Yin Ziyu didn't expect that Mu Zhiyan would say such words. After a moment of stupefaction, she looked complicated and took out a cigarette to light it: "Xiaoyan, it's been a year since I left. I miss you very much..."

Mu Zhiyan nose a sour almost cry out, but still stubborn bite tight teeth silent.

Yin Ziyu continued: "in fact, I've been looking for you all the time and never stopped. I'm glad to see you in San Diego, but I didn't expect you to react so strongly... "

"Shut up, stop it!" Mu Zhiyan turns her head.

"Well, I won't say. I know I owe you and I can't make it up. Since you hate me so much, I have nothing to say. It is better to forget each other than to help each other. Xiaoyan, take care of yourself. I'm going! "

After that, Yin Ziyu turned and strode away, never looking back from the beginning to the end, as if she had made up her mind not to disturb her life.

This time it's Mu Zhiyan's turn to be in a daze. Looking back, she happens to see the scene of that guy driving away. When she pesters herself, she feels disgusted. She really wants to empty her heart when she leaves. She chases after her two steps, tears rolling in her eyes.

This big fool, don't you know that women always say the opposite when they have a bad temper? My heart to stir up again, but walk away, you irresponsible big bastard!

Mu Zhiyan lost to go back, left in the hand of the head only Yin Ziyu to his that Douding size of the so-called Shenguo pulp.

That guy's things should not be bad, Mu Zhiyan back to the child to take. Then for three consecutive days, every noon, she went to the monastery to visit her children, had a vegetarian lunch, and then went back to the tea house to continue working.

But these three days, she was always in a daze. She felt that Yin Ziyu was by her side. She searched every corner but couldn't find anyone. After being disappointed again and again, Mu Zhiyan became depressed again.

I can't say I regret it, but I feel that I can't settle down to do things. I'm always distracted unconsciously. My mind is in a mess, and I can't sleep safely.

It's time to let go. Why?

Mu Zhiyan forces herself to do what she should do and forces herself to be busy. Life is your own. You can't mess with yourself because of a passer-by in your life.

This is what Duan Moli, the master of emotion, said in his works, but he didn't know that his life path had changed from the moment he saw Yin Ziyu. She resisted the arranged marriage of the family and ran away bravely at the wedding scene, which were all her struggles not to yield to fate.

Maybe it's stubborn, maybe it's because there's a person in my heart who can't be replaced any more.

In that case, just like the previous plan, never go back. Although the place in the Central Plains is the hometown of her dreams, it also brings her too much hurt and loss.

No matter the hierarchical family or the newly established Nancheng, it's all my memories. It's good to be in this place. You can run your own teahouse, read books in your spare time, and then go to the monastery to see your adopted baby. If you are lucky enough to meet a man with the same ideals, and you can forget everything in the past, it's a new life.

Today, according to the usual practice, after work in the morning, Mu Zhiyan still put on her simple clothes and rode to the monastery.

Today is a good day. A rich man contacted the monastery and claimed that he was willing to support these poor children, including their life and studies, until they graduated from university.

Despite the so-called high welfare in Europe, many middle-income and low-income people can hardly maintain their basic livelihood after the solidification of social hierarchy, and the local government is even less willing to spend so much money to take care of their feelings. As a result, the money really spent on these poor children is also very small. Eating is a problem, let alone education.

It's rare for a rich person to be willing to help these poor children. Mu Zhiyan and nuns are very happy. They have made an appointment to take the children to meet this kind philanthropist at noon.

Riding a bicycle to the monastery, I saw a car parked at the gate, and several trucks gathered at the gate. A group of workers in uniform were carrying in boxes of toys, clothes and daily necessities, and more books, which almost filled the whole yard.

There is a sense of deja vu, Mu Zhiyan did not think about it, then anxiously went in.

The children did not sleep, excited chirp in toys and all kinds of clothes to choose between, more is to find their favorite books. One by one malnourished face with the expectation of future life.

I can't help but be excited. The philanthropist claimed that he would be fully responsible for their basic necessities of life, including medical care and education. He was just like an angel sent by God to save these poor homeless children.Mu Zhiyan quickly stops her bike and runs in with her bag. As the children's compulsory guardian, she has the responsibility to express her gratitude on behalf of the children. The nuns in the monastery are very old. The youngest is over 60 years old. Besides taking care of the children, Mu Zhiyan often takes care of the old nuns. After a long time, she is like a pillar of the family. She takes care of both the old and the young. She is not at ease if she doesn't come for a day.

All the way from the door, saw so many things in the yard, Mu Zhiyan is also a discerning person, Nike ADI brand sportswear box by box here, just like no money.

It's easy to say that medical equipment and fitness equipment, including various hardcover books and matching electronic and modern technology supplies, all need money.

According to other people's opinions, they will also tailor their own development prospects for each child, hire private tutors, and report various specialty classes for children. In a word, that rich man is just like trying to cultivate his own children. He spends money like water, and he doesn't report it to any media or magazine. He doesn't even disclose his name. He's definitely not a local tyrant who wants to show his sense of existence.

Mu Zhiyan went inside and saw a group of nuns smiling around a person. The man turned his back to the door. Most of his body was blocked by the nuns, but the outline was somewhat familiar, and he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Mu Zhiyan went up, and a nun quickly gave him a way. She said with a smile, "Mila, you've come just in time. Come and see Mr. king, who is going to help the children to graduate from university."

Mu Zhiyan hurried up and said in fluent English, "thank you, dear sir. I'd like to pay high respect to you for all the children. As an individual, I admire you most for your generosity and love. "

"Oh? Is it? You think I'm good? " The man looked back and laughed