These are not the most important. The most important thing is that the bad smell of food on him is disgusting!

This meeting Ye Xinyi is very close to him. If it wasn't for her good manners, I'm afraid she would have vomited out uncontrollably.

In any case, the first impression can only be associated with four words: sloppy.

"I, I'm back, mom." The moment Ye Xinyi opens the door, fengteng is moved to cry.

Sure enough, at the end of the day, the only person who will accept you is his family!

This time, he was deeply immersed in this sentence.

"How did you do that?" Ye Xinyi frowned.

"I, I spent the night out last night and something happened." Recalling what happened last night, fengteng felt very embarrassed.

Yesterday, he walked around the street, because he was in a hurry and didn't bring any wallet or mobile phone, so he had no place to go.

Finally, I managed to find a foothold in the park and spent the night carelessly.

"Mom, may I come in?" Feng Teng looked at his mother, with a little imploring meaning.

"I'm really cold now..." he hugged his arm and shivered: "I slept outside last night. The wind blew all night and made my legs numb. I'm not cold now..."

"My good mother, I know you won't be so cruel to me, will you?" The breeze Teng side blows palm, then want to squeeze in, "please let me in, I can't wait to go to the room to stay for a while now."

"Don't make up to me here. What did you do wrong? Did you forget so soon?" Ye Xinyi does not intend to put him in so easily.

But also learn the tone of Li Nanyan yesterday, "if you forget, I don't mind to help you think about it."

"I really know it's wrong! Don't you know me? As a matter of fact, I also have difficulties in this matter! "

Fengteng stamped his feet as he spoke.

"Mom, I know you are beautiful and kind-hearted. Even though I made a lot of mistakes with LanChi before, I am really aware of my mistakes now, and I can guarantee that I will never make them again!"

"Are you here to supervise me?" To this end, Feng Teng even gritted his teeth and made a poisonous oath: "if I do that kind of bastard thing again, I will have five thunders in the sky!"

When he said this, he was desperately denying his words.

God, God, I'm just joking with my mother. Don't take my words seriously. I cherish my life very much!

And ye Xinyi, after hearing that he made this poisonous oath, looked at him with suspicious eyes, and still couldn't believe him.

"You said something similar before, but what? In the end, haven't you done it yet? " Ye Xinyi is angry when she mentions her past memories.

"Not only didn't do it, but you even carried me back to contact them again. Fengteng, I think you are really brave!"

The wind Teng suddenly trembled, and then directly began to kneel for her.

As if kneeling this matter, has become accustomed to the same.

Feng Teng begged and said to her: "Mom, you can give me another chance. If I fail to live up to your expectations, I will not be an individual. I'll let you fight and scold me, OK?"

"You Ye Xinyi this meeting to him, can be said to be both love and hate.

In fact, after all, she can't do anything to fengteng.

Because for fengteng, she always felt a sense of debt in her heart,

Over the years, he owes too much to him, whether in company or in material life.

It is precisely because of this that he can't catch up with Li Nanyan for thousands of miles.

Ye Xinyi originally just wanted him to take care of himself, and it's OK to live a plain life with him. When it's time to learn the management of the company, it's better to arrange a position in Li's family and give him some shares, which can be regarded as an account to him.

I didn't expect that he was so disheartened

Feng Teng sees that ye Xinyi seems to have a trend of easing up, so he makes the play more important.

"Mom, please forgive me. You are my only mother. If you want to turn a blind eye to me in this world, I'm afraid I'll end my life!"

"And at that time, I was really forced to do nothing. LanChi said that if I didn't listen to him, he would have to do something to you. Now in this world, I'm the only relative who cares about me. If you're not here, what should I do?"

Fengteng began to wipe his tears when he picked up his sleeve.

He had a taste in his body, which would be more intense because of his actions.

Yesterday, ye Xinyi was in a rage. Besides, Li Nanyan and others were standing beside her to help her talk, so naturally she didn't forgive him so soon. But there will be only two people... She will be moved soon. She couldn't help choking her breath: "you hurry to wash in and come out to talk to me. Look at you, a teenage man. What's this look like? If you are known by others, you'll have to see our jokes!" After hearing Ye Xinyi say this sentence, fengteng suddenly feels a burst of ecstasy. Because it shows that ye Xinyi has forgiven him“ Thank you, mom He immediately got up from the ground and ran to the bathroom. Fortunately, yesterday's fire was not very big. It just burned the kitchen beyond recognition. After the workers' rush repair, the other pipes were complete. The bathroom was also in perfect condition, just in time for him to take a hot bath. Immediately, fengteng took off his clothes, then turned on the hot water, surrounded by the steaming steam, he almost wanted to sing loudly! Hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, ye Xinyi standing outside couldn't help savoring what he had just said. Just now fengteng said... It was because LanChi threatened him with his own life that he compromised? The credibility of this sentence, although not high, but women are always emotional animals, so listen to her heart, always warm. After all, it can also show that he still occupies a very important part in fengteng's heart.