Mo rose quickly stopped her: "what are you doing here? Go back to me now

She pointed to the position of the cabin in a gesture that could not be refused.

"Sister..." Merrill stamped her foot, with a look of reluctance.

"It's an emergency. It's not your time to fool around!"

"Go back to me!"

Seeing that myrell was still standing still, Mo rose yelled at the doctor: "Tom, come here and take her away for me!"

Soon Tom came out from behind.

Of course, she didn't dare to be hard on myrell. She just stood beside her and urged, "miss myrell, let's go."

Merrill snorted and left reluctantly.

Cruise is still crying on the ground.

"You must catch those two little bunnies for me. I will never spare them!"

Mo rose saw the blood flowing out of cruise, and her face was sorry.

Anyway, the shooter was myrell.

As soon as he thought of it, cruise began to speak.

"And your sister, what's going on? Why are you stupid enough to attack your own people? Is her brain full of paste? "

"I'm sorry, I didn't discipline her well. I'll teach her a lesson later."

"Don't worry, those two people, I will help you find them." The ink rose falls this words, turn head to other people to say again: "you still Leng do what?"? Why don't you take the professor in to deal with the wound? "

As soon as the words came out, someone came forward immediately.

Merrill would be carried inside by them, and her voice would appear in the air from time to time.

"Take it easy, you idiots!"

"Oh, Hello, it's killing me..."


When they successfully landed, Li Nanyan and Xiao Zimo were exhausted.

"You are back!" Jinmanli see two people come forward, quickly took two towels over, put on their shoulders: "quickly wipe it, don't catch a cold."

Obviously, she has been waiting here for a long time.

"Thank you." Li Nanyan's voice was light, and there was a tired color in his eyes.

At this moment, he was all wet, and his hair was dripping. But even so, he was not embarrassed.

His clothes were tightly attached to his body, showing his strong texture and chest. His whole body was full of the smell of male lotus and Hermon.

It's hard to see.

That's what it's going to be, Kimberly. That's it.

What I didn't think of was that Li Nanyan just turned his head and ran into her eyes.

Jin Manli is a little embarrassed to move her eyes away from Li Nanyan and quickly digs off the topic.

"By the way, are you all right?"

Li Nan Yan shook his head.

And Xiao Zimo, it will only feel that the strength of the body has been overdrawn. It's no exaggeration to say that he could sleep soundly just by leaning back.

After fleeing from them, they have been lurking in the sea. Finally, they managed to find a reef, and then they were able to send a call for help to their people to get them back.

There was a silence in the air.

Jin Manli stood up awkwardly, suddenly thought of something, and quickly said: "I have hot water, you hurry to drink a cup of hot water to warm your body, and then wash and rest."

Li Nan Yan nodded.

Just when Li Nanyan and Xiao Zimo are ready to leave here, Professor John suddenly comes to them.

"How's it going?" Professor John has a deep voice.

"Professor, these things will be asked later. They need to rest now." Jinmanli in the side is very careful to remind him.

Professor John's eyes sank, indicating that jinmanli would not speak.

Li Nanyan's voice came from the side.

"It's not going well," he said bluntly

Xiao Zimo thought for a while and explained, "they are not willing to negotiate with us at all. They also said that if they want the antidote, they can't, but they need to exchange it at a certain price."

"At what cost?" There was a little anxious inquiry from kimmeryton.

Xiao Zimo took a deep breath: "they said, they want to teach you, to help them."

A heart suddenly mentioned the throat, jinmanli some don't know what to say.

Professor John's face changed greatly, his fingertips clasped tightly on the armrest of the wheelchair, and then asked, "and then?"

Li Nanyan talked about the next thing, and then said, "well, it's time to say it. We've also said it. Let's go back and have a rest now. We'll talk about anything later."

Then, instead of giving Professor John the chance to ask questions, he took Xiao Zimo with him. Looking back at them, Professor John had a thoughtful look on his face“ Professor, what do you think? " Jinmanli thought, or hesitated to ask. Although she knew in her heart that those people must have bad intentions, she still couldn't bear to think about Xiao pansy's situation“ I can't go. " The answer given by Professor John is the same as that expected by jinmanli“ They're not good people. " "We can't be with them," Professor John said“ Even if we do pass, it won't come to a good end. " Professor John is very clear in his mind. These people don't want him to be a helper. In fact, they want to take advantage of him and humiliate him. You know, they killed one of their families at that time, but now he is coerced by them... He can't bear the humiliation! Jinmanli is worried about xiaopansy's situation, but considering the situation of Professor John, it's not easy to embarrass him. After thinking for a while, she came up with a solution“ Professor, otherwise, let me go alone. It's too dangerous indeed. I brought Xiao pansy alone. I have the obligation to take responsibility for her safety. "“ No Professor John sternly stopped her: "Xiao pansy's accident has nothing to do with your responsibility. The virus on her body is not caused by you. It's framed by someone who has a heart!" It seemed that he was a little too excited. Professor John paused, calmed down for a moment, and then said, "Mary, I know what you're feeling, but you can't mess with yourself."“ But Professor... "Jin Manli's eyes flushed:" Xiao pansy's condition is getting worse day by day. I'm really worried about her... "" no matter how worried I am, I can't bet on my own safety! "