"Yes, Mary, don't be silly. Those things are outside your body. What is more important than your health?"

Jin Manli couldn't listen to them at all. Instead, she struggled to get down and said, "I'll do it myself. I have to control the steps and time. I have to watch them with my own eyes to be at ease. Today, it's really not easy for me to catch these sea cucumbers."

"Mary, you can't go down at will now." Professor John couldn't see it any more, he dissuaded.

But Jin Manli said, "it's OK, professor. Don't worry. I know my body."

Professor John shook his head and couldn't help it.

Outside the door, Mary took a look at Li Nanyan and said, "you must cherish Mary. Look at her. It's really silly."

At this time, Li Nanyan went straight in.

Jinmanli this meeting, just struggling to get out of bed, the result because of foot pain, and can't bear the force, straight toward the ground.

A group of people in a hurry want to help her, Li Nanyan is the action quickly came to her side.

Of course, in the end, their speed is not faster than Li Nanyan.

Jinmanli raised her eyes at the moment, just to the face of Li Nanyan.

Feeling the powerful temperature of his palm, she immediately turned red.

"Are you all right?" Li Nanyan asked deeply.

"Nothing." Jinmanli hesitated to answer, the whole person into a mess.

"Don't try to be brave. Have a good rest." Li Nanyan's voice lowered slightly.

However, after hearing his words, everyone present seemed to see the sun coming out from the West.

"What's the matter? Li Nanyan, how can Li Nanyan care about people? "

"And I seem to have heard a bit of tenderness from him. My God, did I hear it wrong?"

"It seems that the two of them are really warming up..."

All kinds of guesses rang out around them.

Jinmanli didn't speak, just buried her face lower and her face redder.

Li Nanyan turned a deaf ear to all that.

"You have a good rest these days. Leave the rest to me."

Jinmanli bowed her head and nodded her head in shame, which was in sharp contrast to the way she just tried not to listen.

Although the scene in front of us looks very sweet to others, Li Nanyan didn't stay here much, and left here in less than an hour.

Jinmanli heart suddenly filled with some loss, asked: "where are you going?"

"Something happened."

The tone of these four words is his usual cold tone.

Although jinmanli didn't want him to leave, she was more embarrassed to let him stay with her, so she went with him.

However, other people in the lab couldn't help thinking more when they saw this scene.

Seeing Li Nanyan's figure disappearing at the door, two of them ran directly to Tang Mucheng and asked her, "Mary, do you like Li Nanyan very much?"

What they asked was too straightforward. Jin Manli stopped talking for a while.

There is no doubt about her feelings for Li Nanyan, but it will make her admit it in front of so many people, and she is a little shy to say it.

Although she didn't say it directly, people on the side could probably guess what she was thinking from her expression.

After struggling for a while, they said to each other, "what we just said, please tell Mary."

"No, you'd better say it. Your logical thinking is better than mine. If I don't say it well, I'll be in big trouble then."

The first person to speak, when mentioning this point, instead of bearing a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, clapped his hands and said, "OK, OK, I'll do it!"

She cleared her throat and looked at jinmanli with an indescribable look.

Jinmanli was puzzled by her. When she heard her words, she was puzzled, so she asked directly, "what's the matter? You say that

At this point, they spoke slowly: "Mary, I'll say more. Don't be angry."

"That Li Nanyan, I don't think he cares about you so much. Why do you bother so much for him?"

Now that the topic was open, another person immediately added: "I tell you, Manli, women must not be stupid. You see, in order to help him catch the laoshizi sea cucumber to mend his body, he didn't take any practical action except to say two nice words."

"Yes, he won't even accompany you! It's not even hot, is it? I just left... "

Jinmanli's face suddenly became ugly: "no, no, Nan Yan must have left here because of something."“ Mary, don't be so self deceiving, will you As soon as the man patted the forehead, some speechless said: "you say, our island is so big, what can he do every day, don't you know?"“ Yes, I really don't understand why you always have to defend such people. "“ Forget it, Mary. We won't say more. Since you insist on that, we have nothing to say Several people see jinmanli insist on so, helpless shook his head. They even think that Jin Manli's stubbornness towards Li Nanyan is beyond remedy. Jinmanli clenched her lips tightly, and her brain kept recalling what they had just said. Mary, who was in this meeting, just saw this scene when she came in, so she came directly and yelled, "Hey, hey, what are you yelling about here? Now that Mary has been injured, are you still stabbing her like this? " Mary stood in the middle of them, protecting Jin Manli“ If you are really so free, I suggest that you don't stand here and say that there is nothing left, just go and spend more time on research! " When the two saw Mary's appearance, they said nothing and went to the other side. Mary took advantage of them to leave, immediately sat on the side of jinmanli, "Manli, I tell you, they are big mouth, can't see others, you must not listen to their words, and don't be unhappy." Jinmanli bit her lip and raised her head to ask, "where's Li Nanyan?"