Tangled for a long time, he stretched out his finger, pointed to Tang Mu orange's shoulder, and said: "Tang Mu orange, we'd better go back. It's dangerous here."

Just as expected, Tang Mu Cheng didn't listen to him at all. He was still walking straight ahead.

The storm was in a hurry, and he wanted to go and chase her back.

"Danger ahead! You can't go any further! "

At this time, Xiao Zimo has just reached the position where Li Nanyan disappeared.

He looked around, his thin lips tight, and his whole face looked extremely cold.

But inside, it was extremely shocking.

At this time, the smoke around him had gradually faded away, and he suddenly found that there was nothing in front of him except a flat land!

Of course, the obvious laboratory door is still under my feet.

But beyond that, he really couldn't find anything else.

"What about people?"

This meeting, Tang Mu orange also came, after a blank look around, she was almost broken voice to say these two words.

"Why are you here?" Hearing her voice reverberate around him, Xiao Zimo subconsciously looks back at the storm, as if to question him.

Fengfeng shrugs helplessly and signals a "I can't stop it" to him.

Xiao Zimo took a deep breath.

And Tang Mu Cheng, this meeting has almost lost his mind.

She knelt on the ground, frantically using her fingers, and began to dig the thick land on the ground.

"What about people?"

"Where are the people?"

"Nan Yan, where are you?"

She yelled and confused the cry, which almost broke the heart.

Fengfeng gritted her teeth and put her hand on her shoulder: "calm down first, don't be so impulsive..."

"Ah! Go away Unexpectedly, after Tang Mu Cheng roared, he stretched out his hand and pushed him over.

She has no strength to take into account the feelings of other people.

The most unexpected thing is that she will almost lose her sense, and her strength is too big to be believed.

Storm such a big man, all staggered several steps.

"You..." storm heart a cool, originally subconsciously want to blame her, but after seeing her reaction, after all, did not say anything.

Seeing this, Xiao Zimo went to Tang Mu Cheng's side and patted her on the shoulder: "don't worry, we will find him."

"It's gone here, everything is gone... And so is Nan Yan..." Tang Mu Cheng sobbed, and all his fingers were covered with mud.

But the action in his hand did not stop, as if he wanted to dig Li Nanyan out of thin air.

Xiao Zimo saw all this and frowned deeply.

Because all this is so weird.

In front of my eyes, a piece of open space has evolved, and the whole laboratory seems to have never appeared.

Xiao Zimo thought of this, and began to take steps, toward the surrounding here, began to patrol.

However, no matter what he thought, there were no other traces except the two blasted iron doors.

Seeing this, the storm quickly got up from the ground, clapped the dust in his hands, ran to Xiao Zimo and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I don't know." Xiao Zimo shook his head.

"Here, but there's nothing left..." the storm looked back around him, and his eyes were at a loss.

"Why does a good laboratory have nothing?"

No one can answer him.

A sea breeze blows over, and a fishy and salty smell spreads in the air. The cry of Tang Mu orange is mixed in the wind and scattered all over the ground.

Qi Xiaojiu this meeting, after continuously to Gu xijue and Lu Ku and so on medicine, they wake up one after another.

The first thing Luku woke up was to hold his head and exclaim, "it hurts!"

However, his voice was as rough as a duck.

Even he himself was frightened by himself.

Gu xijue beside him also wakes up in a daze and wants to make a sound.

However, he seems to be more miserable than Luku. He can only pump air intermittently.

And even when I make these aspirating sounds, my throat is very painful.

"How do you feel?" Although Qi Xiaojiu usually seems careless, from the perspective of doctors, he is very considerate.

"It's hard." "And I feel a lot of pain in my head. It's like lead," Luku said

While talking, he pressed his head hard.

As a result, he frowned in pain when he pressed it so lightly“ You can have a drink of water first. " Qi Xiaojiu said, then wiped the sweat on his forehead and brought them two glasses of water. Since their medication can wake them up, it means that Professor Kate's smoke, though toxic, is not fatal. She breathed a long sigh of relief at the thought of coming here. After being reminded by her, Luku and Gu xijue really felt thirsty. They took the water cup in her hand in an instant, and they didn't even have time to say thank you, so they poured it directly into their stomach. The cold water ran down their throat to their stomach, and they finally felt better“ Are you better? " Qi Xiaojiu asked anxiously. The two agreed: "much better." Get two people such response, Qi small nine immediately also at ease, then step forward to Tang Mu orange there walked past. At this time, Tang Mu Cheng is still in a state of being out of his wits. In short, at a glance, it is very distressing. Qi small nine just want to comfort her, suddenly also found here is not right. Because the whole layout here has completely changed! Just at the time of the explosion, they couldn't see what was going on inside, so they didn't think too much about it. However, she found that the laboratory that should have been here had disappeared. The whole ground is empty. Qi Xiaojiu's eyes were tight. He just saw Xiao Zimo coming not far away. He quickly asked, "what's going on here?" Before they could respond to this sentence, she asked repeatedly: "by the way, what about Li Nanyan and those people? Why is there no trace? " The storm sighed deeply and replied, "when we just came here, it was already such a scene." No one knows exactly what happened.