"What? Third uncle died?!! What the hell is that

Mercury suddenly jumped up, eyes red, frantically ran out of the waiter's room, a few fists hit on the wall, regardless of the pain on the hand, yelled: "is Dao Wudi the damned old Wang Ba? I'm fighting with him! "

"He's dead!" AI Yuxuan gave a firm answer and finally sighed, "Xiaoqiang, you should calm down first, otherwise how can you tell brother Yu about this?"

"I can't calm down. What about Yue Hualin? Not with him? " Mercury speaks without respect in anger and calls out its name directly.

"Xiaoqiang, calm down!" AI Yuxuan took a deep breath. "I'm just as sad now, but anger will only make us do something wrong. There's a sharbo around you now. Don't let him take the opportunity to target you."

"How dare he! Laozi is in a bad mood now. Whoever dares to cause trouble, Laozi will collapse. What's more, damned ghosts and snakes, let him play tricks! " Mercury exploded completely this time, stomping back and forth in the hallway with red eyes.

AI Yuxuan couldn't persuade mercury, so she had to look at Mu Zhiyan.

Mu Zhiyan immediately realized something, stepped back and shook her head: "I can't do it, don't look for me."

"But no one can make Yin Ziyu quiet except you. Didn't you come back for him?"

Mu Zhiyan face pain, holding his head, tears: "you don't say, if I don't come back, maybe these people will not come to Nancheng, uncle will not die, all is my fault."

Mu Zhiyan, who is full of remorse, squats on the ground with regret. Her thin body is like a rootless duckweed, and she can't find anything to rely on in the undulating sea. Lonely and helpless, it looks pathetic.

"I'll do it."

Christina reaches for her cell phone. Anyway, she has to meet that guy sooner or later. It doesn't matter to communicate in advance.

Bi Shengnan nods, finds Yin Ziyu's number, dials it, and then gives her cell phone to the little princess.

When the mobile phone was connected, there was a rumbling sound. Yin Ziyu's voice was hasty: "goblin, I'll be there in a minute. From a distance, I can see several flashes there. What's the matter? "

It seems that Yin Ziyu also vaguely felt the ominous taste, and asked about the situation as soon as he opened his mouth.

Christina took a deep breath. "I'm Christina, the king's razor. Do you remember me?"

"The little princess of the night eater... Er, that... You..." of course, Yin Ziyu remembers people and eats them on impulse. Can you still pretend you don't know them?

"Our son was killed by Dao Wudi. In fact, there are still half a year left before I can give birth to him..." Christina's words were filled with deep regret, which made Yin Ziyu on the other side of the phone give birth to a cold sweat and recollect with slanting eyes, as if she really forgot to deal with it at the last moment

But the kids are pregnant, As a father, he would not be irresponsible. When he heard that the child had been beaten down by the sword, he suddenly reacted. The fire in his stomach erupted like a volcano: "what a special, damn old bastard! Christina, don't worry. I'll never let him go! I'm on my way back to Nancheng now, and I'll be there in half an hour. "

"Dao Wudi was killed by us." Christina takes a look at BI Shengnan and says the result of the battle.

Yin Ziyu, who was on the other side of the phone, was stunned for a moment and was immediately overjoyed: "really?? Shit!! How powerful

Dao Wudi was killed. This is the good news that he never thought about. It seems that the little princess of the night eater is very powerful. She is the one who knows her best. She didn't expect Christina to go back to the water, so she was directly killed.

"Uncle Yu Qinghuai died together with Dao Wudi, using a bomb." Christina said this and then stopped, quietly waiting for the response on the other side of the phone.

Yin Ziyu was struck by lightning in an instant. His face in the helicopter darkened little by little. The special forces nearby suddenly felt that the temperature in the whole cabin dropped suddenly, and they were restless because of the surging murderous gas from his body.

Take a deep breath, Yin Ziyu's voice passed without any emotion: "let Bi Shengnan listen to the phone."

"I'm here, my dear. I've been there all the time. I'm sorry! It's all my fault. " Bi Shengnan grabbed the mobile phone, afraid that Yin Ziyu was too sad, and tried his best to take responsibility for himself.

"Look for the relics of the third uncle and set up a tomb for him. You kowtow at his grave with me. " Yin Ziyu's tone is flat.

"OK, OK, let's go now."

Bi Shengnan's hand trembles uncontrollably. The more insipid the man's tone is, the more it represents the sadness, pain and anger in his heart. She was distressed and remorseful, and the big, uncontrollable tears trickled down her cheeks.In terms of love, Bi Shengnan is the most desperate one among all women, and he is also unreservedly devoted to Yin Ziyu. She would rather die than let the man she loves suffer. She rushed to the scene of the explosion and didn't even notice that her shoes had run away.

Hang up the phone Yin Ziyu turned to call Song Yi in the past: "virgin mercenary regiment can transfer the number of people at any time?"

Song Yi was stunned for a moment, but immediately replied: "the virgin maiden mercenary regiment has two parts: core members and external members. Most of the core members are the blades of your original flag, while the external members are newly recruited. What do you want to use it for? "

"Africa, I want to wipe out the night eater's nest completely!" Yin Ziyu tone stable, but immediately let Song Yi feel the extraordinary mood.

After frowning, Song Yi is too familiar with her man and immediately asks, "what happened? I have to know the details to help you. "

"The third uncle died and died with the sword." Yin Ziyu took out his cigarette and put it on his mouth. After several strokes of the lighter, he couldn't hit it. His hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Song Yi's heart was pounded by a hammer. The gentle old man died? No wonder yinziyu will suppress the complete madness in peace.

"It's a big deal, maybe it will make the Notre Dame mercenary disappear completely... But I will obey all your decisions. Honey, give me half a day and I'll make the most detailed and reliable plan. " Song Yi's voice became dignified.


Yin Ziyu only said one word and pressed it several times before he pressed the hang up button accurately.

Next to him, someone came to help light his cigarette. Yin Ziyu took a few puffs at random, then took out the phone and called out: "are you there? I have something to do. I need your help. "