not necessarily." No matter what, Mo rose didn't believe him.

In my mind, I can't help but come up with the scene that Li Nan Yan just helped himself to block the sparrow.

While everyone didn't notice himself, Li Nanyan found a vent and climbed up from there.

Fortunately, this vent directly connects with the hall where they started the meeting.

Li Nanyan happens to have an excellent view here.

He lay on the pipe carefully, like an eagle in the dark.

The group of infected bodies just brought by them were dying one by one, which would be put in the glass cover again.

A line of people in white coats did not know when they appeared, holding injections in their hands. They injected all the injections into the infected bodies.

Just after the injection, they closed the door, as if for fear that they would run out.

It turns out that what they are worried about is right, because in less than a minute, the infected bodies, which originally seemed to be dying, actually began to grow up one by one.

There was a fierce light in their eyes, which made people have no doubt that if there was no glass cover to block them, they would tear the people under them to pieces without hesitation.

Li Nan Yan looked further ahead and saw the direction he was facing. There was a long black curtain hanging down to the ground. He could see a figure sitting behind the curtain.

If he had not guessed wrong, the dull voice he had just heard inside should have come from behind the long curtain.

Li Nanyan is also keen to find that the former leader also has a remote control in his hand.

"Start testing them."

Only to hear the dull voice sounded again, the leader nodded, and then pressed a button in the remote control.

Then, the glass covers filled with infectious agents, like a combination of transformers, all joined together, became a column, became a complete piece.

This scene is very surprised, and Li Nanyan's eyebrows are deeper.

After the control of this scene was completed, the leader pressed a button on the remote control, and then each glass cover gave out a unified light, and the glass partition at the junction went up directly.

Those infected people see their companions, they go crazy one by one, and they start to bite each other. Their fight was extremely fierce. Soon, there were very obvious mottled blood stains on the whole transparent glass jar wall. There are also some pieces of meat and human body, official like things, have been hit on the wall. The most terrifying thing is that there are two infected bodies surrounding the other infected body. Because the other infected body can't fight them, they tear off one arm directly. Blood almost filled the bottom of the glass tank, the picture was unbearable. Mo rose saw this scene and sat back. Although she was with cruise, she had seen the infected body used in the experiment, but it was the first time that she saw such a ferocious one. But her reaction is still good, and many people who can't help it have already begun to retch. During this period, no one called to stop. In less than 10 minutes, all the infected bodies died because of fratricidal action. Even though many of them are evil people, there are still quite a number of people who have no blood behind the scenes. It is conceivable that the scene is extremely cruel. Cruise shook his head and sighed: "it's a pity that I thought there would be a strong one among these infectious agents. I didn't expect that they all died in the end." Mo rose bit her lip and didn't speak“ I believe you can see the power of our infectious agents. What do you feel next? " That deep voice rings out again, let a person feel a bit more oppressive in the heart for no reason.