Song Yi looked at him coldly. Her pretty face instantly regained her cool temperament. She looked at him faintly and said, "Mr. Tang, if you are here to talk business, I can ignore your existence. But if you want to provoke me, you'd better consider clearly that there is nothing between us except gratitude and resentment. "

Tang xiaoleng for a moment, not give up the way: "Xiaoyi, how can you say that, you forget our previous pledge and happiness together?"

Looking at Song Yi's icy face, he doubted the previous determination for the first time in his heart, and said: "there are countless memories between us, and you have never found a boyfriend for me. Why, just because I came back, you just wronged yourself and found a security guard to prevaricate. Xiaoyi... "


Just when Tang Xiao wanted to talk, Song Yi threw the pear out of the table and interrupted him. Tang Xiao turned and dodged, looking gloomy.

On the other side, Song Yi stood up with her chest in her arms and said indifferently, "Tang Xiao, a famous wall grass in European mercenary circles, works for three companies, mainly engaged in the business of reselling trade secrets, and is a notorious information dealer in the industry. Because he was caught selling trade secrets last month, he was forced to come to Nancheng of Central Plains to complete the task. "

Tang Xiao's face changed greatly. He stepped back and his voice trembled: "you... How do you..."

Song Yi continued: "your mercenary level is not in line with the task you completed, so I believe that you used money to get the task. We have been making corresponding adjustments to this point. Mercenaries like you should clear up the mercenary team in time. Besides, I don't care what your task is, if it endangers the people around me or... "

Turned to look at the room on the second floor: "hurt the person I love, I will kill you without hesitation. I have the strength! "

With all this, Song Yi no longer cares about Tang Xiao, who is already pale. She steps up the stairs to find Yin Ziyu. The so-called pregnancy is not only to deal with Tang Xiao, but also to give my father a strong warning. Since Song Yi has decided to be Yin Ziyu's woman, there will be no change. If you don't know the current situation, your daughter can only deal with the people you care about.

After listening to the end of the conversation outside, song Zongzhi came out full of expectation, but he saw Tang Xiao who was out of his wits. Puzzled to go up to ask, found that his forehead is full of cold sweat.

"What's the matter, Tang? Where is Xiaoyi? "

Tang Xiao wiped his sweat and stammered: "boss song, it suddenly occurred to me that there are other things I haven't dealt with. I'll go first. Come back later. "

With that, he left in a hurry. Later, song Zongzhi chased him out in a hurry. He even called out twice, "eat before you go" and didn't keep anyone. It was as if the mouse suddenly saw the cat and had the feeling of running away in a hurry.

In fact, Yin Ziyu didn't really change his clothes. Instead, he sat in Song Yi's room and smoked. Song Yi's boudoir decoration is as simple as in the past, with a simple table, two cabinets and a bookshelf. Then there's the pink bed and the pink dresser.

The bookshelf is full of books, but there is no one about business marketing. Yin Ziyu looks at it curiously. It's almost all about how to love and how to keep love fresh. What makes Yin Ziyu speechless is that there is an unfinished book on the shelf with a wonderful title - "how to make your boyfriend willing to be close to you.".

There are other books like this? After reading it, I find that it's full of nonsense, but Song Yi has drawn a lot of horizontal lines on it. There are also a lot of marks and experiences, and she has drawn the key points in many places.

Looking carefully, I saw a very wonderful argument: "do you want to have the most harmonious relationship with your boyfriend? Want to have the best experience with your boyfriend in the best time? Exchange it, to exchange experience, when you feel different feelings, you will understand the true meaning of love

Yin Ziyu really wants to tear up this book, and finally understands why Song Yi asked Lin Fang for money to exchange experience. It turns out that it's all about this book.

When the door opened, Song Yi came in and saw Yin Ziyu looking at the book. She sat beside him and said, "do you think it makes sense?"

"The truth of fart! I believe he's a ghost. " Yin Ziyu rolled his eyes. This kind of broken book is purely written to deceive people. It can only deceive those boys and girls who have never been in love. Who can believe that Song Yi, a high-ranking boss of an enterprise, will also superstitiously believe that this kind of junk books can only be put out in newsstands and airport bookstores where one book may not be sold in three years.

Aunt song still wanted to talk. Suddenly, a slight muffled sound came from outside, "poof --"

It's like someone hit a ball of cotton with his fist, but the sound is very slight.

However, it was this dull noise that made Yin Ziyu's face change suddenly. He held Song Yi in his arms and fell under the window. His face solemnly told him: "don't move here, there are snipers!"After that, he opened the window and flew out. In mid air, his left hand razor shot out fiercely, and stabbed it to one side of the wall. Yin Ziyu pulled hard, and the super alloy thread took him to move the vertical ruler in mid air.

Even if a sniper takes aim at him, this strange dodge can also ensure that the other side is unexpected.

In the process of moving horizontally, Yin Ziyu has seen everything in front of the song's mansion. Tang Xiao, who left just now, fell to the ground in blood, and no one could be seen around.

The bodyguards hidden in Song's mansion didn't realize it was wrong until they found that the visitor fell to the ground. Hastily armed gathered around the mansion, vigilant observation around.

Yin Ziyu's face was dignified, and he fell to the ground with his razor. He couldn't feel any lethality. The sniper actually shot back, indicating that the target was not on him at all.

His eyes immediately looked at Tang Xiao. At this time, two bodyguards ran to check him. They looked at him dignified and shook their heads.

Yin Ziyu walks over with a gloomy face and pulls Tang Xiao's body over. He finds that his heart goes through his chest, and his blood is flowing out like a fountain. Tang Xiao's throat is clucking, his body is twitching in the conditioned reflex, and his pupils are spreading. Tianwang Laozi can't save him.

Ma De, he was killed in the Song family. Is it someone who deliberately framed him?

Yin Ziyu's mind flashed countless thoughts like electricity, and immediately told other bodyguards: "call the police, protect the scene, send a few people to protect the three members of the Song family, I'll check."

After that, he rushed to the southwest quickly. According to the sound he heard just now and the direction of the bullet Tang Xiao encountered before he died, the other party might be here