Bored, Yin Ziyu finally looks forward to Mu Tianxi's call again. This time, Mu Tianxi's attitude is different from the past. With surprise and anger in his voice, he suppresses his anger and says: "Yin Ziyu, the situation has changed. More than 20 sects that announced the closure of the mountain suddenly announce the opening of the mountain again. Moreover, Mu Tianxi's clear attitude supports Dao invincible, and has the posture of confrontation with the special forces. I think it's a bad signal. At least there should be something wrong with these sects. Otherwise, there will be no sudden change of attitude. "

Yin Ziyu was surprised: "which schools?"

"Sanhua sect, Diling sect, Xiangnan eighteen legs sect, Tiangou sect..." Mu Tianxi read more than 20 sects in one breath, and the more he said, the more angry he became. "These sects seem to be hypnotized suddenly, but they are suddenly tough, and the difference between them is like changing people."

Yin Ziyu's eyes suddenly changed. After pondering for a long time, he said, "have you ever asked why?"

Mu Tianxi shook his head: "they refused to talk at all, and the phone was hacked. I think they either took the wrong medicine, or someone negotiated terms with them in private, which they could not refuse. "

"What conditions do they have? To help them become a great school of Wulin? Or give them enough money to create new industries? It's not realistic. " Yin Ziyu immediately denies the latter. He knows the Central Plains Wulin very well. All the sects seem to be united and help each other. In fact, they are stingy in private. Moreover, the sects are very strict. There is little communication in martial arts between them, and it is impossible to watch each other grow bigger. No school, including Shaolin, Wudang and Emei, has such spirit.

If it is outside people, there should be no need to participate in this matter, who will be silly to offend the special forces?

Long breath, since you can't guess, there's no need to guess. Yin Ziyu's attitude in this respect is quite calm: "wait and see the change, don't make any reaction. I suspect that this is a deliberate attack. Let's focus on those small sects to cover up their real purpose. Mu Tianxi, it's right for you to stare at Shaolin and Wudang. Are the high altitude UAVs ready? "

Mu Tianxi nodded as if he had found the backbone. Mu Xianghui, who was close to him, also recognized and knocked on the table: "he's right. Without the support of Shaolin and Wudang, other sects would never dare to do this. Just keep an eye on them. "

Yin Ziyu quickly added: "of course, what should be done still needs to be done. Put up a pageantry pain of cutting one's body and official account. Whenever we investigate the incident of the Wulin secular secular industry, we must publicize it through the media and the public number. We can not get news. In short, the problems will be destroyed by a single stick, so that they will never turn over, so that they will be afraid and feel the pain.

Brother Mu Tianxi looked at each other and felt that it was a teacher who called me. Fortunately, Yin Ziyu is on his own side. That guy's bad moves are endless. The key is that he is reasonable and legal, and you have no temper.

People in the Wulin value reputation most, so I'll pick your key. Once you find out that you have a problem, it's overwhelming to tear up your reputation completely. Among other things, the official disclosure of bad events is a stain you can hardly hide. No matter how many coats you give yourself, it's useless.

Any move will go straight into your heart, and your mouth will kill you. Yin Ziyu is so cruel.

Mu Tianxi coughed twice and immediately arranged according to Yin Ziyu's statement.

For a few days, the efficiency of the special forces was also very high. Soon, through the official account and website, several of the Wulin sects were exposed and processed, and the news was even more news. If it wasn't for a few sects and related industries, they would have made headlines.

In fact, this kind of thing is just a little thing that ordinary people forget at a glance, but it's really a fatal blow to these sects. Apart from the fact that the sect's reputation has completely become the opposite, the secular industry has also been abolished.

In today's society, once it is exposed by the media, and there is no corresponding effective public relations, it is also a matter of minutes to stink.

At the same time, Shaolin Yunhai and Wudang Tianyun once again started video chat through the Internet. They are not idle, but have to discuss the need.

A lot of things accumulate together, it is difficult for a person to make up his mind. Shaolin Yunhai sighed and said to Wudang Tianyun in the mobile video, "do you think it's really meaningful for us to do these things? Is it that we are all pushed to a dead end

Wudang Tianyun sneered: "I've been forced to a dead end for a long time. We call it survival of the Jedi. Hua Yuexian and Dao Wudi are both forced to the edge of the cliff. If we don't help, this Wulin will really exist in name. Don't talk nonsense, I'll tell you a happy thing. "

Shaolin cloud sea sighed: "I just saw the news that at least five sects have suffered, and the secular industry has been completely destroyed. What a happy event.""There are twists and turns before I succeed in anything, but no one can expect anything in the middle. For example, I just received a great news today." Shaolin Yunhai shakes a pile of documents in his hand from the video, and laughs with his beard raised. "The 20 sects who quit the Wulin alliance before were reunited and rejoined our alliance. He also volunteered and took the lead in the front line of confrontation. You said, "is this good news?"

Shaolin cloud sea is much calmer than Wudang sky cloud. At first I feel very happy, but then I frown.

This kind of thing can't stand scrutiny at all. Every sect will think about its own future. How can it do everything possible to gamble on the future of its own sect for other people's affairs?

What's more, the leaders of these 20 schools have different personalities. They are originally prickly, and they don't listen to the greetings in the Wulin alliance. How could they suddenly change their attitude the day after the closure? There must be something unexpected.

"How did you get the news? Who has the power to bring them back together? "

"You may not believe it. It's a young and beautiful girl. In fact, you've seen her before." Wudang Tianyun smiles, with some unexpected smell on his face, "remember Luo Luowan?"

Shaolin cloud sea accident Leng next: "I heard that she was in the special forces by the public trial, has been life imprisonment, this life can't come out."

"It's her posterity. Although the girl has been calling herself Bi Shengnan, my old man is not so stupid. I've sent someone to inquire about her. Her name is Luo Xiaolin, a woman who has completely inherited Luo Luowan's ridiculous skills." Wudang Tianyun smiles in contempt