"Well, when is it? Where are you still remembering it?"

"I'll tell you frankly, it's a good thing that you can save your own life. If you really want to live, listen to me. Now pack up quickly, and we'll run like this. Maybe there will be a way to live."

Feng Teng hesitated for a moment and asked, "we really don't wait for them to come back?"

Even though the matter has become a decision, he still has not forgotten the words that LanChi told them when he left here.

"You must take good care of Ye Xinyi for me, understand?"

"You've got to watch her until we get back."

At that time, they agreed well.

What fengteng didn't expect is that Lin Yuan would make such a guess. What he didn't expect is that LanChi is really so heartless.

Lin Yuan hit him on the shoulder, "I think you are really incurable, I tell you the truth, if we still stay here to be caught, there is only one consequence in the end, that is death!"

"Think about Li Nanyan's character. Do you think he can let us go? It's obviously impossible! "

After that, he no longer looked at him. Instead, he began to search the room for valuable things to see what he could take with him.

In the dark cabin, because there is no one to look after, so ye Xinyi has become a lot of freedom.

She first went to the door position, tentatively pulled the door, the door is still on the back of the lock, because when she pulled, there came the sound of the lock clang clang.

She was a little disappointed, but she didn't get so frustrated.

After a tour of the room, she found a stick in the corner, concentrated in one corner of the room and began to chisel the wall.

In fact, the house is not very solid because it is simple and crude.

She did not expect that she only insisted for half an hour or so, and the wall, which looked solid, was chiseled out of a hole by her.

Through that small hole, ye Xinyi is so happy to see the faint light reflected from outside that she is about to have a heart attack.

She could not help but speed up the strength of the hands, and it was half an hour, just here appeared a just able to accommodate her to go out alone.

Compared with her figure, ye Xinyi was overjoyed.

She couldn't wait to get out of the small hole. The fresh air outside made her feel alive for a moment.

After spending so many days in this small house, she not only felt depressed, but almost forgot that she was a person.

But the happiness didn't last long, and she soon began to feel wrong again.

When I first came here, I took a look at the surrounding environment.

At that time, she also saw that there were many people on duty here.

But this meeting, let alone people, she did not even see half a ghost, as if in a flash, all the people here were gone.

She is very vigilant toward the periphery to see one eye, after confirming his guess, can't help but scold: "damn! Where's everybody? I dare to leave me here alone and lock my door. I think you are tired of living! "

There is a reason why Ye Xinyi is so angry.

Because she thinks that these people just don't give themselves a way to live.

Angry to angry, of course, she still want to return to the subject.

"Mu orange, Mu orange!" She made her hands into the shape of a trumpet, yelled at the surrounding area, and began to call Tang Mu Cheng's name.

Even if she could escape, she would never forget Tang Mu Cheng.

However, after a while, she began to be disappointed.

Because the people here, not only clean, Tang Mu orange is half a shadow did not see.

"Mu orange! Tang Mu Cheng Ye Xinyi is still not willing to give up, anxiously around the housing area, facing the lush forest began to roar.

To answer her, there was nothing else but the deep.

In this way, when she will be here inside and outside all over, she was forced to bear the fact.

That is, Tang Mu orange really disappeared and was taken away by them.

Ye Xinyi sitting on the ground dejected, recalled these days, with Tang Mu orange in that room to get along bit by bit, also feel quite bitter.

Why didn't she feel that Tang Mu Cheng was so important to her?

It's really a bit too late to react.

Of course, what she regretted most was that she didn't treat her well when Tang Mu Cheng was beside her.

Not only that, some time ago, she deliberately threw her face. Now, it really makes people blush.

Thinking of this, ye Xinyi wants to beat her chest and feet on the spot. What she didn't know was that at this moment, a poisonous Bungarus was approaching her position. When ye Xinyi found it, the snake was only half a foot away from her. Ye Xinyi is scared. Where has she ever seen such a scene? As she retreated in the direction behind her, she felt her legs begin to soften. In fact, it's not only soft, her legs are shaking uncontrollably at the speed visible to the naked eye. That Bungarus "hissing" spit out the red snake temperament, it is precisely because of this, ye Xinyi is more afraid. There was a thin layer of cold sweat on her back. She grabbed the stick she had just taken out of the room. After dancing the stick in the air, she said, "stop! Don't come any closer to me, or I'll be rude to you! " Then he waved the stick twice. Not only was the snake not afraid, but it moved directly towards her position, wriggled and got closer. Ye Xinyi was really scared. There was a layer of cold sweat on her palm and a layer of cold sweat on her back. Almost all of her crying, one person and one snake, so confrontation, both sides want to seize the best opportunity, put each other to death. Thinking that it was not a way to go on like this, ye Xinyi finally could not bear it. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes, took the stick in her hand and started to hit the Bungarus in front of her. Bursts of intense sound, in the ear ring up. That snake's movement is quite nimble, no matter how ye Xinyi starts, it always can deftly avoid.