"It's OK to fail!"

Unexpected mild tone let ready to be scolded by the wind Teng mercilessly stunned.

LanChi's fierce face was smiling at this time. It seemed as strange as it was.

"Coco, if that's the case, won't it ruin your plan?"

Fengteng carefully looks at the blue pool, for fear that he will turn over next second.

Blue pool ha ha a smile, the generous palm clapped again and again in the wind Teng shoulder: "failure is the mother of success, besides you this failure also has the advantage!"

Fengteng doesn't understand. He looks at the blue pool in doubt.

It's all failed. If it's not finished, LanChi won't help him, let alone make a great success. What's the advantage of this?

See wind Teng full face doubt, blue pool in the heart belly Fei a fool, and then patiently explain.

"You think, because of this matter, does Ye Xinyi trust you more?"

Fengteng thought along the words of LanChi. After he left the hospital just now, ye Xinyi really felt very sorry for him, and the strange feeling before was much less.

"A little bit!"

"It's easier to get Ye Xinyi's trust. If you think about it again, if she can trust you more, with your current identity, are you afraid that something can't be done?"

"For example, let Ye Xinyi give her shares to you..."

LanChi's words are full of demagogic meaning, which gives windy vine a boost.

Shares in the name of Ye Xinyi! That's enough for him to spend his whole life!

If that's true, it's not in the blink of an eye to make a great success?

The more you think about it, the more excited Feng Teng's expression is, completely forgetting the previous severe pain.

Blue pool satisfaction looking at the reaction of wind Teng, and remind a: "so you and ye Xinyi relationship must be good, understand what I mean?"

"But." Feng Teng thought of something and hesitated: "Li Nanyan is not a dry man. If my mother really wants to give me all the shares, he must be the first one to disagree."

Blue pool hate iron not into steel and speechless looked at the wind Teng one eye, "you forget?"

"Li Nanyan is her son, and you are her son too! And you've suffered so much outside since you were a child, she won't have the heart. "

Maybe Lan Chi's words are too bewitching, and maybe Feng Teng's idea of getting ahead is too strong. He believes in Lan Chi's words.

After returning home, fengteng really became a dutiful son, and he still carried the fruit he bought specially.

Although the Li family will not lack it at all, he just wants to show it to Ye Xinyi.

Ye Xinyi greets the maid to take the things in fengteng's hand, and then pulls him to sit in front of the sofa.

"Does it hurt? Why do you buy fruit when you have it at home? "

She took fengteng's hand and asked for warmth.

Feng Teng changed his indifferent attitude towards Ye Xinyi and put on a guilty expression: "no pain, mom, these are your favorite fruits."

"Before I was stupid, I always thought you didn't want me on purpose, mom."

Said, the eyes of the wind Teng red, see ye Xinyi, heart a burst of pain.

Her poor little son!

"Ah Teng, mom doesn't blame you. It's mom who doesn't protect you."

Ye Xinyi's guilt for fengteng has deepened a lot. Even now he asked her to cut her flesh, she would not hesitate to do it.

"Ah Teng, tell mom how you've come over the years and how you've been doing."

Now Feng Teng, who wants to please Ye Xinyi, naturally won't refuse. He immediately opens his mouth and comes slowly.

"I was adopted by a couple of rural people. My adoptive mother was kind and nice to me, but my adoptive father loved to drink too much. Every time he got drunk, he would take it out on me and my adoptive mother."

After that, he rolled up his sleeve to reveal the crisscross scars on his arm.

The old scar and the new scar are superposed together, which looks ferocious and shocking.

Ye Xinyi opened her mouth in shock, and her eyes were filled with tears in an instant. She trembled and stretched out her hand to caress the scars one by one.

"My adoptive father would beat people when he met something unpleasant in the village, and my adoptive mother would defend me, so she had more wounds on her body."

Recalling those cruel memories, fengteng's eyes are red.

Ye Xinyi's heart aches.

Even if it is separated for so many years, but the wind Teng is also a piece of meat from her body! It's her baby!

"Ah Teng, it's mom. I'm sorry."

Ye Xinyi mute voice, and heartache and regret: "these years, my mother owes you too much."

"At the beginning, the hospital told me that I only gave birth to one, but actually you were secretly taken away."

Feng Teng comforted Ye Xinyi a few words in turn, and the latter thought more and more.

Who was so cruel at the beginning? Unexpectedly made such a thing, let her and a Teng bone and flesh separation so many years, let a Teng suffer so much!

"Ah Teng, don't worry, mom will get justice for you!" Ye Xinyi spoke firmly. Fengteng didn't speak, but nodded his head. My heart is full of disdain. Justice? Things have happened, even if we find the original person, what can we do? Can you let the other person experience what he has experienced? Once something happens, it can't be made up in the future! Ye Xinyi doesn't know what fengteng thinks. She has always been straightforward, which is to say that she can do it. She tells the housekeeper to take good care of fengteng. He came out from home and found Li Nanyan's assistant, ye Shaoling. Yeshao Lingsi, who was repeatedly found by the president's mother, did not dare to neglect her. After bowing respectfully, she asked, "Hello, Mrs. ye, what can I do for you?"“ To investigate, I gave birth to a child in the provincial hospital of traditional Chinese medicine 20 years ago. " Ye Xinyi frankly let night less Ling to investigate the matter, then added: "I want to know everything, who is so cruel, dare to do such a thing." Let a mother and her own flesh and blood abruptly separated for so many years“ Well, I will find out as soon as possible! " As Li Nanyan's assistant, ye Shaoling also knows these things. When ye Xinyi finishes, he solemnly answers. Preparing to investigate this matter, ye Shaoling also reported it to Li Nanyan by the way. Li Nanyan stands in front of the French window of the office, his dark eyes are deep, and people can't see what he is thinking“ In that case, go and find out. " At half a sound, he spoke slowly. Mother's idea of investigating this matter can't be reversed, and he also wants to know what's going on“ Yes Night less Ling should be next, turn round to start to investigate this matter. Tang Mucheng, who has been waiting inside, can't help but come out and walk to Li Nanyan.