Just relying on their regular customers, Li Shi can make a lot of money, which is not bad for these new customers at all. The reason why I will take the list of new customers is, of course, thinking that if I can make more money, I will make more.

Nowadays, who else would like to have a hard time with money?

Tang Mu orange suddenly stood up, like playing chicken blood in general, they thought she thought where there was a suitable venue.

As a result, she went upstairs facing the strong gaze of everyone: "I have to take a bath and have a good sleep." It's so important to go to bed early and get up early. She should be worthy of her face and her skin.

"Ah..." Fang Ruoxin suddenly exclaimed, jumped up and rushed to her room. She forgot the time. She had to take a bath. Today's skin care time is almost over.

Jiang Tian said that he shrugged at Li Nanyan. They had planned to tell them that they didn't have to look for a venue anymore. They already had a suitable one.

However, it seems that

"Don't tell them until we kill them." Li Nanyan is very busy. Tang Mu Cheng is very tired and sleeps on the bed everyday. He will not kick people in his sleep. He always has the experience of sleeping well and being kicked out of bed by Tang Mu Cheng.

During this period of time, he felt that he was really too happy. His big head fell to the ground, and it was still painful.

When Li Nan Yan came out of the bath, Tang Mu Cheng had fallen asleep. Looking at her breathing steadily, but... How tired she was, she began to snore.

He went out painfully, lay on her side and put his arms around her. In his arms, Tang Mu Cheng seemed to sleep more soundly.

When she woke up, Li Nanyan had dressed up and sat by the bed looking at her affectionately.

Embarrassed by him, she raised her head and asked him, "Why are you looking at me like this? Do I have flowers on my face?"

"You are more beautiful than flowers." This is the truth of Li Nanyan. When Tang Mu Cheng is asleep, he is like a sleeping beauty with special beauty.

That's what he saw. He couldn't see enough of it all his life. He said, "clean up and call Ruoxin. I'll take you to see the venue."

He told Jiang Tian that he had already helped them find the venue. Fang Ruoxin is a freelancer. He is at home all day. When he is inspired, he can devote himself to writing novels for several days. When he is not inspired, he will even be idle for several days.

It's also good to find some sidelines to do. It's a kind of comfort for them to manage the painstaking efforts of Tang Mucheng and Fang Zihe, just like Fang Zihe has always been around them and never left.

Fang Ruoxin is happy to run on the field. She is very excited. The field is really wonderful. She has seen the layout of the field that Tang Mu Cheng asked someone to draw, and it just doesn't match the structure of the field.

"Here it is." They both looked at each other and thought it was the most suitable place. Not only the transportation is convenient, but also the environment is good.

They immediately contacted the decoration company, they want to decorate the place or very few, is to connect a line, install a kitchen and toilet, other is to buy some furniture to decorate.

Their office area was almost finished in two weeks.

When they came in, they were almost excited to death.

The layout of every place is designed by Tang Mu Cheng. Now that they have all the venues, they are going to recruit.

Taobao stores like them, if they want to open large, must have a variety of styles of designers. What they have to do is not only jewelry, but also all kinds of materials.

They want to be an online jewelry store with good quality and low price.

Fang Ruoxin looks sweet. Tang Mu Cheng thinks that there must be at least five styles of models in her shop to be shop models.

We need to open a studio to attract people.

If only we could invite the net celebrities of Zhenghong to their live studio.

As for this proposal, Fang Ruoxin doesn't agree with it. She thinks it's better to cultivate it by herself. What they want to cultivate must be more talented in design.

Only those who understand can know how to introduce, including when trying accessories, to better show.

Tang Mu Cheng neglected this point. Fang Ruoxin is very thoughtful. The two of them worked out several plans carefully.

After all, national day and double 11 are both major festivals. Their online shop has just opened, so we must seize these two opportunities.

In terms of page design, Tang Mu Cheng is really not in a hurry. They have to find someone who knows how to design web pages.

Fang Ruoxin sometimes has to be busy writing manuscripts. Of course, she can't be the only one in the shop who can write copywriting. When they recruit people, they also need to recruit one like this.

"No, we have to recruit at least two people who are good at every aspect. If one of them has something to do temporarily, the other can finish it alone."

After the successful formulation, Tang Mu Cheng and Fang Ruoxin look at each other and smile. They cooperate very well.

"How's it going? Shall we celebrate? " Fang Ruoxin ordered a box in advance, and Tang Mu Cheng took the lead in the past. Outside the box, I met song Yurou, which was beyond their expectation. They wanted to pretend they didn't know each other, but song Yurou grabbed Fang Ruoxin's arm“ Fang Ruoxin, the person beside your pillow is such a person, didn't you think of it? " Song Yurou is really an idiot. Up to now, he still doesn't know that they already know that Gu Xin has a twin brother? How could Yan Chengyu think of using such a stupid person? Fang Ruoxin can't help but look at Song Yurou. He thinks that she is too poor. With her hand, she pushes away song Yurou's hand. She pulls Tang Mucheng away. Song Yurou is unwilling to let go. She follows them and grabs them. She says, "you don't know about Yang Zixi, do you?" The two of them are busy with their online shop. They really haven't contacted Yang Zixi. Looking at their two eyes, song Yurou knew that they didn't know. She laughed arrogantly: "the photo of Yang Zixi sleeping with Wu Fengxian, but it's spread on the Internet. People who care for her family want to sweep her out."“ What? " Tang Mu Cheng was so shocked that he couldn't believe it. Yang Zixi has long fallen in love with Gu xijue. Even for the sake of Yang xibie, it is impossible for her to do such a thing. Is it possible that someone deliberately slandered her and faked these photos“ The picture is real. " Song Yurou sneered.