Liu Yunting clenched her lips. She was angry, uncomfortable and moved. She loved and hated this dilapidated man. She couldn't tell what she felt.

There are a lot of reluctant, there are a lot of resentment, knowing that because of his reasons, she is left in the cold in her future husband's home, and she is stubborn and unwilling to repent of her marriage. The road she chooses, even if she is biting her teeth, will go on.

But the inner loss is really blowing her empty heart, knowing that from now on, everything has to be borne by herself, no longer able to accept the man's care and love, he has gradually become someone else's.

Uncontrollable tears rush to the eyes, Liu Yunting biting her lips hard to stop crying, and then looking at him hard, to hear what he will say in front of the microphone.

Yin Ziyu walked onto the stage, took the microphone and looked at the scene. Only then did he find that there were several layers above his head, and there were guests on each layer, all of them were watching himself.

After a dry cough, Yin Ziyu knocked on the microphone and let the loudspeaker make a harsh sound. He touched his nose and said, "we have a common home called Mu Xian Xuan. Everyone who comes out of there is a family. We just saved it a few days ago and are in the process of renovating it. It's the last harbor for everyone. Every family member is welcome to come back when they are free. "

This sentence comes out, including Liu Ma, who is standing at the back, her whole body trembles with excitement. Liu Yunting finally burst into tears. Standing in the crowd, mingxin'er also covers her mouth. Her bright eyes are twinkling with surprise. Liu Yun and Qianqian embrace happily in the distance.

For all the people who used to live in the garden house, this news is undoubtedly the most exciting. That's the last barrier between them. As long as it's there, home is there.

Everyone did not expect that Yin Ziyu would say these words, and they did not understand what he meant. They looked at each other suspiciously and did not know what to say.

Yin Ziyu continued to murmur to himself: "I don't want to say anything else. I hope my sister has a light in the dark and an umbrella in the rain. If not, I'll kill him and get it for you. "

Liu Yunting cried out and rushed out to Yin Ziyu's arms. There was a round of applause. In other people's eyes, this is the most sincere friendship between brother and sister.

And many people will naturally take a look at this girl after they know that she is the sister of the Cowman. Li's father and son, of course, recognized the strong threat in Yin Ziyu's words and turned blue with anger. They could not attack in public, so they could only hold the fire.

Song Yi, of course, can see the attitude of Li's father and son. In private, she asks Qian Linfang. Qian Linfang nods and goes to a remote place to make a phone call.

This kind of petty people value interests most, and at the same time they are afraid of offending others. As long as we teach them a lesson in private, Li De'an should not risk offending large enterprises to let his daughter-in-law be wronged.

This point must be made clear to him. If you marry this girl, your family will have to give it to me. If there is any grievance, it's not only Yin Ziyu, but all the people in your family will have a hard time with him.

Yin Ziyu patted Liu Yunting's head and said with a smile: "you girl, you are getting married soon. How can you still cry. Go back, or you'll have to make up again. "

Liu Yunting tried her best to bite her lips, as if she had summoned up her last courage. She came to Yin Ziyu's ear and said, "Yin Ziyu, would you like me? If you like, I can mix now and learn from Mu Zhiyan. "

Yin Ziyu released his hand like an electric shock, quickly retreated to the distance and said with a bitter smile, "don't use it. Go back quickly. I'm leaving now. "

"You cruel man, I hate you!" Liu Yunting stomps back and sees Li Guanghao with an iron face.

To tell the truth, Li Guanghao likes Liu Yunting from the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, he can't pursue Liu Yunting for such a long time. He knows that there are others in her heart who still insist on not giving up.

"You are my woman, you can never think of others again!" Li Guanghao hugged Liu Yunting in the past. Although his voice was small, he could almost hear the voice of his grinding teeth.

Yin Ziyu went down, and he had made up his mind not to stay for a long time. And there are a lot of men around looking at Liu Yun uncontrollably. If it wasn't for his existence, I'm afraid that this woman would not have known who had sent her to the golden house.

Mad, look at that!

Yin Ziyu glared and swept around, which made some people withdraw their eyes. At the beginning, someone kicked Gao Yamen in the emerald paradise, but it has been widely known for a long time. In the end, Gao yamen didn't do anything about him. This is the first day in Nancheng. It's said that even the master of Shen family in the capital was beaten by him. So far, he can't find his daughter-in-law. Who dares to meet this misfortune?Liu Ma hesitated behind for a long time, wanted to go up to express her thanks, but didn't know how to open her mouth. Although she doesn't have much culture, she has experienced too much, suffered too much and watched too much coldness in her life. It can be seen that Yin Ziyu is just trying to help their mother and daughter. Now she has nothing left in her heart but gratitude.

Under the loud announcement of the emcee, the banquet finally officially began. The dynamic music also resounded in the hall, and countless people began to dance on the dance floor. Li Guanghao also took Liu Yunting's little hand into the dance floor, causing a lot of applause.

Yin Ziyu walked freely to the corner and lit a cigarette with a smile. A popular song just rings in my ear, and the song floats to my ear. I admit that no one is who, and there is still an end to the life left. This song is just like the story between him and Liu Yunting. Even though the two lines intersect each other and the direction is different, no one can recover it. It's not like letting go and watching each other go away.

From then on, I wish you peace of mind and warm sunshine.

As soon as he vomited a puff of smoke, Yin Ziyu suddenly felt a shock all over his body, his scalp exploded instantly, and his muscles contracted uncontrollably, as if he had been closely watched by a poisonous snake.

Suddenly looked up, on the top of the third floor, a man in a suit with a board inch was staring at himself coldly. The original snow-white beard had been shaved, even the hair had been dyed black, and the long knife on his back had disappeared, but the sharp eyes and sharp momentum made Yin Ziyu's blood rush.

The sword is invincible!!!

Yin Ziyu's heart is beating wildly. This old ghost really dares to kill him. Don't you know that the special forces are casting a big net to catch him? How did he come here in disguise? Who's behind him