In this battle, Tang Mu Cheng caught song Yurou by surprise.

But Tang did not regret it.

Because she is really fed up with song Yurou's superiority of showing where she goes. Every time she is relative, she will feel very disgusted. So she did not hesitate to pull out Li Nanyan as a shield.

You block me, I block you, fair.

After getting on the bus, Tang Mu Cheng and Li Nan Yan returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just now.

After driving on the road for about ten minutes, the car suddenly stopped. The silent carriage was finally broken.

"What's going on?"

Li Nan Yan cold calm eyes, stare at her to ask, the eyes have the meaning that can't say.

Tang Mu orange's cheek was slightly hot. He blinked and asked her with a smile, "excuse me, which question are you asking?"


He pointed to her injured hand, and the anger in her eyes Rose.

Tang Mu orange did not notice, slightly naughty smile: "if I say, I accidentally fell, do you believe it?"

Li Nanyan's facial lines are tight: "if not, I can check."

"Well, it's nothing. It's just an accident."

Tang Mu Cheng shrugged his shoulders and said it lightly.

She can't tell Li Nanyan that she fell into such a mess when she was tripped maliciously?

That's a shame.

So, in order to avoid his further questioning, she suddenly changed the topic: "you don't mind what happened just now, do you?"

Li Nan Yan was stunned. She thought of the two words she called him. She was coquettish, and even took the initiative to kiss him. The anger in his eyes could not help but fade away, and his expression became unpredictable.

"Which do you mean? Kiss me without my consent, or pull me as a shield? "

His voice is low and deep, like the tone of cello, there is always a kind of thrilling taste.

Tang Mu Cheng looked at him with an incredible stare. His cheek was as red as blood. It was very attractive.

"Well, you kiss me without my permission, OK? How dare you say that? "

Her complaint of dissatisfaction.

Li Nan Yan raised his eyebrow: "what's the shame? You are my wife, and I kiss you as a matter of course. "

"Is it natural for me to kiss you?"

Tang Mu Cheng couldn't help blurting out.

But as soon as that came out, she regretted it.

How could she say that?

"That's what I said. In that case, we can do more" natural justice "in the future."

Then, suddenly, he leaned over from the driver's seat, holding the window in one hand, and imprisoned her in the co driver's seat. Then, before she could react, he grabbed her beautiful red lips.

He didn't have a good taste of her when he was kissing in front of the public just now, because she was just for acting.

However, she is a rare coquetry to him, that kind of cute look, but has been lingering in his mind, so he would stop half the way, just to taste the sweetness he can't taste enough.

Tang Mu Cheng's head was blank for a moment.

She didn't expect that the man who was still talking to herself the second before, how could he kiss her with a twinkling of an eye.

When she tried to push him away, she found that one hand was injured and the other hand was fixed by him. She could not move, but felt his breath enveloping her.

In this way, two people lingering for a long time, until Tang Mu Cheng thought he would suffocate to death, he finally let her go.

As soon as she was free, she opened her mouth and breathed.

After half a day's breathing, Tang Mu Cheng couldn't help looking at him. His mouth opened again and again. After a long time, he scolded: "Li Nan Yan, you... You sex wolf!"

"You've scolded me for that. Don't you have any new words?"

Li Nan Yan loosened his tie coolly, with a smile on his lips.

Tang Mu Cheng almost didn't come up in one breath. He stared at him for a long time, and suddenly felt that it was an irrational decision to pull him.

This man seems to eat her every time.

This kind of feeling, very bad!

"Bad bastard."

Hold for a long time, she finally hate to hold out this sentence.

Li Nanyan laughed: "thank you for your praise. But I really like your initiative. I almost thought you were going to change your mind and make a promise to me. "

"Who... Who's going to make a pledge to you? Don't put gold on your face."

Tang Mu orange has not yet retired from the red halo, once again deepened.

She's really sorry now.

Regret kissing him!

This man is just like taking the wrong medicine, and she is holding on to it. She really wants to kick him out of the car.

"No? Next time, don't be coquettish and shout "husband", otherwise I thought you didn't pay the debt and wanted to get rid of it. "

Li Nanyan jokingly said that her cool eyes were flashing to amuse her. Tang Mu Cheng's pretty face is even more red. However, it's usually because of his words, but it's usually because of his anger. Why does this man have the ability to annoy her every time? The beautiful Mou made an effort to gouge out his one eye, she hated the way: "rest assured good, owe your debt, I will pay off!"“ That's good. " He crooked his lips, but quickly added: "if you change your mind and want to make a commitment, please let me know at any time."“ Dream about it. " Tang Mu Cheng threw him a white eye. Because in his anger, Tang Mu Cheng did not find that Li Nan Yan seemed to have some changes in some aspects. For example, in the past, he only took a business attitude towards her, but now it's quite different. It's just that he always talks with her in a playful manner, which makes people ignore some important information. Li Nanyan didn't fight with her any more. Anyway, the tofu is tasted and the molestation is over. It's time to get down to business. With a touch of gloom in his eyes, he took the mobile phone beside him and sent a message to yeshaoling, asking her to find out the specific situation of Tang Mu Cheng's injury today. After the hair, he pulled his eyes back to Tang Mu Cheng and suddenly asked, "it's still early. Do you want to go to the cinema?" Suddenly asked, let Tang Mu orange a Leng: "with you?" Li Nan Yan looked a little uneasy and could not help looking out of the window: "who else would you like to talk to?"“ But I've made an appointment with my mother-in-law tonight... "Li Nanyan interrupted her:" she's not free tonight. "“ Did she tell you that? "“ I said it“ Eh? "