"Where is it?" Just when Xiao Zimo wanted to ask, suddenly, Fengfeng said: "although they had a base there before, according to my inquiry, they switched base very fast, and I don't know if there is anyone there now."

Li Nanyan looks a Lin, finally made a decision: "you give me the address first, I'll find someone to inquire."

Because it was Luku who knew the address, so Luku gave the address very quickly.

On rosefinch's side, the atmosphere is immersed in a strange range of stillness.

The sparrow has a headache and one hand supports the temple. It just feels that the whole person will burst at this moment.

Just at this time, the Scout outside the door rushed in.

Almost reflective, she stood up from her position and asked eagerly, "how's the investigation going? Have they both gone

While speaking, her fingernails tightly pinched the palm of her hand, looking forward to their reply.

In recent days, under the strong pressure of several other organizations, she has lost a lot of weight.

Around the eyes is a circle of black mixed with bruises, in short, the whole person's state, it is not online. If you have to describe it, it's about ten days and nights without sleep.

"Chief, we just found out their whereabouts from a hospital --"

"And then? You should say it quickly Hearing their whereabouts, the sparrow's whole heart was raised to his throat. He just wanted to go up and grab their arms on the spot and force them to ask.

The two spies looked at each other, expecting each other to speak first to deal with the sparrow.

It's really difficult.

Now the state of the sparrow is not on the point, if they say this fact, she will only vent her anger on them.

Seeing that they had not answered for a long time, the sparrow was almost in a hurry. In a high voice, he said, "are you short of hands? If so, I'll arrange people now. It doesn't matter how many people I take. The key is to thoroughly eradicate these two people! "

Haiyan also came over at this time and yelled at them: "what's the matter with you two today? The chief asked you! I don't think you want to live any longer

Haiyan, who is on the same boat with the finch, is nervous about it, but she is a little bit more rational than the finch after all, and she knows how to do it, so that she can just poke their weakness.

"We didn't..." they waved their hands in panic.

Originally, the situation is already very difficult. How can they afford such injustice?

Haiyan sullen: "since there is no, then do not hurry to say!"

They were so scared that they said slowly and heavily: "this is what happened. We just found the hospital where they were staying before. When we wanted to catch them all, we suddenly found that there was no more of them in the hospital..."

Another person, in order to avoid punishment, also at this moment quickly interface, put the fault on them: "all this, it is their fault, they are too cunning, there is no way, we have to send someone to carry out carpet tracking."

"Chief, Miss petrel, don't worry, we will find them soon!"

At the end of their words, their face was like the last straw that broke the sparrow.

She wants more than that!

"How could this happen?" She looked at them in disbelief: "since we have heard about their hospital, why can't we get there early and catch them at one stroke? Isn't it that all the ducks we got have flown?"

"Calm down, chief!" The two spies clasped their fists and knelt on one knee, asking for the sparrow's forgiveness. At the same time, they also said, "we really have difficulties. At that time, we arranged for someone to track us down, but..."

"But it didn't work out, did it?" The nether bird coldly said these words, and her eyes were more like ice dregs, which could pierce the two men in front of her.

"We, we are arranging for someone to look for... The result should come soon..."

"Enough!" The sparrow waved his hand impatiently and said to them, "you two, don't have to be perfunctory again! Let's go

She always looked at the results when she did things, but these two people obviously failed to live up to her expectations.

"I'm sorry..." a series of apologies, the water completely broke the sparrow's patience.


After inquiring about the address, that night, Li Nanyan went back to the hotel with the address.

As for Xiao Zimo, he was still there to protect their integrity.

"You're back at last!"

Because there has been no news of Li Nanyan in recent days, people still think that something happened to him. When they saw him, they were very excited.

Of course, the happiest one is Tang Mu Cheng. However, her look, in addition to happy, more is distressed. Because it was only a few days after Li Nan Yan left, his whole body became thinner. The original sharp edges and corners would make him thinner. During the dinner time, Li Nan Yan briefly described to them the things he found out there. When we heard that the wolf tooth organization was really preparing to put the dead into the market and control the crowd, everyone showed a look of panic“ How can this wolf tooth organization really do such a thing! "“ That's right. That's insane! " At this moment, Tang Mu Cheng seems more calm than them. Because from the moment Li Nanyan left her side, she had thought the worst side very thoroughly“ Don't worry, everyone. Listen to me. The purpose of wolf teeth is never simple. Now that we know it, we should find their base quickly and catch them all! " Her voice, with a rare firm strength. Li Nan Yan's heart moves, and he pulls down Tang Mu Cheng's hand at the bottom of the table. They look at each other in silence. Everything is silent. Gu xijue stood up and said resolutely, "what Mu Cheng said is reasonable. We should send someone to find them instead of hating them here."