Nick leaped forward with great strength, and the blade left a bloodstain on his back. After landing, Nick rolled several meters with the giant girl in his arms, jumped up and ran to the mountain.

The bloodstain on the back has stopped bleeding under the super fast recovery speed, but I can still hear the footsteps coming closer and closer. The shock in Nick's heart can't be further enhanced. This time he absorbed the essence and blood of the female giant. He is confident that his strength is no less than that of the great deacon. But even so, he still can't find the courage to fight with Mu en. Is it because of the war song he sings?

If it goes on like this, it's impossible to escape. Nick immediately throws the giant to one side. His speed is improved again, and he rushes up the mountain like a meteor.

Muen company will immediately stop to hold the giant, take out the signal bomb from his waist to buckle the trigger, a bright colored bomb whistling up into the sky, and then hear a fighter flying fast in the direction.

The hanging heart is finally put back in his stomach. Mu'en is always afraid that Nick will hurt his sister. He can only act in the opposite way and show that he doesn't care about his sister's life. As expected, Nick is misunderstood.

Seeing that his plane had come to the top of his head, mu'en took the broad back sword to catch up with him. This time, he said that he would never let Nick go. The people of the moon worship court would never help the devil to improve his strength. No matter they chased him to the ends of the earth, they would never stop until they killed him.


When the car stopped at the foot of the mountain, Yin Ziyu came out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked up at the helicopter whistling overhead, squinting and spitting out smoke: "mad, how can I use an armed helicopter to catch a jerk?"

The cigarette ends were twisted out on the roof of the car. Yin Ziyu walked up the grass that had been knocked down by the footprints. Two automatic pistols came to the left and right hands. This time, he came in person to end the dark count's business.

I've been here for a long time. It's time to go back to Nancheng.

Pa Pa!!

The two shots appeared almost at the same time, and then they thought that they had never been fighting.

Yin Ziyu raised his eyebrows, pinched his chin strangely and muttered: "the helicopter is in the northeast, but the gunshot is from the northwest. What's the ghost?"

Yizi stopped the count of darkness's bullet with one shot. Both sides had been fighting for ten minutes. It was not Yizi's caprice, but she wanted to defeat him with overwhelming strength in the most proud aspect of the other side.

Every killer has his own pride, when you destroy his self-confidence, it is to kill the killer. Otherwise, even if you break his wrist, the killer will come up with 10000 ways to prove that he is OK. Because she's the same person herself.

Zhong Wei always stood in the same place, neither dodging nor afraid, so his eyes were staring at the location of the bullet. He slowly put a powerful bow in his hand, and the silver balls on the bow were neatly inlaid on the frame, ready to go.

Ten minutes later, the count of darkness finally got rid of the bullet in his hand. He angrily dropped his gun on the ground and was ready to lead the three men to the last trap he had set.

"Is the show over? Take care of our accounts. " Zhong Wei's words have been switched to English, and his tone has become gloomy and terrifying. "At the beginning, you were my most trusted friend, but you pushed my wife and daughter into the pit of fire. When I found them, I was tortured out of shape."

Speaking of this, Zhong Wei's tone became sharp. He came forward with a murderous voice, raised his right hand, and aimed his powerful bow at the head of the count of darkness: "they are just a weak woman of 22 years old and a four-year-old girl. How can you bear it?"

The count of darkness was shocked and turned back slowly, as if he recognized the identity of Zhong Wei: "you are not dead..."

Zhong Wei sneered: "thanks to you, it took me two years to heal my wounds. It's a pity that I didn't want me and met you shameless bastard here again."

The count of darkness suddenly raised his head. The helicopter wings roared from a distant place. The corner of his mouth suddenly raised with pride: "so what, you still can't help me. Flower bee, your biggest advantage is heavy commitment, the biggest disadvantage is too heavy commitment, you such a fool I don't use, isn't it too wasteful

"You shouldn't hurt my family!" Zhong Wei's face was ferocious, and his wrist rang. A silver ball was ejected out, which immediately covered all the Dodge space of the dark count.

Boom, boom!!

There was another thunderbolt in the explosion. The count of darkness didn't expect to see him for several years. The man he always looked down upon invented such a terrible and sharp weapon. Although he hid behind the nearest tree, he was still numb by the scattered electric current.

In the twinkling of an eye, he felt a heavy blow on his face and rolled out in a daze. Then he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He saw that Zhong Wei had a razor in his hand and put his ankle through."Ah!" Dark Earl's eyes were splitting with pain. He kicked out and found that Zhong Wei was still holding his right hand to resist. He tried several times to find out that his left arm should have been seriously injured before and immediately kicked at the key point on his left.

Zhong Wei calmly resisted with one arm. He grabbed the handle of the razor with his left hand and turned around. The blood burst out in the darkness. The count screamed like a pig. He kicked Zhong Wei on the shoulder with a crazy kick. The two men rolled down to both sides at the same time.

Count dark was holding his ankle and sweating profusely. Just now, Zhong Wei used the razor to turn that circle and almost broke all the blood vessels and nerves around the wound. He cut the ligament in half. The pain in his heart made him furious and resentful. He suddenly pulled out the razor and threw it aside. His whole body trembled with pain. He took out a small bottle from his pocket and poured all the powder onto the wound, But still can't stop the blood running, also let his heart sink.

Absolutely can't delay time here, must evacuate immediately!

The count of darkness knew that there was a terrible gun master hidden in the dark. Fortunately, the man was more rigid and always dealt with himself according to the rules of the killer world. Otherwise, he would have run for his life. How dare he fight with Zhong Wei here.

When they met in the mercenary world a few years ago, they soon became close friends. They supported each other during the war. One was excellent at shooting, the other was fantastic. They could always stir up something new but extremely useful. In a short time, they made a name for themselves. But just because of this, their choices for the future are different. The dark Earl likes to be alone, only thinking about money and the status of killers. However, Zhong Wei plans to transfer most of his energy to love and family, and even plans to swim in the current.

This kind of performance makes the count of darkness extremely angry. He thinks that flower bee's spineless choice originates from two women. Therefore, taking advantage of the opportunity of Huafeng's mission to go out, he charmed the two women and sent them to a group of extravagant and lustful roughs in the mercenary paradise