Tang Mu orange is really hard to do. Like other women, he only needs a look, and they will come up with it.

But he just doesn't like people like that.

Only Tang Mucheng and Fang Xinduo (actually they are the same person, but Yan Chengyu can't know at present.), It's in his eyes.

But what about one? He always missed, first missed, and watched her and Ouyang Shaoqian get along for many years. Then he came back from abroad immediately, and he found that someone was the first to get Tang Mu Cheng's heart.

Even in France, they get along with each other day and night, and he cares for her so much that he can't get her heart in the end.

What's wrong with him? He's so bad that he can't even compare with Ouyang Shaoqian.

He was almost infatuated. How could there be such a funny thing at the end of the day.

How unbearable he was, how he missed Tang Mu orange again and again? This time, he will not let go of anything, Fang Xinduo, doomed, can only be his.

If someone wants to compete with him, don't blame him for being cruel.

He stood up, the millet porridge in the kitchen has been cooked, the performance of the pressure cooker is good, not long after, millet porridge has been cooked, time-saving and delicious.

She filled a bowl out, just smell the fragrance, even he can't help but want to drink. Tang Mu orange will certainly be willing to drink it, he happily carrying this bowl of millet porridge went upstairs.

When Tang Mu Cheng saw that he came in again, his nerves tightened again.

Yan Chengyu's hand holding a bowl of millet porridge, she frowned, she just want to give her porridge? She looked surprised.

"Don't be too moved, Nuo. Drink it quickly." Yan Chengyu puts millet porridge on the bedside table and helps Tang Mu Cheng sit up. She is too weak to hold the bowl.

Yan Chengyu himself took the bowl, took a spoon and put it on his mouth. He blew it gently. When he thought it was not so hot, he handed it to Tang Mu Cheng.

Looking at Yan Chengyu like this, Tang Mu Cheng's imitation of Buddha is to see that Yan Chengyu she knew in her memory is such a warm person.

If only she had never known his true identity. She shook her head with a bitter smile. It's really impossible. Some things happen, and it's doomed to be like this. No one can change it.

Yan Chengyu saw her shaking her head and thought that his millet porridge was not good enough for her. He worried and asked, "what do you want in particular? As long as it's not too greasy and indigestible, I can make it for you."

Tang Mu orange suddenly cried and rushed into Yan Chengyu's arms, wailing like a child.

Tired of crying, he fell asleep in Yan Chengyu's arms.

Yan Chengyu gently put her on the bed. He didn't react. Did he do anything just now? Why did you make her cry? He reluctantly put the millet porridge aside and looked at Tang Mu Cheng reluctantly, as if he could never see enough.

When Tang Mu Cheng wakes up, her hands are numb. She looks over, Yan Chengyu's hands are tightly holding his hands, and he sleeps under his head. He took his hands as a pillow last night. No wonder she wakes up this morning and feels numb.

She pulls her hand. Yan Chengyu is woken up. When she sees her first sentence, she asks if she is hungry and wants to eat something. Does he want to take her as a key protection object?

Yan Chengyu asked, she really feel hungry, yesterday that bowl of millet porridge she just drank a mouthful, too bad.

Tang Mu Cheng's regretful appearance amused Yan Chengyu.

"If you still want to drink, I'll go down and serve you another bowl." Last night, the rest of the millet porridge was still in the pressure cooker. He didn't pull out the plug and kept it warm all the time.

He thought Tang Mu orange would not be enough to eat, but after a few mouthfuls, she began to cry.

Yan Chengyu filled her with millet porridge while thinking about what he had to do to successfully plunder her heart.

Tang Mu Cheng's heart is what Yan Chengyu can't get in his whole life. Although the Tang Mu orange people are here in Yan Chengyu now, her heart has already gone to Li Nanyan.

She has been trapped here these days. I don't know if Li Nanyan will worry if she knows. She is worried about that. She can't get along with Yan chengyu in a down-to-earth way.

But when she thought of the task she had to accomplish, she had to let herself down. After all, what she had to do was very important.

These days, Tang Mu orange has been looking for an opportunity to slip out, but she tried her best to escape.

She will use those tricks, Yan Chengyu seems to have already penetrated, she simply can't do anything.

She was almost desperate.

Since she can't escape, she can only live here at ease. Fortunately, Yan Chengyu is busy with something recently. He doesn't have much time to find her.

While Yan Chengyu is away, she comes out of her room. In the past few days when she got along with Yan Chengyu, she had already figured out Yan Chengyu's work and rest time. At this time point, Yan Chengyu was in Yan's family and had not come back. She's been watching for days. It's today. When she gets the criminal evidence of "wolf tooth", she will try to escape. Walking in the long corridor, even walking on the heavy carpet, Tang Mu Cheng always felt that his footsteps were too loud. She has no reason ground some flustered, feel own chest, she slowly came to Yan Chengyu's study door. She reached out and put her hand on the doorknob. Her heart beat like a drum. She was very nervous. She took a deep breath, but it was inexplicable fear that could not be dissipated. Tang Mu orange's hand on the door handle, never put down, hesitated for a long time, she slowly pressed down. The door opened, and she went in quietly. Then she looked around for a long time and closed it. She walked towards the desk in the middle of the study. She thought that Yan Chengyu might have put such an important thing in a folder on the desk. She carefully looked at Yan Chengyu's desk. No drawer was locked. It seemed that Yan Chengyu never had to worry about someone sneaking in his study. Yan Chengyu's desk is very simple. There are almost no messy things. It should be very convenient to find them. She reaches over and looks for the documents.