Although did not expect here ambush the air bomb, Song Yi also has been extremely ahead of time.

After hearing this, everyone was in great spirits. Mu'en looked at her with emotion, and suddenly felt like standing beside the "Princess" and obeying her orders. And this kind of feeling is extremely strong, although the temperament is different, Song Yi shows the demeanor, but slowly has let him admire the courage.

I can also see the rapid growth and efforts of this woman all the time. She is the legendary "Virgin Mary" in the mercenary circle, the backstage controller of the "razor glory" Hotel, the newly rising leader of the "Princess guard", plus the title of the first beauty of Nancheng and the chairman of Jinghuang group. In fact, Song Yi's achievements have surpassed those of many strong mercenaries.

Although she may not have high fighting capacity, who can say that a person with low fighting capacity is not a strong one?

In addition to being proficient in assassination, Hades is actually a frail old man who can be killed by an ordinary hooligan in front of him. But it is still the super existence that makes the whole world famous, and the great God always occupies the first place in the list of gods.

Mu'en will take a deep breath, and his attitude towards Song Yi has changed qualitatively. Tone also took a respectful tone: "now also know their position?"

"Gone. Or maybe it's avoiding my monitoring. " Song Yi shook his head. "Their anti reconnaissance ability is very strong. In addition to the way of dispersing and alienating the crowd on all sides, they also chose some high-altitude locations that can't be monitored. They are very sensitive to avoid all possible monitoring directions, and they also randomly evade the vehicles and people in the same direction. It seems that they are all experts in this field. But I can roughly guess the specific location and direction... "

Song Yishen pointed to the West and said firmly: "it should be the direction of several provinces in the West. It's a pity that I can't judge the speed of the other party's action. This is the direction I need to work hard next. "

"You've done enough." Yin Ziyu pats Song Yi's shoulder in praise. Although there are still some doubts in the mold, he orders decisively, "contact mercury and Skywalker group, and take us to the West as soon as possible. If possible, let the other side get ready early. "

"Also inform the special team, after all, the second elder of Yan Family and the brothers of Chang family are there, so don't waste the resources you can use." Zhong Wei added.

"You go first. I'll meet someone." Yin Ziyu threw away his cigarette butts and looked at the bright white fish belly in the East. "I'll catch up with you in two hours."

In the single ward of senior nursing department of Nancheng first hospital, Mu Xianghui was still in a coma.

Although after emergency rescue, but also out of danger, but he has always been in a coma. Because of the severe damage to the heart, the whole body function also encountered a huge crisis, many organs need equipment to maintain, and the oxygen tube in the nostril has never been pulled out.

Wang Tong has been taking care of her for two days and three nights, and her whole body has become haggard. The business of feicui paradise is all handed over to the acting manager. No matter who tries to persuade her, she insists on staying in front of the hospital bed and never leaves.

Although it is said that her marriage is also a marriage of interests, and Mu Xianghui runs outside all day and seldom goes home, Wang Tong always thinks that she is married to love and loves the man who hardly goes home.

They can only chat on wechat all day long, with few videos. Because the husband also needs to accept other people's letters, obey the orders of the superior, or when he suddenly does not return the information, that is, he has received an urgent task.

Such a day she can endure, but also willing to endure the loneliness of alone empty room. The only thing that makes her uneasy is that the industry Mu Xianghui is engaged in is really dangerous. Every day he deals with thugs who are likely to hurt people at any time. Fear is the most torture.

Many nights, she would sit up in a cold sweat and dream that her husband was seriously injured. Every time she confides such worries to her husband, Mu Xianghui will smile indifferently and dissuade her from thinking.

In this sunny country, the vast majority of people are full of sunshine and positive energy, everyone is running towards happiness, there are so many dangers to speak of.

However, less than half a year after marriage, her husband entered the emergency room and struggled for nine hours on the verge of death, lying on the hospital bed, never responding to her call.

Wipe away tears, the table with a friend sent meals, Wang Tong has no appetite.

A pair of hands on her shoulder, familiar voice from the top of the head: "sorry, I should come with."

"Ah Wang Tong quickly stood up and looked back to see Yin Zi's guilty eyes. "I can probably guess who the killer is, but that's what happened later. What did the doctor say? "

Wang Tong grasped Yin Ziyu's hand, as if the drowning man saw the straw and said eagerly: "Yin Ziyu, the doctor said that he is not good, his physical vitality is declining slowly, and his heart is recovering very slowly. I know you're very good. I beg you. As long as you save him, I'll do anything for you. "Then he would kneel down and be held by Yin Ziyu.

"It's all a family. I will do what I can." Yin Ziyu sat by the bed and pulled Mu Xianghui's hand. Wang Tong watched carefully, for fear that his face would become bad.

Yin Ziyu pondered for a moment. Yungong stayed in Mu Xianghui's chest for a long time. After sweating slightly on his forehead, he gently closed his palms and took a look at the haggard Wang Tong: "I used my internal power to protect his heart. I used my internal power to run in his body for several weeks. I didn't have to worry about his physical vitality within three days. I have something to do for the time being. When I come back, I'll bring my master with me. He will certainly be able to do what I can't do. "

Wang Tong nodded, his eyes shed tears again, and rushed to Yin Ziyu's arms to cry.

It's not only because she is familiar with Yu Shangtian, but also because Yin Ziyu treats her as her family. No matter the attitude of speaking, the degree of sincerity, or the kind of unreserved dedication, it's really just the feeling of family members.

Yin Ziyu patted her on the back: "take care of him and wait for me to come back."

"What's going on? Why hurt people but not be punished? What is brother Tianxi doing? " Wang Tong stomach has countless questions, other people do not know, will not tell her, also only in the face of Yin Ziyu can wanton to ask.

"I don't know for the moment. You can rest assured that I will give you and Mu Xianghui an explanation." Yin Ziyu went to the door to light a cigarette, and suddenly looked back at Wang Tong. "I went abroad for mu Zhiyan, but she didn't want to come back with me. He took a fancy to the local official and adopted a lovely little girl. I have nothing to say but wish her a happy life. "